I was reading about the current Flood situation in Victoria and found the following website that details current Murray River heights & flow rates. http://www.mdba.gov.au/water/live-river-data
Given that they released some water from Menindee Lakes into SA, Menindee is currently at 94% full and Lake Victoria is at 73% full....will the Victorian flood waters that is near Echuca, reach the Murray mouth ?
The latest report from Vic SES is stating
"....Echuca / Moama - reach 94 metres (AHD) around 15/9/10 with moderate rural
flooding - note river levels will be close to the peak
for several days before the maximum level is recorded...."
But more rain is forcast in the catchement area.
Personally I think multiple lagoons, Lake Bonney, etc, etc will absorb the water before it reaches the Mouth. Hopefully it will mean a lift of the irrigation restrictions for the farmers along the river.
What do others think ?
I sincerly hope so, need to clear out the murray and restore some water reserves
yeah and fix up the mulloway fishing down here :-D
Guys, the good news is that the rivers that flow thru to the Murray are in minor flood Murrumbidgee, Lachlan etc. The storages for the Murrumbidgee are at or over 80% full, there is more rain on the way & the snows (the best in many years) have not melted yet. This end of the system is saturated, so all rain that falls is run off (even the bike path I ride to work on is covered with water). Creeks are flowing that haven't for years. They are even talking about re-activating some of the plants that were closed because of the drought. So all up I think they could be right - the Murray will start flowing out the the sea again. I just hope that they don't stop planning for the next drought. Its so good to see the country re-juvinated again & the people around here so happy. Just wish the grass would stop growing :wink:
I'm all for more mulloway !!!!
At least the water from the SA South East will assist the Coorong now, without waiting for the Vic Flood waters to arrive.
Five billion litres for Coorong
River Murray's SA blessing - at Victoria's cost
And the bund between Lake Albert and Alexandrina is being partially open next week. Personally, I hope when they start to dig the wall away the pressure from Lake Alex wil collapse the whole lot and fill Lake Albert. What a joke the whole situation has been. Glorified Uni students called Poloticians have no idea.
PS: Nothing against Uni students - they actually are pro active to get things done.
From what was being said on ABC radio ADAM the whole BUND is coming down and will not be replaced......
Can see the headlines now "Fishing returns to Meningie" not to mention the sailing,water skiing etc :-D
Sounds good to me....
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on September 11, 2010, 08:47:34 AM
From what was being said on ABC radio ADAM the whole BUND is coming down and will not be replaced......
Definently only a 100m breach, albeit we reckon the whole lot will be forced down once they put a small break in it! ABC has aired wrong information the past week. For now, only a small portion will be removed, not the entire bund. Machinery arrived yesterday on site for works to start today or tomorrow.
source: http://www.ses.sa.gov.au/site/home.jsp (http://www.ses.sa.gov.au/site/home.jsp)
Elevated water levels in the River Murray below Lock 1
Issued: 2pm, 21 September 2010
This flow advice is information about future flows and associated risks. This is NOT a Flood Warning.
Recent high riverine flows that caused recent flooding in Victoria are moving down the River Murray into South Australia. Flows at the South Australia‐Victoria Border ('SA‐Vic Border') have been rising steadily since the 31st of
August 2010.
Current projections from the Department for Water indicate that flows at the SA‐Vic Border will peak at around 25,000 to 35,000 ML/day in early October, and slowly recede during the rest of October. This forecast may change as uncertainties about transmission losses from upstream states become clearer.
The projected peak flow rate is within the normal historical flow range for the River Murray in South Australia at this time of year.
Pool levels between the SA‐Vic Border and Lock 1 are not projected to change significantly in response to these flows, except at the upstream end of each lock pool. There is negligible risk of widespread inundation.
Below Lock 1, the Lower Lakes are expected to fill to their capacity by the end of September.
River level in the River Murray between Lock 1 and the Lower Lakes may rise to about 0.5m above historically normal pool levels during October 2010.
Areas at levels of less than 0.5m above historically normal pool level could be at risk of inundation.
People should monitor the latest weather forecasts and obey any signage along the River Murray or instructions from the emergency services.
For flood related assistance, call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.
For life‐threatening emergencies, call 000.
Government of South Australia, Department for Water
Water for Good.
From this article it would seem the answer to my original question is YES.
Then add the current flood water from NSW and it will be a very different 2011.
Christmas camping closed by rising River Murray
FLOODING has closed half the Riverland's camp sites as water gushes down the Murray.
At the Murray Mouth, dredging will cease for the first time in more than eight years as the equivalent of 19,000 Olympic-size swimming pools flows into the Coorong every day.
Riverland district ranger Phil Strachan said water was spilling over river banks and into some of the area's parks and reserves. He said half the Riverland's 300 campsites would be closed by the end of the week and were unlikely to re-open until next month.
"The water levels are rising and most of our reserve camp sites are on floodplains," he said. "A number of roads have been cut-off so you can't get to certain camping areas and a number of camping sites are partly inundated.
"You can't put your tent up and it's dangerous to get your car there."
The affected camping sites are at Chowilla, Moorook, Loch Luna and the Katarapko and Lyrup flats in the Murray River National Park. The river is flowing at 56,000 megalitres per day thanks to heavy winter rains in the eastern states.
Mr Strachan said boaties and other water users, such as swimmers and water skiers, needed to be careful of hazardous objects such as branches, sticks and timber floating on or below the surface, in creeks and waterways.
He said about 150 Riverland camp sites remained open and he still expected good visitor numbers over the Christmas holiday period.
"There will be a lot of people using the river over the next month or so over Christmas, I'd say it's going to be a popular place to be because it's the first flood since the mid-1990s."
Water Minister Paul Caica said the State Government was able to cease dredging at the Murray Mouth because 48,000 megalitres of water was flowing through the barrages into the Coorong and out the Murray Mouth every day.
"Substantial flows are projected to continue well into 2011, meaning dredging will not be required for the foreseeable future," he said.
"This is the first time the environment has been in this favourable position since the dredging began in 2002."
The Government has removed more than 6.5 million tonnes of sand from the Murray Mouth at Goolwa since 2002 to ensure a link between the Coorong and the ocean.
Mr Caica said the Water Department would continue monitoring the Murray
Mouth to ensure it did not close - that would include flights over the Coorong.
That's awesome news bajdas, despite everything the environment wins ! Let's hope we all stay water wise and look after what we have!
News item changed during the day after the meeting was completed. So I have posted the updated story.
Source:- http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/riverland-folks-fear-theyll-be-in-deep-water/story-e6frea83-1225982634614 (http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/riverland-folks-fear-theyll-be-in-deep-water/story-e6frea83-1225982634614)
Riverland folks fear they'll be in deep water
SHACKS and campsites in low-lying areas along the River Murray are under threat from floodwaters.
Floodwaters from NSW are likely to cross the border at the end of the month but will not be as high as previously thought.
Water from the current floods in Queensland are unlikely to reach SA for up to three months.
Premier Mike Rann chaired this morning's meeting involving cabinet ministers, emergency services, councils, water experts and other government agencies.
"Earlier predictions estimated that we would match 1993 flood levels with 93,000 megalitres crossing the border each day, but revised estimates indicate this it is likely to be closer to 75,000 to 80,000 megalitres," he said after the meeting.
"But the SES is warning that could still leave many low-lying areas and a large number of shacks at risk of flooding.
"We're also advised that were likely to get minimal floodwaters down the Murray from the current flooding in Queensland, and any waters would take eight to 12 weeks to reach us."
Experts say no populated towns are at risk of flooding.
Mr Rann said low-lying caravan parks along the Murray are already moving to higher ground.
"But a real risk still exists for low lying areas which are likely to be inundated, including campsites, causeways, floodplains and many river front shacks.
"The high river levels mean that currents are running faster than normal, jetties and locks could be submerged and there will be more debris in the river, posing a risk for boat users."
Talking to some friends who had came back from Renmark it was very unsafe on the river due to the flow and speed of the river so most people where not doing water sports....I did notice the Murray is very high at Murray bridge...
Read that a new electronic map has been launched that combines Murray river information into one map. Can be found at http://riversmart.net.au/ (http://riversmart.net.au/)
Rumour has it according to the old timers at Mannum, they reckon the 1956 flood will be nothing compared to what we are supposedly getting. :-o
The flow of water should be about 80,000 megalitres. The floods in 1956 was about 240,000 megalitres. With Renmark having about 340,000 megalitres.
Ah I luv rumours :wink: We had people here ringing & asking if the QLD floods would impact here - reply look at a map & no they won't!
We were told as big if not bigger than the last major flood in the 70's (74?)
They were not quite as big & are now over for our river - for now.
looking at the latest warnings they will exceed minor flood levels at Wentworth mid to late Feb depending on Darling flows.
Problem is people are not used to seeing the river high & after the Qld experience are concerned. But as high as 56? Not so sure!
God bless old timers....
The guy that setup the flowrate thingo was on 5aa this morning. as above the flows in 56 were much higher.
Being in drought for however long, means there is a plenty of empty storage in the system. What he did go onto say was that if there was another significant rain event 56 levels are more likely.
Can't remember the time lines, but the peak is expected in 21days, but don't quote me I wasn't totally listening :D
There is some pretty impressive flow rates further up stream.
How many cubits does it need to be?
Water inundation maps here...https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/RMIM/Pages/default.aspx (https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/RMIM/Pages/default.aspx)
Nice maps - thanks. Pity they stop at Morgan though :wink:
Quote from: chook on January 28, 2011, 01:59:52 PM
Nice maps - thanks. Pity they stop at Morgan though :wink:
The website is stating that has the maps are produced, they will be published. Good public information...
Anyway Chook...nothing important at Berri except the current Regional Control Centre monitoring this event, your house & your old factory... sheel be right mate :lol: :-P :wink:
My old house, factory are well above 56 mate :wink: (And the house will be finalised this week so not my problem :-D ). As far as my old unit/regional HQ same - there would be bigger problems if the river ever got that high :wink: And of course you are right - not too much at Berri any more :-(
But thanks for the update - cheers
Inundation mapping has been posted on the website https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/RMIM/Pages/map.aspx (https://www.waterconnect.sa.gov.au/RMIM/Pages/map.aspx) from Renmark North to Mannum.
Thanks mate