The CFA Heavy Concept Tanker (
Some more photo's (
looks pretty high tech...Wonder how they will find the Auto.. My worry is the limited use of it? and even though it leans towards great use in a stubble/crop/grassland fire with minimal crew any of us that have mostly these fires know that its near impossible to extinguish a flank with one line usually need the second one behind the first to mop it up. hence the question will the OIC be able to fight the fire,and if 1st arriving appliance assume incident control and provide sitreps and ramp up the incident if needed.having said that it would be awsum to have a crack at a fire with one.
There is no crew deck to work from hence the 3 monitors and joysticks,it comes in 3000lt and 4000lt it will be doing a tour of the CFA regions and I am hoping to get along to see it when its down this way for a look.
what would be more idel is for the to rear passagers ( window sides ) to have control of the side monators coz of a better view of the fire at hand and the oic to have control of the front monator but with switches to take control if need.. And make up to water and heat resistant camaers top and bottem of the monator so the crew dont have to have there windows down to see the flames with out getting wet at the same time
thats my thourt any way
:? :? :?
If anyone has any feedback (good or bad) on the concept tanker (and other stuff) please check out the latest edition of "Infralog" and complete the survey. You can also go straight to the survey here
Mmm playstation firefighting... looks like fun.
Also looks like it would have some good urban applications, i like it.
Boss, looked to me like there were joystick controls in the rear of the cab also.
There are 3 joysticks/controls 2 in the rear and 1 in the front with the passenger. Some great photos on OZFIRE of the new Tanker....
hardly a new concept in firefighting.....airport firies have been doing this since the 60s
lets see how the wonder truck goes in hills with fuel thats not open stubble
In a previous brigade that I was in we welded a TB15 nozzle to the brush guard of a Hino 24 with flexi hosing from the outlet on the crew deck. This application worked really well for running grass / stubble fires. The set up of 3 remote controlled monitors looks alright and I would like to see SACFS do a proper trial of this vehicle to gauge its appropriateness, say 5 or 10 appliances over a couple of seasons with strict assessment criteria are needed to truely verify how this would work... I'd be happy to have a trial (even in the hills) and would also be interested in seeing this appliance on the Iveco Eurocargo Cab Chassis... as always my thoughts only!
Awesome! More hi-tech stuff on fire appliance with no manual back up. History has shown how well this serves the CFS
Also, who in the CFA came up with the name "Heavy Concept Tanker"?
Is it a Heavy Concept of a tanker? Perhaps a bit of a mental burden? Is it a concept tanker that weighs a large amount?
What about:
Concept Heavy Tanker
Heavy Tanker, Concept
Tanker Concept? HEAVY! (For those fire services that do not use "Tankers"?)
Concept Tanker? (It's) HEAVY
Tanker Heavy? (Here's a) CONCEPT!
Anyhoo, I'm going back to reading C8...
Did anyone see what happened to the last tanker they tested :-P
Yes it was burnt......Nice to see people are knocking it before they see or play with it,its only a PROTO TYPE and unlike CFS ...CFA spend alot of time out in the field seeing what its volunteers want.The main aim behind it is LOW RURAL CREW numbers which is affecting all services AUST WIDE..If anyone did see the light tanker design(2000lt 4wd) CFA had great feed back on this and so when now see the new Heavy tanker out and about,
It will take around a year for each CFA region to see and play with this tanker and it will take another year before they do anything at all or they may just not do anything. Just for the record so far the feed back has been positive.
Just a question, how easy is it to use a remote monitor to hit the flames quickly without wasting water ?
I had heard this was the issue with Dalkeith's monitor on the front of one of their trucks. But, then I could be wrong because I heard this 3rd hand a long time ago.
I am just curious how practical the remote monitor technology will be in a moving vehicle (eg running grass fire) when compared to handling the hose from a crew deck.
Or is the technology designed for use in another fire scenario ?
Below is a link to a video and more photo's of the CFA Heavy Concept Tanker (