i notice a picture on promotions website of the new facility in lincoln nder construction looks impressive.
Yeah, does look good. Was in Pt Lincoln last weekend & checked it out while i was there.3 bays each for the CFS & SES. Will be much easier access for the CFS as ive heard things are abit squishy there at the monent with the appliances.
The MFS are getting a new station built in lincoln also, directly behind the new CFS/SES sheds-it's HUGE!
Here is where you can look at it...
http://www.fire-brigade.asn.au/Station_Display.asp?Service_Code=SAMFS&Station_Code=54 (http://www.fire-brigade.asn.au/Station_Display.asp?Service_Code=SAMFS&Station_Code=54)
Well over due for all services I might add.
Looks like the new homes are well over due for SAMFS and SACFS. Good to see them get new stations!
Looks good!
:-D As i live on the EP I'm going to say the Lincoln Brigade and Region 6 Operation base is excellent Lincoln has 3 doors for their trucks. the only problem is the R6 trucks are left out the back. so when u try and use them for BF1 or other training, there kinda wrecked
Wrecked in what way, BP? Those trucks can take a beating. We used to have 3 of them at the place I worked at a couple of years back.