Is it just me or does something seriously need to change with the operators in MFS comms in the way they handle both call receipt and dispatch of both CFS and SES jobs. In standards of Comms centres they are very poor in service delivery and accountability for wrong responses.
Like the following do you apologise to the person that died in the car from serious injuries because someone just could not join the dots, know your job and know your responses:
I am sorry but i think that this needs to have a investigation into the service delivery standards to make sure things are done as they should be.
Do you actually know the details of what went on in Comms?
Do you know if they got different information at various stages of the dispatch?
Do you know if they were told the info they responded, then it got changed or updated after the initial turnout?
Do you have ANY facts, that aren't from the paging website?
Quote from: RescueHazmat on April 25, 2009, 12:48:15 PM
Do you actually know the details of what went on in Comms?
Do you know if they got different information at various stages of the dispatch?
Do you know if they were told the info they responded, then it got changed or updated after the initial turnout?
Do you have ANY facts, that aren't from the paging website?
Do you?
I'm not the one making accusations and calling for an enquiry.
My point is, don't take a pager message and run with it as it if were gospel. Pager messages certainly dont portray the actual happenings of what goes on - out side of the brick walls many of the 'scanner/pager jockeys' of the world occupy.
It happens time and time again (~grabbing a pager message off the site). I just hope Bronto might have some facts, (other than pager messages) before they continue to publically 'oust' an Emergency Service Comcen, and basically call the operators and the service they are providing, incompetent.
Was just asking a question, but the comms officer did sound quite dumbfounded on the radio though (ie he had no idea what was happening)
To re-enforce that; There is no problem discussing what is potentially a big problem.. But, I just hope that those in the discussion will use facts, not run with hearsay and pager messages.
Cheers. :)
I think it needs to be asked why on this occasion that it attracted this response.
Any other time it would have responded Nairne & Barker.
Maybe this was the problem?
You would hope not due to the response being put in as a RCR.
I think the issue as well is they tried to remedy the situation but then responded the wrong rescue resource (again without knowing the facts it looked like they "guessed" the response.)
Who knows maybe the people on here who work in comms can shed some light?
Yes i do have many facts about the job and phone calls were made, this comes down to an operator not knowing his job and when things do go wrong still not knowing how to fix it...Seemed to work ok when cfs were running both services with just 2 people...
It was reported as Car Vs Tree.
The particular operators thought SES were Road Crash Rescue.
And thinking Mt Barker...SES...were flat out, they defaulted to what they thought was a road crash rescue brigade, balhannah, hence not, who corrected the page to stirling upon notification from adelaide fire "Mt barker" were flat out.
After correcting Adelaide Fire's confusion and stuffups...Mt Barker CFS and Nairne CFS responded.
This particular shift at comcen really does need to shape up. SES dont do RCR in CFS Region 1. That is more concerning, Comcen changed what BOMS recommends.
The rest of the comcen staff seem to do there job very well.
Would a review of procedures etc be worth it for comcen...Indefinately...Just so everyone can work from the same book for a change.
For future purposes, i think the entire forum needs to ease up on the flamming.
"That is more concerning, Comcen changed what BOMS recommends."
If this is the case then the operator in question "should" face the reprecussions of their actions. But as with anything like this it will be swept under the carpet / hushed up. Hopefully the group concerned along with region will push to have this sorted.
Quote from: Zippy on April 25, 2009, 01:57:02 PMFor future purposes, i think the entire forum needs to ease up on the flamming.
Oh my god what do we have here I ask as my head slams in the table yet again. Is this some region 1 thing where by stopping and thinking, what is written on the pager before taking action or asking more questions by an OIC got overlooked - answer yes. The process of answering a pager is no different to the dynamic risk assessment - STOP , THINK AND ASK.
Yes Zippy we have the big one it found on where their more flamming hot spots that I saw in January. Maybe a bit of calm and careful thought before posting something would be better. If this does not soothe the hot ones try conspiracy theories as I heard they be quite profitable.
Quote from: safireservice on April 25, 2009, 02:11:00 PM
....But as with anything like this it will be swept under the carpet / hushed up. Hopefully the group concerned along with region will push to have this sorted.
Having met with some of the ComCen people & management in the past, I would state that this would be actioned. If you have proof that 'things are swept under the carpet', then go through your official process.
Yes, I can think of a process where that accusation could be made & the process is being resolved. But the above is not part of that...
Quote from: malleefire on April 25, 2009, 02:44:49 PM
Quote from: Zippy on April 25, 2009, 01:57:02 PMFor future purposes, i think the entire forum needs to ease up on the flamming.
Oh my god what do we have here I ask as my head slams in the table yet again. Is this some region 1 thing where by stopping and thinking, what is written on the pager before taking action or asking more questions by an OIC got overlooked - answer yes. The process of answering a pager is no different to the dynamic risk assessment - STOP , THINK AND ASK.
Yes Zippy we have the big one it found on where their more flamming hot spots that I saw in January. Maybe a bit of calm and careful thought before posting something would be better. If this does not soothe the hot ones try conspiracy theories as I heard they be quite profitable.
So who wants to be the Level 3 Incident Controller for PIR 69696969 "SAfirefighter Flamming battle"
Quote from: Zippy on April 25, 2009, 01:57:02 PM
It was reported as Car Vs Tree.
The particular operators thought SES were Road Crash Rescue.
Isn't this why we have BOMS - to avoid operators guessing, or being forced guess about which response is correct?
It seems odd that in the last two or three days there was another crash at pretty much the same location as this crash, and the correct response appears to have been made then...
Maybe.............NO DEFINATELY Heysen group officer needs to ask some questions as to this particular incident. None of us are above being accountable!.
We debrief after every incident, its not about blame, but LEARNING from mistakes!
I think the title should be changed to B shift strikes again.
This is a classic case of having NO IDEA, its been 2 years now, no excuses, this is the same shift that thought it was a good idea to send all of us a weather warning at some ungodly hour, they need a good talking to, the response makes no sense what so ever, and its not up to them to decide who is busy or not, and where is the 9 in that page, seriously, don't have anything go wrong when B shift is on..... :roll:
By the way RescueHazmat, they royally screwed up, no ifs or butts. There is no excuse for this second rate service.
Quoteweather warning at some ungodly hour
ahhh, the memory...i think it was about 1.15am??? you'd nearly want to push that responsibility onto CFS SCC ;)
A big part of todays confusion was also duely because of the way CFS & SES systems dont blend well together.
I dont think anything will happen in regards to this, but i can see Mt Barker CFS bring strong enough to push the issue.
Quote from: pumprescue on April 25, 2009, 05:17:41 PM
I think the title should be changed to B shift strikes again.
This is a classic case of having NO IDEA, its been 2 years now, no excuses, this is the same shift that thought it was a good idea to send all of us a weather warning at some ungodly hour, they need a good talking to, the response makes no sense what so ever, and its not up to them to decide who is busy or not, and where is the 9 in that page, seriously, don't have anything go wrong when B shift is on..... :roll:
By the way RescueHazmat, they royally screwed up, no ifs or butts. There is no excuse for this second rate service.
Again, as long as facts are being used in the discussion, thats fine. As long as its not hearsay etc. :)
Quote from: big bronto on April 25, 2009, 01:23:01 PM
this comes down to an operator not knowing his job and when things do go wrong still not knowing how to fix it...
welcome to the world of pain that SAAS paramedics in metro adelaide deal with every day my friend!!
the country ambo's are luckier - they have the smart operators looking after poor cousins in metro have to put up with substandard co-ordinating, missed messages and a distinct lack of any brains to make a rapid decision......
to be fair -there are a handful up there who do a reasonable to good job - you guys know who you are.....and these decent guys are also not there for long because they actually have brains they get sent off to manage other projects or TG's.....
Its not the first time and it wont be the last,If there is a problem you need to follow the chain of command fill in the paperwork and send it all the way up the ladder. Now there must be a big problem in MFS comms as their own staff are saying its not working so what hope have we got if we have a major job??? We can only hope and i do mean hope that when and if SACAD gets up and running that those who run it do a better job,it will only work if its taken over by a private firm like in Victoria.....
Quote from: boredmatrix on April 26, 2009, 08:55:51 AM
and these decent guys are also not there for long because they actually have brains they get sent off to manage other projects or TG's.....
Thats actually a good thing to note, once you become an asset you get shipped up the ladder, when actually your "perfect" for the current job your doing...a pay rise for the same job should be done for the above average performance level ;)
QuoteNow there must be a big problem in MFS comms as their own staff are saying its not working so what hope have we got if we have a major job???
Depends who recieves the Comms District officer would be a good person to send it to.
I know this situation was a total screw up, and it's not an isolated incident, but I think it's worth acknowledging that had the operator been correct in his (or her) fist assumption about rescue coverage, we'd probably be praising them for their forethought and initiative. Maybe that operator had just been flamed by someone for responding an SES unit that was already busy, and they were trying to make up for it with the next response. Or maybe they'd just got a lecture about how BOMs might not be right, and they should be checking it.
"The greatest harm can come from the best intentions".
Let's just hope it doesn't happen again!
Is it such a huge problem that an incorrect response was made, yet Mt. Barker, as the correct rescue resource was turned out manually 19 seconds after the page to Stirling, and turned out by MFS 4 minutes later?
The problem was solved, and in a very timely fashion. Yes things could have been better, but at the end of the day, when things are flat out in comms, things can go awry. (Well, only in SAMFS, as they apparently never ever did when the SACFS heroes ran everything out of SOCC :roll: )
How can we criticize the people in comms one day about their lack of initiative and the fact they should be using local knowledge, but the next day we smash them for not following BOMS?
Grow up ladies and gents...
Quote from: Zippy on April 25, 2009, 03:23:38 PMSo who wants to be the Level 3 Incident Controller for PIR 69696969 "SAfirefighter Flamming battle"
I think that you are the master incident controler for this one and I am only the grass hopper who has no control yet
screw that...ill let someone else stuff up incidents thanks, out to you mr. mallee ;)
Quote from: 6739264 on April 26, 2009, 05:18:12 PM
Is it such a huge problem that an incorrect response was made, yet Mt. Barker, as the correct rescue resource was turned out manually 19 seconds after the page to Stirling, and turned out by MFS 4 minutes later?
The problem was solved, and in a very timely fashion. Yes things could have been better, but at the end of the day, when things are flat out in comms, things can go awry. (Well, only in SAMFS, as they apparently never ever did when the SACFS heroes ran everything out of SOCC :roll: )
How can we criticize the people in comms one day about their lack of initiative and the fact they should be using local knowledge, but the next day we smash them for not following BOMS?
Grow up ladies and gents...
hear hear ...
Quote from: 6739264 on April 26, 2009, 05:18:12 PM
(Well, only in SAMFS, as they apparently never ever did when the SACFS heroes ran everything out of SOCC :roll: )
Grow up ladies and gents...
Numbers the difference is when the ladies and gentlemen of the SOC got things wrong they got their butts kicked by not only the CFS management and regions but also the volunteers.
Quote from: joff on April 26, 2009, 08:35:49 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on April 26, 2009, 05:18:12 PM
(Well, only in SAMFS, as they apparently never ever did when the SACFS heroes ran everything out of SOCC :roll: )
Grow up ladies and gents...
Numbers the difference is when the ladies and gentlemen of the SOC got things wrong they got their butts kicked by not only the CFS management and regions but also the volunteers.
And of course things are different in this case. Those dirty, idiotic, SAMFS comms operators are getting away with their shoddy work! :roll:
Hopefully the operator has been shown the error of his ways, and has learnt from the situation - just as you may have had to do all those years ago when you kicked off in comms. One would have thought you'd have a touch more sympathy for your 'Brothers' in Adelaide Fire?
So, yeah, they screwed up. Build a bridge as they say. You boys still got your Rescue response to yet another nothing job. Good job and thumbs up all around!
EDIT: Spelling
Trust me, nothing is happening, sigh
It's not hard, the basic job of comms is only 2 things...
1: If something is on fire send some sort of fire suppression, as long as one form of fire suppression is notified then the rest can be sorted out in the following seconds after that response. ie 2nd brigade etc if the street is not in BOMS.
2: If someone needs rescueing then send some sort of rescue resource, again as long as a rescue resource is going then they have done their basic job and the rest can be sorted out in the following seconds. ie fire cover if the street is not in BOMS.
The 2nd part of this job was not followed, it should have been realised before the response that there was no "9" brigade attending and should have been fixed even if it was stirling from the word go. As for the fact that Mt Barker was taken off line thats a whole other chapter.
Lets not let the actions of 1 operator tarnish all at Adelaide Fire.
Well said Mike, Not just MFS staff in MFS HQ, well they are now
Quote from: TillerMan on April 27, 2009, 10:40:46 AM
As for the fact that Mt Barker was taken off line thats a whole other chapter.
Did I miss something, or is this referring to SES?
I think the CFS were taken offline, instead of SES.
SES was, but the mistake was that i think they wrote down "MT Barker" instead of "Mt Barker SES" on the whiteboard ;)
and then the misinterpretation of SES doing Road crash rescue, prior to stirling being dispatched.
whyteboard?? in the 21st century communications suite we are using a whyteboard to track resource availability? Great......
Its not done on a whiteboard, you are made "K0" (unavailable) in BOMS, therefor no matter how many brigades went to a job you would never be sent...
Well I'm glad that's all clear now...
Quote from: Alex on April 28, 2009, 08:55:09 AM
hmm...ok i still remember my Morse Code....
Roger your 'S' ....continue
.- -.. . .-.. .- .. -.. . + ..-. .. .-. . + .... .. -.-. -.- ... + ..-. .-.. .- - + .--. + --- ...- . .-.
.... .. -.-. -.- ... + ..-. .-.. .- - + .--. + .-- .- .. - + --- ..- - --.. --.. --.. --..
How do Oakbank have SES, do they have a truck?
Why would you ever go unavailable anyway, would it not be better to just get the page and use your local knowledge to respond the next best brigade??? That would only take 30 seconds.
yeah oakbank/balhannah are CFS & SES integrated. So is Lenswood, Woodside & Lobethal.
further details for ya:
Lobethal are the holders of the CFS/SES Rescue Truck "Lobethal Rescue" & the Group SES General Rescue/Salvage Truck "Onkaparinga SES"
When calls for SES are upgraded from that of, eg Lenswood 24, not having the right resources for a job, eg Tree on House, the upgrade goes to Lobethal for "Onkaparinga SES" to respond...
Also, relevently trained members throughout the CFS group are paged for availablity to respond. (eg SES storm damage trained members)
The only appliance youll see go outside of the "CFS boundary" of Onkaparinga for SES general calls, is Onkaparinga Salvage.
Its a tricky set up, works, but in terms of co-ordination...and responses...its a bit foreign to the rest of the area.
Hence, if Lenswood gets paged to go to Basket range for SES. Lenswood will pass the call onto basket range automatically. That goes for all surrounding suburbs/towns.
Quote from: RES3CUE on April 28, 2009, 01:46:27 PM
How do Oakbank have SES, do they have a truck?
Answered in another posting.
Yankalilla SES & CFS are similar. Not sure if all volunteers are both CFS & SES or how training is organised.
Quote from: RES3CUE on April 28, 2009, 01:46:27 PM
Why would you ever go unavailable anyway....
Has part of SES Unit procedures on long timeframe operation, a Unit will be listed 'do not call until xxxx hours'. This is done to rest its volunteers.
The Regional Commander will allocate resources from an adjoining Unit to cover. Later on the reverse will occur has part of a crew rotation pattern.
If a Unit has enough volunteers available, some Units will do crew rotation within the Unit itself. So they will limit the number of vehicles/crew responding to tasks while the rest sleep & eat.
The Senior Officer at the Unit makes the arrangements in consultation with the Regional Duty Officer.
Happens a lot in SES Central Region & has been occuring for many years. All part of OHS&W of operational volunteers.
The same when a specific area of Adelaide Metro area has many tasks, other Units from the quiet area are requested by Regional DO to assist.
Quote from: RES3CUE on April 28, 2009, 01:46:27 PM
..would it not be better to just get the page and use your local knowledge to respond the next best brigade??? That would only take 30 seconds.
If you set off the pagers of majority of the volunteers in a Unit that is sleeping, you wake them up !!! Not a good idea...
Regional Duty Officer would have already arranged coverage of their area, so it is in the BoM's or SES dispatch systems.
For urgent jobs, then Unit volunteers or Unit Duty Officer are woken. But this is rare.
Quote from: RES3CUE on April 28, 2009, 01:46:27 PM
Why would you ever go unavailable anyway, would it not be better to just get the page and use your local knowledge to respond the next best brigade??? That would only take 30 seconds.
A lot of the 'busier areas' that have always been dispatched via MFS comcen [including Adelaide Hills aka Mt Barker SES] have there data programmed into BOMS. So taking them out of the mix automatically reccomends the next nearest appropriate unit.
Ie; tree down, maclaren st, mt barker would normally reccomend adelaide hills ses, take them out of the mix [k0] and it will then automatically reccomend the next unit, sturt.
So a better result than waiting for a unit member to call in when theyre ready then using local knowledge if that person even has any idea at all...
I know i have a slight conflict of interest, but im interested to know the anser to this 'innocent' question...
Are people as outraged by this response;
MFS: *CFSRES INC055 28/04/09 18:15,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,GREENHILL RD,URAIDLA MAP 133 N 8 TG126,50M BELOW RANGE RD,SUMM00
It would depend on the information given, and its credibility ;)
How credible is someone saying: "There are no entrapments and no rescue is required.."
First question to check would be: "is there anyone still in the vehicle"
As for when SAPOL or SAAS pass the job on to Fire Service...too much chance for chinese whispers, keep rescue on the response.
Quote from: Zippy on April 28, 2009, 06:40:03 PM
It would depend on the information given, and its credibility ;)
How credible is someone saying: "There are no entrapments and no rescue is required.."
First question to check would be: "is there anyone still in the vehicle"
As for when SAPOL or SAAS pass the job on to Fire Service...too much chance for chinese whispers, keep rescue on the response.
Technically the incident should have been a responded as an other assistance job as the call was to conduct traffic control on a blind corner as a car had broken down. As to how credible the caller was? It was a CFS RO that called it in on the way home... Cant rely on the pager feed for the facts zippyboy! :wink:
who says i am ;)
Its merely an interpretation of what the receiver would have thought upon recipet, not the fact ;)
So hence the outrage level is: 0
It was not a crash at all. Just a broken down car, that couldn't move, and was stuck in an awkward location (eg blind corners / no street lights)...
Ok... bad choice of response message as i have no idea of the background of that call. My point remains valid though, as its not so uncommon.
Quote from: Pipster on April 28, 2009, 07:02:54 PM
It was not a crash at all. Just a broken down car, that couldn't move, and was stuck in an awkward location (eg blind corners / no street lights)...
What sorta show are you people running up that way...........NO STREET LIGHTS?
Quote from: Pipster on April 28, 2009, 07:02:54 PM
It was not a crash at all. Just a broken down car, that couldn't move, and was stuck in an awkward location (eg blind corners / no street lights)...
In other words, SAPOL's job..
Quote from: Zippy on April 28, 2009, 06:40:03 PM
As for when SAPOL or SAAS pass the job on to Fire Service...too much chance for chinese whispers, keep rescue on the response.
...and you never wonder why the ambo is standing there incredulously wondering why 2 appliances turned out......bells and whistles....... for the transmission fluid on the road that takes 1 bag of kitty litter to clean up......
How much does it cost every time an appliance turns out......more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill??????
There is always an "on the other hand" the spillage calls we get that turn out to be persons trapped, hence the send the lot, can always turn them back. The only reason the Fire and Rescue for everything was instigated was due to being burnt multiple times by both SAAS and SAPOL.
Quote from: boredmatrix on April 28, 2009, 11:03:09 PM
Quote from: Zippy on April 28, 2009, 06:40:03 PM
As for when SAPOL or SAAS pass the job on to Fire Service...too much chance for chinese whispers, keep rescue on the response.
...and you never wonder why the ambo is standing there incredulously wondering why 2 appliances turned out......bells and whistles....... for the transmission fluid on the road that takes 1 bag of kitty litter to clean up......
How much does it cost every time an appliance turns out......more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill??????
Yeah like Darren mentioned, I know of a few times (through personal experience) where an accident has been reported as 'spill only', and 1 or more persons have required Hydraulic extrication.
Or 'just a small radiator/oil spill' has been near 100 Litres of fuel sprayed all over the vehicle and its occupants still in a car while they are being worked on.
A lot of the 'busier areas' that have always been dispatched via MFS comcen [including Adelaide Hills aka Mt Barker SES] have there data programmed into BOMS. So taking them out of the mix automatically reccomends the next nearest appropriate unit.
Ie; tree down, maclaren st, mt barker would normally reccomend adelaide hills ses, take them out of the mix [k0] and it will then automatically reccomend the next unit, sturt.
So a better result than waiting for a unit member to call in when theyre ready then using local knowledge if that person even has any idea at all...
In that case why was the next nearest appropriate brigade not sent for this MVA??
Quote from: boredmatrix on April 28, 2009, 11:03:09 PM
Quote from: Zippy on April 28, 2009, 06:40:03 PM
How much does it cost every time an appliance turns out......more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill??????
How much is a life worth, the job is not always as it seems? Why do you all worry about cost...the money isn't coming out of your own account.
Quote from: TillerMan on April 29, 2009, 07:27:12 AM
QuoteA lot of the 'busier areas' that have always been dispatched via MFS comcen [including Adelaide Hills aka Mt Barker SES] have there data programmed into BOMS. So taking them out of the mix automatically reccomends the next nearest appropriate unit.
Ie; tree down, maclaren st, mt barker would normally reccomend adelaide hills ses, take them out of the mix [k0] and it will then automatically reccomend the next unit, sturt.
So a better result than waiting for a unit member to call in when theyre ready then using local knowledge if that person even has any idea at all...
In that case why was the next nearest appropriate brigade not?? sent for this MVA??
Don't ask me... ? lol
Yes sorry that should have a not in there, changed it now.
Didn't the issues surrounding this apparently world ending screw up, end up being discussed and straightened out on the first page of this thread...?
We all know that CRD has never been, and probably never will be perfect. Can this go around in circles anymore?
[Insert Obligatory "Bring on SACAD"]
(Because I'm sure it will solve ALL our CRD problems...)
I want to see more pages on this thread than the amuseing pager thread...
Quote...and you never wonder why the ambo is standing there incredulously wondering why 2 appliances turned out......bells and whistles....... for the transmission fluid on the road that takes 1 bag of kitty litter to clean up......
How much does it cost every time an appliance turns out......more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill? ??
just got two points to raise ;)
1. I thought u were the guy that didnt trust SAAS comcen one bit...particularly the metro area operators...
2. The SAAS ambulance probably shouldnt be the only one there, since Fire Service should have been responded within 1-2mins of the 000 call, depending on the details of the call. (This is the generic sentence of..SAAS take ages to call other services)
#no discussion required on this topic#someone else has pointed out, Cost is no object for the risk against life, And treating every call the same is good for a good Service level agreement. (Insert the paragragh i typed regarding, verified no entrapments etc)
Quote from: boredmatrix on April 28, 2009, 11:03:09 PM
more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill??????
May i make the comment, that if it wasn't worth calling the fire service on receipt of the initial call, and the cleanup is only a low priority, then why are we being called at all? Call the council or DRT.
SOP 35.1 Initial response to small fluid seepage, undies change only, for larger uncontrolled discharges, upgrade alarm to undies and pants, consider HAZMAT decontamination shower!
Quote from: jaff on April 28, 2009, 10:05:48 PM
Quote from: Pipster on April 28, 2009, 07:02:54 PM
It was not a crash at all. Just a broken down car, that couldn't move, and was stuck in an awkward location (eg blind corners / no street lights)...
What sorta show are you people running up that way...........NO STREET LIGHTS?
Welcome to the world of the rural area..... :evil:
Quote from: Alex on April 28, 2009, 06:36:19 PM
I know i have a slight conflict of interest, but im interested to know the anser to this 'innocent' question...
Are people as outraged by this response;
MFS: *CFSRES INC055 28/04/09 18:15,RESPOND Vehicle Accident,GREENHILL RD,URAIDLA MAP 133 N 8 TG126,50M BELOW RANGE RD,SUMM00
I know you admit later in this thread that this was a bad example but just to highlight how a page alone isn't proof of incompetence.
This incident was called in on radio by a CFS State Training Officer. I clearly said to him "Summertown are not a rescue brigade. Do you require a rescue brigade responded also?" The answer was negative but there was clearly a traffic hazard that required a priority 1 response and SAPOL notification.
The RCR at Nairne wasn't handled well but it was an honest mistake on a very busy day, not that I was here. Too often MFS Comms are accused of incompetence without knowing the full story.
If you want to check the facts listen to eyretel 28/04/2009 18:16:04
Busy day what cracked the 50 and fell to pieces...
Not that fussed really... was just pointing out that the only reason this thread really popped up was that some minger somewhere is upset that the ses got paged to one of there calls by error, if noone had been paged as a 'rescue'at all, then noone would get all worked up and jump on the soapbox.
Quote from: Alex on April 29, 2009, 09:38:34 AM
May i make the comment, that if it wasn't worth calling the fire service on receipt of the initial call, and the cleanup is only a low priority, then why are we being called at all? Call the council or DRT.
So then it's back to plod to stay on scene for 2 hours waiting for the council to rock up...oh wait...the council would prob beat plod because they're under it would mean SAAS leaves a crew on the scene.....this being the same SAAS that now routinely undertakes more than 1000 taskings daily?
You twats don't get it....... You whinge when SAAS take too long to call you...or not at all...and now you're suggesting that something for which you're equipped is not your job?
I'm sorry - i guess i mistook you for professional hardworking people......but i guess you really are public servants after all.......bravo!
Quote from: big bronto on April 29, 2009, 07:55:06 AM
How much is a life worth, the job is not always as it seems? Why do you all worry about cost...the money isn't coming out of your own account.
Perhaps you lot should reflect on that same statement next time you get told that there's no money available for a structural firefighting boot, or you aren't getting your nomex gold, or the replacement appliance isn't happening for another 4 years because maintainence budgets blew out when the fleet did an extra 50 000 km this year chasing little prangs so you could be a great big fend off tool......
Correct - as always :wink:
Good one Boredy.........the posters were just having a good discussion whinge and then you get involved with facts, next you will probably point out to them that they are PART of the Emergency services and all life doesnt revolve around their FPA sitting in their brigades government owned 24.
Life is much easier without facts and mission statement of "seemless intergration of services" and the like.
I for one is heading back to the cave! now for some rock art with a spraycan. there an interstate deployment on? 24 hours after a rant and not one person jumped down my everyone feeling OK?
No mate you just cant argue with logic :wink: and obviously some have just learnt that :-D ) Take it easy cheers - Hows the rock art going Jaff?
Quote from: boredmatrix on May 06, 2009, 11:28:59 PM there an interstate deployment on? 24 hours after a rant and not one person jumped down my everyone feeling OK?
Nah mate, im just Scrubs, it'll take the bored out of matrix...
Quote from: boredmatrix on April 28, 2009, 11:03:09 PM
How much does it cost every time an appliance turns out..... more to the point how much does it cost when 2 trucks turn out for what was requested as a low priority attendance for a fluid spill??????
Very little at all I'd suggest. To the MFS or CFS at any rate.
Wages (if applicable) were being paid anyway (except retained).
The trucks need a run every now & then anyway.
Their occupants (paid or unpaid) need a little activity now & then to maintain interest. :-D
Total cost to The Services - not much more than a few litres of diesel.
(cost to volunteers is not a political or management concern.)
Therefore an extra 50,000km across the fleet ain't gunna make a flea-bite difference
to affordability of big ticket PPE, vehicles, buildings & etc in a $130M combined
budget (+/- $20M or so).
Regarding the original topic - a whinge about MFS comms, at least they are unlikely
to cop the hiding issued yesterday by the NSW coroner to NSW ambulance comms...
There may be other 'issues' at Wakefield St, but refusal to accept or pass on a call
due to lack of a street address isn't one of them. Not that we know about anyway!! :-D
very true - but no fire comms has gone down the line of putting in staff who have never worked in frontline operations.....and in fact couldn't actually get a frontline job secondary to lack of practical intelligence coupled with a need to undertake their duties in a primate fashion with unquestioning loyalty to the queen..........
But back to the original comment re NSW cokkup.....if you lined up 50 % of the staff who work on the top floor of 216 (managers included) and this collosal fookup from NSW - you'd have a job telling them apart!
In fact - i was recently informed of a company who has approached the SA government and has offered to clone such EOC staff so that consistency between all staff can have minimal variances - thus resulting in a system which is consistent and will ALWAYS follow the sytems and protocols to a TEE..........
Why would that be a Bad Thing [TM] Boredy?
Works for telcos & banks. Could even save the govt a bob or two.
Move the whole shebang to Mumbai or Manila. Operators could save the
SA public money by interspersing their mundane ambulance & fire
dispatch calls with credit card enquiries & ISP password resets.
Gotta be good for the state, what ? :evil:
The scary thing is that there are probably several layers of decision
makers who actually believe this... :-o
Quote from: Zippy on April 25, 2009, 01:57:02 PM
SES dont do RCR in CFS Region 1.
Have Strathalbyn SES returned RCR to the CFS?
Mmmmm and what about KI & South Coast [Pt Elliot] SES also.... :roll:
Have Strathalbyn SES returned RCR to the CFS?
No Tonto...Strathalbyn SES are still RCR and do not intend to relinquish it any time soon. :-D
Sadly more wishful thinking! However sounds like some within SAFECOM & CFS HQ are plotting & planning & SES RCR units may not get a choice :-(
But until that happens, why not leave sleeping dogs lay?
Quote from: chook on June 08, 2009, 06:17:40 PM
Sadly more wishful thinking! However sounds like some within SAFECOM & CFS HQ are plotting & planning & SES RCR units may not get a choice :-(
But until that happens, why not leave sleeping dogs lay?
chook thats the third troll post I've read in the first three posts i've read tonight....maybe we can put it all in one new thread so the rest of us can ignore the woe is us (well....not really one of us...) and we can get on with other important stuff without the paranoid scare mongering.....if you have proof, then name the company and the person....otherwise, maybe give the unfounded crap a rest hey
Not trolling crash - just relating what I was told. And this is not the first time I have heard this in the last 12 months just more detail. If I had the persons or company name then I would have sent them to David Place(not bothering to mention it here)! And continual references to "this unit is loosing this or that unit is closing etc" makes me get angry. Yep Darren I'm well aware of the response problems with some units in the Riverland - there are reasons. So as a forum recruit you don't like the "woe is us" when it doesn't adversly affect the fire services, fair enough. Then why do some fire services members consistently make adverse comments about us? - by the way I was one of us a short time ago. However your comments are valid, so I won't comment further. But here is a thought - you don't add a second level to your house, if the foundations are defective! :wink:
or why buy a 3br house if you only ever need 2brs?
Quote from: chook on June 09, 2009, 06:08:58 PM
Then why do some fire services members consistently make adverse comments about us? - by the way I was one of us a short time ago. However your comments are valid, so I won't comment further. ! :wink:
Yeah that's so unfair, i've reformed my ways...I no longer ask for Send Extra Sandwhich's, or can some get that Witch's hat to walk over there, or can someone ask the Secondary Electricity Supply to turn that light on... :-D :-D :-D :-D
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz casting, the line is in the water