SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SAAS => Topic started by: mattb on March 03, 2009, 06:33:42 PM

Title: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: mattb on March 03, 2009, 06:33:42 PM
Ok some of the SAAS gurus on here will be able to answer this one, who is Medistar ??

I have heard a few transmissions on the scanner in the last couple of days relating to Medistar and them being dispatched on their way to do a retrieval. In one case the Comm's operator said something like "a retrieval should be on the way according to this new system but we haven't been told if they are or not".

So I assume some changes have taken place in regards to the retrieval service, are Medistar just Mediflight with a new name and some new shiny red uniforms or has there been another twist to this story.

I am guessing this is part of the major overhaul of the retrieval game some of you alluded to last year.
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: JamesGar on March 03, 2009, 07:50:42 PM
Hey Matt,

MedStar is the newly titled/named SA Retrieval Service. One service with the umbrella for all neo-natal, paediatric and adult retrieval (including primary trauma) for SA. I believe they will be wearing Red uniforms.

Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: boredmatrix on March 03, 2009, 10:34:00 PM
James is correct

The archaic system of hospital based retrieval teams is no more.  As of last week, MEDSTAR is the new medical retrieval arm of SA Health, administered by a medical director who was headhunted to do the job after establishing and running Careflight in QLD.

next question....when are the nurses getting the boot???
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: bittenyakka on March 04, 2009, 05:26:33 PM

so until now retrieval teams were based at hospitals and were made up of some hospital staff? (trained in retreval etc)

and now

Medistar will be doing retrievals from here there and everywhere and they are? (paramedics???) so where will they be seen? mvas? or more within hospitals? and where are they based?

that is basically 1 big question?
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: boredmatrix on March 04, 2009, 06:09:12 PM
these are still the same Doctors etc

but instead of having to be picked up from the helipad at the RAH - they can leave direct from WBAP - saving substantial time.

The major changes are administrative - removing levels of complexity which caused conflict in the previous system  ie: RAH Vs FMC, Paramedics Vs Nurses etc etc.....
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: CFS_Firey on March 04, 2009, 08:00:40 PM
Does the STAR part stand for 'Special Tasks and Rescues' (or the like) or is it just a pretty name?
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: misterteddy on March 04, 2009, 11:08:42 PM
Quote from: boredmatrix on March 04, 2009, 06:09:12 PM
these are still the same Doctors etc

but instead of having to be picked up from the helipad at the RAH - they can leave direct from WBAP - saving substantial time.

The major changes are administrative - removing levels of complexity which caused conflict in the previous system  ie: RAH Vs FMC, Paramedics Vs Nurses etc etc.....

and some uniformity in training of retrieval staff of all kinds....previously FMC trained theirs one way....the RAH differently, both to different guidelines and competency standards. Gear was differnt,approach was different.....and manning models were one big croozy ship  :-D

and as for the STAR....I havn't seen it written anywhere.....but i doubt anyone would seriously steal the hut hut PC Plods name to add to the Medi,to form the new bastion of the brave fling wingers.....i suspect the STAR part is more like a DeathSTAR sort of reference....centre of the universe  :wink:
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: bittenyakka on March 05, 2009, 07:46:06 AM
ok sounds good where is WBAP?
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: straps on March 05, 2009, 08:41:50 AM
West Beach AirPort... (WBAP)
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: mattb on March 05, 2009, 11:59:50 AM
This appeared in the latest 'Firewire' from the chief.

MedSTAR Emergency Medical Retrieval:
Dr Matt Hooper, who represents Health on the Adelaide Bank Rescue Helicopter Service Operations Committee has advised of the formation of a new entity named MedSTAR that will become operational on Saturday 28 February 2009. MedSTAR is South Australia's new single statewide emergency medical retrieval service.  Dr Hooper is the Director of MedSTAR.  MedSTAR provides rapid and high level emergency medical care to acutely ill and injured South Australians. Specialist teams will be dispatched from one central location and work in partnership with SA Ambulance Service and the Royal Flying Doctors' Service (Central Operations). This new operational capacity represents the first of a number of service initiatives aimed at delivering more support to country and metropolitan health services and a more coordinated process of patient transport and retrieval.  All current emergency retrieval advice phone numbers will remain the same. Calls to the current RAH and FMC adult retrieval service numbers will be taken by experienced MedSTAR staff at a central location. Any medical emergency phone calls to '000' will be assessed by SA Ambulance Service as usual and a specialist MedSTAR team dispatched if required. MedSTAR staff will respond in standard uniform (red) and with standardised equipment.  MedSTAR staff will have some level of interaction with CFS personnel.  More information about the MedSTAR service will be provided to all staff and key groups later.

Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on March 06, 2009, 08:10:18 AM
So the choppers keep their current callsigns?
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: boredmatrix on March 06, 2009, 10:40:38 PM
Quote from: Alan (Big Al) on March 06, 2009, 08:10:18 AM
So the choppers keep their current callsigns? ambulances change their callsign because they have a team aboard?

this isn't the states AIR FORCE ONE.....    :evil:
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on March 07, 2009, 06:06:10 PM
Never hurts to ask bordey :-P  :-D
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: straps on March 10, 2009, 11:44:45 AM
QuoteRESPONSE times for medical emergencies in South Australia will be slashed with a new retrieval service.

Health Minister John Hill said the new MedSTAR service would allow for highly-trained doctors, paramedics and nurses to get to seriously injured or unwell people much faster.

It would involve a dedicated retrieval team being stationed at Adelaide Airport, alongside the rescue helicopter, instead of at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

"In the past the average time between receiving an emergency call and getting a retrieval team in a helicopter and on their way to the scene was 35 minutes," Mr Hill said.

"We believe the new service can cut that average time down to just 10 minutes."

MedSTAR director Matt Hooper said early medical care for seriously ill or injured people made a big difference to their chances of survival.

"The sooner we can get that medical care to them the better," Dr Hooper said.

"Our MedStar teams include a doctor plus a paramedic or nurse who will be able to support ambulance crews by doing the more complex medical interventions."

Taken from the AdelaideNow website today...

Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: mattb on March 23, 2009, 08:55:16 AM
If anyone is interested in some more info on the new retrieval services have a look at this (
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: Zippy on March 23, 2009, 10:14:43 AM
Thats a great read matt,  The comparison Table on page 7 has some great detail on how...umm old fashion SA still operates.
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: boredmatrix on March 23, 2009, 07:36:32 PM
and that paper was just the start of it!  it was published in Early-mid 2008....

anyone else read the massive propaganda spread in the sunday mail about the closure of the RAH retrieval service?

FMC and WCH got a one line mention...somewhere immediately after the line about some of the more senior staff from RAH refusing to work with MEDSTAR - but also not commenting further!

awwwww....uncle Matt took away your big cowboy hat, sixshooter and sherrifs badge and now you have to play by his rules or get out of the sandpit......
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: Alan J on March 27, 2009, 10:40:24 PM
Yo Bordie

care to comment on specialist retrievals such as neo-nat or etc vs the
new arrangements?  Will specialist hospital staff still be used for these
retrievals?  Or are the Medstar people so sooper-dooper qualified &
experienced as to not require them?

Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: 3 on July 29, 2009, 10:06:45 AM
For those interested medSTAR stands for med (medical) S-Statewide, T-Trauma/transport, A-Advice, R-retrievals.
The staff have now all been hired and about to undergo intensive training. Staff consist of Doctors, Paramedics and Nurses. Should be a great service for SA who have been behind the times for a long while!!!
There is rumor of medSTAR kids coming which will cover neonatal and pediatric retrievals???
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: crashndash on July 29, 2009, 08:43:23 PM
Quote from: 3 on July 29, 2009, 10:06:45 AM
There is rumor of medSTAR kids coming which will cover neonatal and pediatric retrievals???

ahhh good, peer based retrievals are always a worthy undertaking....
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: bajdas on July 29, 2009, 10:08:41 PM
So how is MediSTAR responses seperated from RFDS ?
Is it distance based to stop duplication of effort ?

I understand that Surf Life Saving, CFS and SAPOL also operate aircraft.

Other than AngelFlight, do any other medical or emergency service aircraft operate in South Australia ?

For example, do the mining companies operate anything from Roxby, Moomba, etc ?
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: rescue5271 on July 30, 2009, 06:45:25 AM
There is talk of having a rescue chopper down here in the SE working out of MOUNT GAMBIER the Grant council is pushing for it along with other council's here in the SE. I understand there are concerns about the RFDS service as they are too busy and that at night they only have one plane that covers SA/NSW/NT (parts of)....
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: straps on July 30, 2009, 08:08:10 AM
Not sure that the limited RFDS capability and resources is just argument for a helicopter. Any use of a rotary winged rescue aircraft would be used for "local' work. A helicopter would be rarely used to fly someone to Adelaide. It is far safer to manage them in Mt Gambier hospital until a fixed wing resource is available. A rotary wing trip (AB 412) from Mt Gambier to Adelaide would be approx 2.5 - 4 hours at a guess with a stop for fuel on the way, (used to be 1 hour flying time from FMC to Keith). This is compared to a 50 min - 1 hr trip to the Mount via fixed wing Pilatus (RFDS).

A rescue helicopter could be used to transfer critically ill people from other SE hospitals to Mt Gambier, however I don't think that Mt Gambier High Dependency would be able to cope with this. Many retrievals are done direct to the country hospital concerned (but not always) however some transferring does occur. Not sure that the cost of rotary wing v's road transfer from a SE hospital to the Mount would be well argued especially if they are then simply transferred on to Adelaide via RFDS.

Also if local ambulance resources were not able to meet operational needs, then a rapid response for trauma using a helicopter could be considered but again, very expensive resource for not a lot of return and returning a patient to what level of care.?

Hate to say it Bill, but I would be very VERY surprised if the proposal got off the ground (pardon the pun), it has little bang for buck features and doesn't address the primary concern that you raised of getting people to Adelaide.

@ Badjas - For Retrievals involving Medstar, the 'utilise' RFDS for transport. A standing arrangement exists whereby the retrieval service will contact SAAS stating the nature and location of the trauma / critically ill patient and then liaise as to the best transport medium to take the team out and bring them back.

This might involve private car / taxi / SAAS vehicle / SAAS ambulance / Rotary wing - AB412, BK117 or EC130 or fixed wing - Pilatus (RFDS), Commercial jet or Charter Jet. (Occasionally water craft are required and this might involve SAPOL / SES or Marine and Harbours etc) Often a combination is used throughout a retrieval. I believe that Medstar will be having their own rapid response vehicles to mean that they are self-sufficient for responding from other emergency services (ie SAAS).

I believe that Moomba have a helicopter, used for general duties but can be configured for patient transport.

When I worked at Ayers Rock, we had an agreement with a local Helicopter charter company to provide a rapid response capability for nurse / paramedic to outlying emergencies. This would mostly be backed up by a road vehicle for transport.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: boredmatrix on August 02, 2009, 12:43:19 AM
there will always be talk about how many more helicopters we should be getting and where they should be based.  The same argument could be made to base one in Pot Lincoln to cover the west coast for the dozen times a year it's needed - allowing for  a more rapid response when the need arises..

and talk is allows people to aspire to something.....a common goal for the greater good of the people....until

....the cost comes out..and then the whole plan just disappears for a few more years!

The only realistic helo use which warrants any investigating (and it is being investigated....) is that of the Yorke Peninsula.  RFDS is VERY reluctant to fly patients out of there because it's too close to Adelaide - so instead hold SAAS to Ransom (as per their usual MO....) and make the Vol cars drive all the patients to the city.  A helo flight to YP is only 20 mins each way.....the only downside the cost. 

but...if you weigh that up against the cost of all the road transfers, including man/women hours (which are consequently "free"(sic)) - then the case for choppering all acute patients out of the YP could probably be one that is feasible....
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: mattb on October 02, 2009, 07:07:31 PM (

The 'A Current Affair' story on Medstar.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on October 28, 2009, 06:15:28 PM
I quite liked that story. It was good to see a couple of my mates in the vid :P

Its a good service and it is great to see that it got off the ground instead of the usual Adelaide pomp & circumstance getting in the way.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: SA Firey on November 29, 2009, 03:46:32 PM
MedStar Operations Centre was open for a tour on Thursday and 40 people made the visit for a look see.

There was a demonstration involving a casualty who had fallen from a roof and Matt Hooper and his team put on a good display.Some of the equipment was on display and a mini ventilator unit costs $35,000 bearing in mind the weight issues for the choppers.
MedStar will be relocating in about 18 months to a new facility at the western end of the airport for quicker dispatch.

Currently the SAAS SOT and MedStar are sharing the same facility which is a bit cramped to say the least.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: SA Firey on November 29, 2009, 03:54:03 PM

Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on December 29, 2009, 04:58:39 PM
Those pics are great! It is such a sight getting to see those helicopters come in and land on our helipad. One night we had two land on the deck one after the other. I had a chat to the pilot of the first helicopter while we were waiting for the second and he was ex Army and was in the 171st Aviation Squadron who are the Special Forces pilots. They fly the SAS and 4RAR around etc (equivalent to the US 160th SOAR "Night Stalkers").

I will get to go and spend a day down there one weekend, should be cool to see what goes on there.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: bajdas on February 13, 2010, 07:50:11 AM
Health Minister, John Hill, has launched a new aero-medical retrieval service to get emergency teams out to critically injured and sick children and newborns faster than ever before.

Minister Hill said. "MedStar Kids specialises in the emergency care and treatment of young children and babies."

"There are now teams of specialist doctors, nurses and paramedics based at Adelaide Airport 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ready to go at a moment's notice.

"When you have a very sick or newborn baby, every second counts.

Premier Mike Rann said the new service, MedStar Kids, also transfers children and their parents between hospitals across South Australia.

"Before Medstar set up its adult retrieval service last year, the average time between receiving an emergency call and getting a team on their way to the scene was 35 minutes.

"The new service has cut that average time down to just ten minutes.

"Since the launch of the adult MedStar service in March 2009, the specialist teams have successfully retrieved over 1300 seriously ill and injured adults."

Dr Jane Cocks, MedStar Kids, clinical director, said the service is expected to help with around 800 retrievals and transfers across the state each year.

"The children's retrieval service in South Australia was previously carried out by staff at the Women's and Children's Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre, and they provided an excellent level of care.

"The benefit of having a dedicated MedStar Kids retrieval team based at Adelaide Airport is that we will be able to reach the patient and start treatment quicker than ever before.

"Bring able to provide early emergency medical care for seriously ill and injured babies and children makes a big difference to their chance of survival and their long-term recovery."
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: allouthere on February 13, 2010, 10:52:52 PM
When medstar first took over as the retrieval service they were doing pead cases as well,

its good to see that there is now a pead team available but do they do roadside trauma as well or just hospital to hospital? at the SAAS conference last year the guy who took us through medstar base said they would be doing all road side retrievals. 
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on February 14, 2010, 09:12:58 PM
Yes, they do roadside retrievals.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: allouthere on February 14, 2010, 10:47:49 PM
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on February 15, 2010, 12:33:51 AM
Here is a pic of VH-LSA which is the Bell 412, a four-bladed variant of the famous Huey. I took this on our helipad with my iPhone. I'm pretty impressed with the quality.

Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: Pipster on February 15, 2010, 07:12:33 AM
And here's one I prepared earlier


Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on February 16, 2010, 12:49:43 AM
Awesome photo Pip! Can you tell us the scenario here?
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: Pipster on February 16, 2010, 06:51:52 AM
Motorcylist crashed off Gorge Rd Paracombe, landing on a ledge about 8-10 metres down.

Had to be winched out (wth great difficulty) before begin flown to hospital.

More photos at

Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on February 16, 2010, 04:17:30 PM
That's an awesome website Pip, great photos all round.
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: Pipster on February 16, 2010, 09:53:49 PM
Thanks.   :-D

It certainly takes up enough of my time!!!     :-D

Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on August 24, 2010, 11:44:47 PM
By the way Pip, that image is now my phone background. Its orientation is perfect for the iPhone screen and its such a cool image!
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: Pipster on August 25, 2010, 12:22:50 PM
I'm glad people can make use of our photos   :-D

Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: Skippy on November 27, 2010, 02:17:29 PM
Does anyone know the call sign for medSTAR? I think SOT is SO174 but I think medSTAR is different. 
Title: Re: Medstar retrieval service
Post by: disOrderly on November 29, 2010, 08:57:54 PM
I know their callsigns are simply MedSTAR 71 for the 0700-1900 team, MedSTAR 81 for the 0800-2000 crew and so on.  Similar to all the SAAS crews, not sure what their pager callsign is.
Title: Re: Medistar retrieval service
Post by: Skippy on July 19, 2011, 08:05:06 AM
Quote from: rescue5271 on July 30, 2009, 06:45:25 AM
There is talk of having a rescue chopper down here in the SE working out of MOUNT GAMBIER the Grant council is pushing for it along with other council's here in the SE. I understand there are concerns about the RFDS service as they are too busy and that at night they only have one plane that covers SA/NSW/NT (parts of)....

I know it has been a while but this regards to your earlier post about having a rescue chopper in the South East:

South-East plea for rescue copter

A SOUTH-East councillor is calling for a rescue helicopter to be permanently based at Mt Gambier.

THIS follows two recent incidents in which a Victorian rescue helicopter was called to assist emergency services.

Grant councillor, Alan Hill, said the people of the South-East were being neglected by the State Government and his pleas to get a helicopter for the region were being ignored.

The lives of regional people were just as important as those in the city, Mr Hill said.

"Our regional lives have the same value as city lives and our taxes have the same value as city taxes," he said.

"Warrnambool, which has similar demographics, is a lot closer to Melbourne . . . yet they have a rescue helicopter and we don't.

"If you are in a serious car crash within 200km of Adelaide, if the situation demands, then a helicopter will get you to the appropriate health care far more quickly than by road ambulance."

Mr Hill said Mt Gambier was the largest regional city in SA, while the whole South-East region had a population of about 70,000 people.

He said the helicopter could also be used by other emergency

services. "They can give you a thousand reasons why it can't happen . . . but nobody is even trying, we are neglected down here, we don't get what we deserve."

An spokeswoman for Ambulance Victoria said they were there to help across any borders when requested.

Keith is the furthest distance in the South-East that the Motor Accident Commission rescue helicopter can fly to from Adelaide and return with out refuelling.

Local Independent MP Don Peglar said the proposal had previously always been put in the too hard basket: "But I think it is worthy of analysis to see what the true benefits are."

Health Minister John Hill did not respond to questions from The Advertiser. (