SA Firefighter

General Discussion => CFS Cadet Corner => Topic started by: Dusty on February 10, 2009, 08:31:41 AM

Title: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on February 10, 2009, 08:31:41 AM
should  cadets be training with firefighter
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: 6739264 on February 10, 2009, 09:13:53 AM
I think that they can be incorporated into larger drills, for sure.

Cadets need to be seen as part of the brigade, not just a tacked on "Scouts" group. In the past my brigade had run things like this, and you would have cadets hitting 16, becoming a firefighter, but then essentially being a new member in a brigade because they had been totally detached from training with the other firefighters.

It's important for cadets to train together, depending on their numbers, but the can do a lot of other things. How many training nights are theory sessions? Why can't a cadet been seen simply as a member who only has BFF1? Those members still can assist at RCR/BA/Hazmat training. Why not the cadets? This also allows them a seamless transition into full firefighting duties.

Ofcourse this should depend on the individuals, and it needs to be made clear that the training is serious and not a muck around session, nor a babysitting service.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: bajdas on February 10, 2009, 10:29:58 AM
Can they be used as casualties in the firefighters exercises ?
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: 6739264 on February 10, 2009, 10:31:12 AM
Quote from: bajdas on February 10, 2009, 10:29:58 AM
Can they be used as casualties in the firefighters exercises ?

Why not?
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Pipster on February 10, 2009, 02:55:57 PM
I think the answer to should cadets training with the firefighters (I think by that you mean at the same training sessions), is "it depends"

If you have an 11 year old join CFS, and train alongside the seniors, it can create issues in terms of the 11 year olds ability to comprehend the information provided, at the speed it is presented.

Some 11 year olds are very switched on, and can (and do) grasp the concepts pretty quickly, so no special attention is needed, while others may struggle to understand the information being provided in an adult learning environment.

Some of the cadets (and some seniors for that matter!) have a short attention span.  This can be disruptive, and difficult for the brigade to train the cadets alongside the adults.

If you have a large number of cadets, it can create issues when training alongside the seniors, in that you don't have enough space on the appliance to cart everybody around, not enough equipment to use during training etc.

So there are some certainly some considerations to be taken into account.

However, there are also many advantages of having cadets training alongside the seniors.    My own brigade currently has three cadets - 13, 14.5 x2

All three of them were very keen to join CFS, are able to grasp the training concepts presented without having to make extra special arrangements for them.

The attention span on all three is good, so we don't have bad behaviour disrupting the rest of the members.

When they become firefighters, aged 16, they will have had 18 months + of training alongside the Seniors, picking up snippets of info about real calls, so their transition from cadet to firefighter is relatively seemless.

Overall, there are both advantages & disadvantages of having Cadet members training with the seniors.

How a brigade ultimately runs the cadets is dependent on many factors, (some outlined above), and what works well in one brigade, may fail dismally in another!


Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on February 11, 2009, 08:18:07 AM
With the cadets that i'm with we might be training with the firefighter because we only have 2 people turn up each week :cry:
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: jaff on February 11, 2009, 08:42:50 AM
Quote from: Dusty on February 11, 2009, 08:18:07 AM
With the cadets that i'm with we might be training with the firefighter because we only have 2 people turn up each week :cry:

Thats the good news Dusty, if you are there to truly learn about firefighting then you wont be distracted by other cadets and you will gain the respect of your firefighting peers , because you were committed to the cause.
Remember cadets are the future of this organisation! :wink:
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on February 11, 2009, 08:51:03 AM
It just means that us cadets with have to more radio then anything. We will still go out on the truck just not as much. :-o
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on May 18, 2009, 01:48:49 PM
i was the only cadet but now we have 1 more because the others left and i was the only one left but i still enjoy it. We mostly do radio and truck checks but still go out on the trucks. :-)
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: rescue5271 on May 18, 2009, 08:20:12 PM
I dont have a problem with cadets training with seniors in a brigade as that way they get a better understanding of what a firefighter does but also some cadet training does get boring.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on May 19, 2009, 11:20:33 AM
I do agree with that but it sometime depends on what your doing!
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on May 29, 2009, 11:13:28 AM
When cadets do burn offs with firefighters does it mean that cadets just stay on the truck and watch?  :|
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: rescue5271 on May 29, 2009, 01:55:47 PM
No dusty it means the cadet gets of the appliances and helps and the cadet should be one on with a member of the brigade....
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on June 03, 2009, 09:49:56 AM
When we were going to have a burn off it was in school time, are cadets allowed to go and help?
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Mike on June 03, 2009, 11:21:22 AM
I think a responsible OIC would suggest they continue their studies.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: David on June 03, 2009, 04:25:06 PM
Quote from: Dusty on June 03, 2009, 09:49:56 AM
When we were going to have a burn off it was in school time, are cadets allowed to go and help?

Not if your Dad knows about it and now that I do ..... :-D :-D
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on June 04, 2009, 02:02:29 PM
The reason i was asking was because we might be have one in a few weeks time. Also if cadets do attend do they continue on with school work, they just sit in the truck or on the back. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Alan J on June 17, 2009, 12:41:25 PM
What parents do with their kids during school time is up for negotiation between
them & the school. None of CFS' business.  Parent may be able to 'sell' the burn
as part of BFF1 which is eligible for SACE points, in which case they may need a
letter of approval from the brigade captain.

As for cadets at burns, IIRC...

In the last version of policy, any cadet can participate in pile burns so long
as there is adequate supervision ratio (can't remember if it's 2:1 or 4:1, where
the supervisors' role is purely to supervise the cadets, not do the burn.)

Only cadets with BFF1 can participate in area burns. Same supervision requirement.

If a burn gets out of control, cadets are supposed to go sit on the truck.

hope that helps.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on June 18, 2009, 10:00:37 AM
Thanks, one last thing, if the burn does get out of control should it be better if the cadets were well out of the way and they just wait for someone to come and pick them up??? 8-)
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Pipster on June 18, 2009, 12:12:39 PM
If a burn off gets out of control, people might be a bit busy trying to put it out, than arrange for someone to pick up the cadets in a hurry!! 

Sitting in the truck is a relatively safe place to be.  As long as the cadets realise this, and do exactly what they are told, then they should be safe.   

If they are out at more than just pile burns, then they should have completed BF-1 and the burnover drill, and hopefully comprehend what is going on around them!

As for "getting them out of the way" might work if say the appliance went to a fill point off the fireground, (specifically to get water) and dropped the cadets off there for someone to collect.

You don't want cadets (or anyone else for that matter) running around on foot, trying to get away, at a seriously out of control fire!

But the way our weather pattern in the Adelaide Hills, it'll be a while before we can really get stuff to burn well (without accelerant!) and longer where a burn off poses a risk of seriously getting away....


Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Alan J on June 20, 2009, 09:26:16 AM
Quote from: Dusty on June 18, 2009, 10:00:37 AM
Thanks, one last thing, if the burn does get out of control should it be better if the cadets were well out of the way and they just wait for someone to come and pick them up??? 8-)

hmmmm.... "go and sit on the truck" was a throwaway comment best not thrown away.
Didn't expect it to be taken literally...

You are quite correct. Cadets are to be escorted out of the way by one or more of
the f/f's supervising them, and kept there until they are collected, or the fire
is under control again.

Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on July 27, 2009, 02:09:21 PM
Within cadets are you allowed to do your BFF1 before you are 16/becoming a firefighter???  :|.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: chinabone on September 16, 2009, 02:39:22 PM
15 and a half u can do bff1
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Pipster on September 16, 2009, 04:47:38 PM
As far as I understand, there is no age restriction on undertaking BF-1... but depending on the age of the cadets, it may be that BF-1 presented over 1 weekend is too much, and that a BF-1 for younger cadets can be presented over several weeks / months.

However, if a cadet under about 14 and a half ( I think) and completes BF-1, they must complete BF-1 again, before being allowed out on the fireground at 16.   If you a cadet aged over 14.5 completes BF-1, then they don't have to redo BF-1, when they turn 16.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: BundyBear on September 17, 2009, 12:05:41 AM
My brigade has a number of cadets and we keep them separated from the operational fire fighters for a number of reasons.

We make sure we maintain the correct ratio of Cadet trainers to cadets. The only time we involve them in the brigades training the cadets will only ever have an observational role and not on an operational appliance at a training night.

We only train the brigade once a week so it's important our fire fighters have no distrations or hindrance's from the cadets. Plus a separate training for the cadets gives them more time to learn and develop.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: ftstn on September 17, 2009, 10:10:08 AM
TFS runs there cadets slightly different, 12-16 they are considerd junior members, they train at a seperate time for about an hour on the regular brigade training night ( at least thats my brigade), they get do everything bar BA, driving (obviously) and a couple of other specialist skills, after they turn 16 they become cadets and are allowed to attend regular brigade training and participate in drills and other training apart from BA and driving,

This seems to work well as they get two years of training in with the operational memebers and by the time they are 18 everyone has a good handle on them and there abilitys, also they can earn there ticket to ride so to speak and can then go to calls once they turn 18 and get a pager, not 100% sure ages mentioned are right but pretty close


Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on September 17, 2009, 11:07:03 AM
In my brigade once you are 16 you can attend calls but not RCR's and MVA's.
Once you are 18 you can attend RCR'S and MVA'S.

When you turn 16 you get a pager and gear but it is kept in the same place as the cadets gear until you turn 18.

:wink: :wink:
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Baxter on September 17, 2009, 06:45:25 PM
We've kept it pretty simple come along and try for the first three months but be a regular attender. We train as one group as we can all share something but once you turn 16 you can consider becoming a fire fighter and once you are 18 you need to make up your mind.

What we insist upon is that all members in the 16 to 18 years write a letter of application to become a brigade fire fighter and get it cosigned with a care giver.

This seems to be working as we are sorting out the pretenders and real deals and it also makes the parents see that it a safe environment
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Dusty on September 21, 2009, 04:49:11 PM
Thanks guys!

With attending calls is it that the new firefighter is allowed to decide weather or not they go on the truck or do radio.

Or is it that if they get there as one of the first then that means that they are on the truck???

:| :| :|
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: Mike on September 22, 2009, 07:23:44 AM
Things like that are very dependent on the brigade/group Dusty...
It could easily go both ways, however a bit of discussion with the captain wouldnt go astray.
Title: Re: Cadet training with firefighters
Post by: fridgemagnet on September 22, 2009, 09:10:57 AM
I hope the call is still up to the individual as they know what they feel comfortable with and dare I say it some of us do become accustomed to the dangers (an that a  :? )

If you turn up and a FF then I can't see any problems as some of us older farts can sit bit and let the young ones gain some experience but as mike said it is up to the OIC at the station at that that time as sometimes they have your best interests at heart even though it hard to see.