If telstra bigpond is your internet service provider, change to another provider like Internode or Adam like NOW.
Reason: If you have any problem with your service, dont bother trying to get it fixed, it wont get fixed if its a problem on bigponds end.
Zippy's thoughts: Bigpond is full of algae.
Chariot is what most CFS groups use and you might get a discount :wink:
nothing like internal market research and sales!
i had to spend hours of my time trying to fix my boss's home internet connection...nice cash job too...but after 3 weeks, they sent out a Line technician...who knows nothing RE: Internet.
Quote from: SA Firey on January 28, 2009, 01:34:08 PM
Chariot is what most CFS groups use and you might get a discount :wink:
yes my group gets a good deal from chariot, have had it with them for several years now. It's Internode the safecom IT people are installing in level 3 bases. Internode are good, I use them at home, I just wonder why groups that get the safecom provided Internode connection are being charged around twice the rate we pay to chariot.
Im with ya zippy im over shitpond, my connection has been down for a week and they keep telling me nothing is wrong with it, yeah right. Had one of the computer gurus from work look at it and whata ya know its a problem at shitponds end..... :x
Quote from: Darius on January 29, 2009, 08:43:36 AM
Quote from: SA Firey on January 28, 2009, 01:34:08 PM
Chariot is what most CFS groups use and you might get a discount :wink:
I just wonder why groups that get the safecom provided Internode connection are being charged around twice the rate we pay to chariot.
Best to check the plans first before comparing prices, I suspect Internode may be supplying a higher speed plan or a business plan with a service level agreement (SLA) where the Chariot plans are normally just domestic types with no supply guarantee and only "best effort".
Quote from: OldOne on January 29, 2009, 12:26:31 PM
Best to check the plans first before comparing prices, I suspect Internode may be supplying a higher speed plan or a business plan with a service level agreement (LSA) where the Chariot plans are normally just domestic types with no supply guarantee and only "best effort".
yep have taken those into account.