SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SA Firefighter General => Topic started by: jaff on September 26, 2008, 04:03:20 PM

Title: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: jaff on September 26, 2008, 04:03:20 PM
Consider this the dictionary of acronyms,my bet we can get 100 - 200ish.

I'll kick of proceedings with:

(1)GO....Group officer
(2)DGO...Deputy group officer
(3)GDO...Group duty officer
(4)RDO...Regional duty officer
(5)SITREPS...situation,impacts,tactics,external agencies,problems,safety.
(6)JAFF....Just another filtered fireman :-D

Keep the count going please :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Zippy on September 26, 2008, 04:15:39 PM
7) RECEO....Rescue, Exposures, containment, Extinguishment, Overhaul
8 ) EIP...emergency information panel
9) IERG...Inital Emergency Response guide (hazmat)
10) HAG (form)....Hazmat action guide
11) PPE...Personal protective equipment
12) CFB...compartment fire behaviour)
13) SMEAC...Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin/Logs, Command and comms, Safety, questions
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on September 26, 2008, 07:52:32 PM
14) FIP...Fire Alarm Panel
15) MCP...Manual Call Point
16) EWAS..Evacuation and Warning System
17) TIC...Thermal Imaging Camera
18) GPS...Global Positioning System
19) SIP...Sub Indicator Panel
20) GP...General Purpose Pumper

Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: OMGWTF on September 26, 2008, 08:03:30 PM
hmmm how about;

21] SAMFS - South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service
22] SACFS - South Australian Country Fire Service
23] AFA - Automatic Fire Alarm
24] PPC - Personal Protective Clothing [to compliment Zippy's equipment]
25] RIG - Rapid Intervention Gear
26] VA - Vehicle Accident
27] MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident
28] RCR - Road Crash Rescue
29] RAR - Road Accident Rescue
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on September 26, 2008, 08:07:14 PM
30) FCI...Fire Cause Investigator
31) AIIMS.Australasian Interservice Incident Management System
32) LCES..Lookouts,Communication,Escape Routes,Safety Zones
33) COSO..Chief Officers Standing Orders
34) SOP...Standard Operating Procedures

Someone elses turn now :-P
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Cameron Yelland on September 26, 2008, 11:18:10 PM
35 - CABA......Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: calspec on September 27, 2008, 01:57:20 AM
Ooh what fun...

Some more random entries,

35) TFT - Task Force tip
36) GRN - Gov. Radio Network.
37) FGP - Fire Ground Practice. Forgot that one Jeff!?
38) SAFECOM - SA Fire and Emergency services Commission
39) STC - State training center
40) VESDA - Very early smoke detection alarm
41) WIP - Warden intercom point.
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: boredmatrix on September 27, 2008, 05:38:07 AM
TFU     - total fook up
WOFTAM  - waste of fooken time an money
PITA    - pain in the ar€e
NRNR    - no root no ride
CRI     - Cranial Rectal Inversion
FIDO    - F**C it - Drive On (erroneous Alarm activation)
JAFFOB  - Just Another Fat F**king Office Bod
RT      - Room temperature (ie: Dead)
SEP     - Someone Else's Problem
SHPOS   - Sub Human Piece of S**T
SPAK    - Status Post Ar€e Kicking
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: rescue5271 on September 27, 2008, 06:48:45 AM
 S/O - Station officer
SUB - Sub station officer
LFF - leading firefighter
Qff - Qualified firefighter
F/O - Fire officer
R/O - Resident officer (volunteer CFA)
DMO - district mechanical officer

Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: bittenyakka on September 27, 2008, 08:02:04 AM
61) OMG- operational management guideline
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Zippy on September 27, 2008, 09:13:13 AM
63) CRIIMSON..CFS Resource & Incident Information Management System Online Network
64) TAS......Training Administration System
65) SACAD....South Australian Computer Aided Dispatch...aka God according to most.
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Jimmy_91 on September 27, 2008, 10:13:03 AM
66) RO...Regional Officer
67) GOMP...Group Operational Management Plan
68) ROMP...Regional Operational Management Plan

Quote from: jaff on September 26, 2008, 04:03:20 PM
(5)SITREPS...situation,impacts,tactics,external agencies,problems,safety.
I thought SITREP meant Silly Interfering Timewasting Report Expected Pronto  :-D
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: 6739264 on September 27, 2008, 01:11:49 PM
69) EWIS - Emergency Waring and Intercommunication System
70) BGA - Break Glass Alarm
71) DBA - Direct Brigade Alarm
72) RIK - Rapid Intervention Kit
73) RIV - Rapif Intervention
74) DCP - Dry Chemical Powder
75) FIMP -Fire Indictor Mimic Panel
76) USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
77) UI - Urban Interface
78) METOPDOG - (Go on, can you remember it without the manual?)
79) OBAOC - Operate Breathing Apparatus, Open Circuit
80) HOTS - Heat, Oxygen, Toxic, Smoke.
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on September 27, 2008, 02:37:29 PM
81) S.H.I.T  Send help its terrible :-D
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Firey9119 on September 27, 2008, 06:42:46 PM
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Katrina on September 27, 2008, 07:00:02 PM
I'm with Jimmy and Big Al - had those ones used and used those ones
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on September 29, 2008, 08:03:07 PM
I take it all back having a blonde day :oops:
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: RescueHazmat on September 29, 2008, 09:49:18 PM
84) DSU
85) PASS
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: bittenyakka on September 29, 2008, 09:50:21 PM
airs and aiims are 2 different things aern't they?
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: 6739264 on September 29, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on September 29, 2008, 08:03:07 PM
Hey Zippy that was 31 mate :-P
Quote from: bittenyakka on September 29, 2008, 09:50:21 PM
airs and aiims are 2 different things aern't they?

hahahahaha. It's all happening tonight!

86) ASE - Alarm Signalling Equipment
87) ICMS - Incident Crew Management System
88) FESA - Fire & Emergency Services Authority (of WA)
89) NTPFES - Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services
90) QFRS - Qld Fire and Rescue Service
91) NSWFB - NSW Fire Brigades
92) NSWRFS - NSW Rural Fire Service
93) CFA - Country Fire Authority
94) MFESB - Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board
95) TFS - Tasmania Fire Service
96) TTL - Turntable Ladder
97) LP - Ladder Platform
98) UL - Ultra Large
99) P - Pumper
100) AP - Aerial Pumper   (yay 100)
101) WT - Water Tanker
102) TB - Teleboom
103) R - Rescue
104) ICV - Incident Command Vehicle
105) LSV - Logistics Support Vehicle
106) PT - Pumper Tanker
107) T - Tanker
108) BWC - Bulk Water Carrier
109) MART - Awesomeness
110) RIT - Rapid Intervention Team

phew, time for bed I think...
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: RescueHazmat on September 29, 2008, 10:30:19 PM
MART.. hehehe.. Nice one..

(wonders how many will go.. "Whats that!!?"

And yes bitten, you are correct!.. - Couldn't believe SAFIREY didn't pick it..
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on September 29, 2008, 11:15:02 PM
Touche Rescue having a blonde day :oops:
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: boredmatrix on September 30, 2008, 08:50:06 AM
isn't MART a cooking term?

"make another rhubarb tart"

Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: jaff on September 30, 2008, 09:16:23 AM
(111) SLG Stragegic leadership group
(112) COAC Cheif Officers Advisory Commitee
(113) FDI Fire Danger Index
(114) FFDI Forest Fire Danger Index
(115) SDI Soil Dryness Index
(116) IMT Incident Management Team
(117) IAP Incident Action Plan
(118) 14  1000 litre 4 wheel drive
(119) 24  2000 Litre 4 wheel drive
(120) 34  3000 litre 4 wheel drive
(121) 12  1000 litre 2 wheel drive
(122) 22  2000 litre 2 wheel drive
(123) 32  3000 litre 2 wheel drive
(124) BWC Bulk Water Carrier
(125) CAFS Compressed Air Foam System
(126) AFFF Aqueus Film Forming Foam

Next  :-)
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: jaff on September 30, 2008, 09:29:19 AM
My Favorite

(127) SPAM Shite Provided At Major incidents, normally with potato salad, beetroot, peas and pineapple ring  :-D
(127) SPAM Stress Prevention And Management
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Pipster on September 30, 2008, 11:21:47 AM
(128) HAZMAT   Hazardous Materials
(129) DS        Dangerous Substances (for the older ones amongst us, who can remember the days before Hazmat!)

Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: RescueHazmat on September 30, 2008, 11:33:43 AM
130)DG Dangerous goods  (slight variation to DS.. Same diff though).
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: 6739264 on September 30, 2008, 11:41:21 AM
Quote from: 6739264 on September 29, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
108) BWC - Bulk Water Carrier

Quote from: jaff on September 30, 2008, 09:16:23 AM
(124) BWC Bulk Water Carrier

*beep* Wrong answer!

Back on track with the numbering:

130) VAR - Vehicle Accident Rescue (old buddies with DS)
131) CMS - Chip Measurement System
132) FID - Flame Ionisation Detector
133) RAID - Rapid Chemical Agent Detection Alarm And Identification Device
134) PID - Photoionisation Detector
135) CWA - Chemical Warfare Agent
136) IED - Improvised Explosive Device
137) ADG - Australian Dangerous Good Code
138) BCA - Building Code Australia
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: JamesGar on October 01, 2008, 09:25:54 AM
Clinical one:

BRP = Beyond The Rhelm of Panadol (ie bad pain)
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: JC on October 01, 2008, 01:26:02 PM
RLF = Run Like F*&k
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Hazmat206 on October 03, 2008, 01:55:41 PM
131)COQ'S- change of quarters. i don't beleive this one has been put in yet,i thought it would be one of the first to come to mind :-D
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: calspec on October 03, 2008, 04:12:38 PM
132) OIC - Officer in charge
133) SFF - Senior Firefighter
134) FF - firefighter.

Come on guys, we forgot the most important ones....US!
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Hazmat206 on October 04, 2008, 12:09:07 AM
135)D/O- District Officer
136)GAW- Gawler
137)ELIZ- Elizabeth
138)CPK- Camden Park
139)GLO- Glen Osmond
140)ADL- Adelaide
141)STM- St Marys
142)MBR- Murray Bridge
143)PAU- Port Augusta
144)BPK- Brooklyn Park
145)APK- Angle Park
146)PAD- Port Adelaide
147)SAL- Salisbury
148)BLP- Beulah Park
149)GLY- Glynde
150)WDV- Woodville
151)LGS- Largs North
152)CDN- Christies Downs
153)OHH- O'halloran Hill
154)GGV- Golden Grove
155)OAK- Oakden
156)TAN- Tanunda
157)PPT- Prospect
158)PPI- Port Pirie
159)PBR- Peterborough
160)WHY- Whyalla
161)CLR- Clare
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: Hazmat206 on October 04, 2008, 12:11:58 AM
162)TG- Talk Group
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on October 06, 2008, 04:22:46 PM
163) SDM State Duty Manager
164) DSC Duty State Controller
165) CFSML CFS Media Liason
166) SFEC Standards of Fire & Emergency Cover
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on February 04, 2009, 02:57:55 PM
167) FRAG-Frequent Responders Action Group
168) QRV-Quick Response Vehicle
169) SIG INC-Significant Incident
170) AAS-Air Attack Supervisor
171) AOB-Air Observer
172) SARC-State Air Resource Coordinator
173) SOPO-State Operations Planning Officer
174) SPRINT-A car designed to stop the clock for SAAS :lol:
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: jaff on February 04, 2009, 03:49:47 PM
Quote from: 6739264 on September 27, 2008, 01:11:49 PM
69) EWIS - Emergency Waring and Intercommunication System
70) BGA - Break Glass Alarm
71) DBA - Direct Brigade Alarm
72) RIK - Rapid Intervention Kit
73) RIV - Rapif Intervention
74) DCP - Dry Chemical Powder
75) FIMP -Fire Indictor Mimic Panel
76) USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
77) UI - Urban Interface
78) METOPDOG - (Go on, can you remember it without the manual?)
79) OBAOC - Operate Breathing Apparatus, Open Circuit
80) HOTS - Heat, Oxygen, Toxic, Smoke.

Number (69) EWIS, possibly might be found on a Nuclear submarine or used between bunkers :-D
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: boredmatrix on February 04, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on February 04, 2009, 02:57:55 PM

174) SPRINT-A car designed to stop the clock for SAAS :lol: left out "a stop-gap designed to get comms out of the $h1t because their co-ords have no freaking clue what they're doing"

nb: this opinion given by a metro paramedic who used to constantly give co-ordinators grief - but has since given up and just does one job at a time, no matter how disgraceful the "co-ordinating" (sic) is.....
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on February 04, 2009, 06:34:49 PM
Quote from: boredmatrix on February 04, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
Quote from: SA Firey on February 04, 2009, 02:57:55 PM

174) SPRINT-A car designed to stop the clock for SAAS :lol: left out "a stop-gap designed to get comms out of the $h1t because their co-ords have no freaking clue what they're doing"

nb: this opinion given by a metro paramedic who used to constantly give co-ordinators grief - but has since given up and just does one job at a time, no matter how disgraceful the "co-ordinating" (sic) is.....

I could'nt steal all your thunder Boredy :-D
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: boredmatrix on February 04, 2009, 07:42:41 PM

I could prob change the way the world rotates -  but not a snowballs chance in hell of changing some of the woeful practices that have weasled their way into that room......

Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on February 04, 2009, 08:08:32 PM
175)NAFC-National Aerial Firefighting Centre
176)AFC-Australian Fire Competency
177)AFF-Aerodrome Fire Firefighter
178)AFO-Aerodrome Fire Officer
179)DCP-Dry Chemical Powder
180)MOU-Memorandum Of Understanding
181)MOS-Manual Of Standards
182)ADG-Australian Dangerous Goods(Code)
183)FSO-Fire Safety Officer
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on February 05, 2009, 10:02:58 PM
185)GFDI Grass Fire Danger Index
186)GCO Group Communications Officer
187)GAO Group Admin Officer
188)GLO Group Logistics Officer
189)GEO Group Equipment Officer
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: SA Firey on March 05, 2009, 10:43:19 AM
190)MEDEVAC-One word that describes that YOU filtered UP GOOD THIS TIME :-D
191)ICC-Incident Control Centre
Title: Re: Loven those firefighting acronyms
Post by: 6739264 on March 05, 2009, 10:47:33 AM

187) Gay-oh!