Should Fire Pumpers or Appliance be able to bought or owned by private companies?
Option 1: Yes, But only on private property
votes: 7
Option 2: Yes, Its a free country
votes: 11
Option 3: No, Fire Trucks and Appliances are for the Fire Services only
votes: 3
Option 4: No, its deceiving for fire trucks to be driven by non fire service personnel
votes: 1
Option 5: Yes, but with no Red/Blue or sirens.
votes: 5
Option 6: Not Sure
votes: 1
REMOVED 18-07-08
No problems as long as they are not used in public emergencies without direction from the proper authorities.
Within your property you can do as you see fit to protect your people & your
property. If you work in with the relevant fire service, they will probably
welcome it.
As far as going off-site is concerned, there are legal issues.
In country areas, it is illegal for a public brigade to exist except as
a CFS brigade. But the various forestry mobs in the SE have dealt with that.
As have Roxby & DEH. At least some of those industry brigades respond off-site
as well. Applications to SA Transport for those vehicles to wear red/blues are supported by the service to which they are affilliated.
A welcome example of good corporate citizenship in my view.
REMOVED 18-07-08
i don't know about any liability issues with that but i assume some adaptation of the farm fire unit guidelines would be able to be drafted
filtered Hell - you have two fully fledged fire trucks! Well done :wink:
Since you close to Adelaide, I do have a few questions
1 Why? What was the risk to justify them?
2 How new are they?
3 Who crews them? & are they CFS? if they are your crew could already be committed when the big one hits.
4 If not who trained them? And would they be prepared to operate the trucks during an emergency off site?
5 Wouldn't they be similar to council tankers? i.e CFS would commandeer/ lease them & they would then be under the control of CFS?
Anyway good on you, hopefully you will never have to use them in anger.
There have been fire appliances in private industry for years, and as we saw in Ash Wednesday, anything and everything was thrown into the resources including concrete trucks for water supply.
Private units would come under the Farm Fire Units policy http://www.cfs.org.au/about/pdf/joint%20guidelines%20-%20fire%20awareness%20&%20operating%20farm%20fire%20units.pdf
As long as it went through the right channels and they were utilised as a resource by CFS they would be under their control.
I dont have a issue with a private company like BHP,spotless or the mine's having their own fleet of pumpers and tankers and lets face it in some of the remote area's these private firms are going to be able to provide back up and better gear to help the local emergency service. Keep in mind that some of these private fire company's have full time or part time firfighters who are trained in RCR,hazmat,caba,and these members come from staff stations work shift and go home... SA will see a increase in these private unit's around the satte and I for would hope that CFS put into place a policy(if its not already there) that we are able to work with each other and have the same communications systems....
I do have a issue with a farm private unit that has red and blue flashing lights and still has the brigade name on the side and roof from where it came from,make's life hell on the fire ground when your calling that tanker and later find out its a farm unit...
Farm fire units are supposed to have orange beacons.
CFS have overall control of them so they need to comply with the policy.The Incident Controller is ultimately held responsible.
REMOVED 18-07-08
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 13, 2008, 04:54:54 PM
Awesome to see you guys are responding... i preparing myself for a substantial dressing down.
We're still coming around to that. :wink:
I have employees who live in the fire zone in belair and the hills area... how do you think the local fire services would respond if we made either of our pumpers available in the event of a large fire..
Our pumpers are all in perfect running condition, have 5k tanks, Darley pumps and roughly 500ft of flat hose, a 150mm Monitor, along with 3 electric hose reels... burn over protection, radios to coordinate with CFS (and not do anything unless given permission) and we all have excellent clothing- Sourced from SA,
I have also rang this past a couple other companies with trucks in CBD or hills area... they have agreed that in the event of another massive fire they would deff commit their trucks and trained personnel.
we promise to take good care of them, but not necessarily return them afterwards...
but seriously... if you want your vehicles & crews to be available/used, they will
need to be built into local response plans. Probably a world of paperwork &
bureaucratic nonsense for you. You'll need to consult with HQ or Region & come to
some agreement of when & where you are willing to commit them, and on what terms
(gratis / hire / whatever).
You'll also need to make contact with the local Group or Groups affected to see how
you might fit into their plans.
I'm not sure that the farm fire fighting arrangements will work so well with these
vehicles. They are better suited to urban property defence as full-fledged MFS
In some ways it would probably be easier for all if you were to form as a CFS
industry brigade. As this has already been done elsewhere, it will save reinventing
that particular wheel, & make it easier to integrate your vehicles into the
fireground. It also closes any Workcover loopholes. It may require your people to
do certain additional CYA training modules such as burn-over drill & safe off-road
Alternatively, contact your local Group & tell them you have some shiny BRT's that
you'd be happy to lend on a composite crew basis if they are interested. They will
be able to work out with you & with CFS heirarchy the best way forward.
Now, about that dressing down you ordered...
Yeah I know about private sector trucks normally remote locations, very high risk industries.
Going by your reply mate you know all about liability issues & Workcover.
Agree with Alan J & as I said good on you, was just curious being so close to Adelaide. But now I know what you do :wink: (your not looking for any more training work are you? We are trying to get quotes for some of the above/ refresher & we can't get hold of our usual supplier)
Bill have you told the farmers about the old callsigns being on the farm units?
Thanks for the reply, didn't expect such detail :-D
REMOVED 18-07-08
good on ya mate im sure the C.F.S wuld be greatful for ur help (well id hope so)
nice work bring on all the help the cfs can get!!!
btw what are the chances of getting a few shots of the appliances you have???
REMOVED 18-07-08
first thing I thought of reading your post was sounds a similar situation to Woomera Emergency Services:
It's a privately owned/run fire service (and ambos) run by BAE Systems under the Woomera Support Contract to the Commonwealth govt (Defence Dept). However the interesting part is not only do they cover the town of Woomera (which is defence land) but venture out into public land supporting the CFS as well. I imagine there is some MOU type agreement signed with CFS. Might be worth investigating if you can go down a similar track.
REMOVED 18-07-08
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 14, 2008, 11:13:58 AM
The Woomera contract only exists cause the CFS don't have MFS backup.
You couldn't be more
incorrect!.-Your picture shows a FESA scania.. (WA Fire Service).
REMOVED 18-07-08
Have to say its pretty understandable that CFS dont want to utilise your appliances, although it is a great gesture on your part...
I can see, crewing, comms, dispatch, training, ppe, etc all being problems...
Nice to have another appliance... but i cant see it working.
But on the other hand, the truck appears very nice on face value... It can come and sit in our station for crewing by our guys any time if it was my call ;)
Your comment in regards to Woomera (ie: the Defence Commercial Support Contract and then the comment about CFS/MFS) is totally wrong. - Get your facts right before you start sprawling stuff all over the internet..
Secondly, no. The CFS doesn't always have the MFS. There are a number of areas where response relies on just volunteers. - Another outlandish comment of yours.
FESA is on the door of the truck on your picture, along with WA's trademark setting of the lights half way down the cab, and their striping. - Hope that pic wasn't copyright!
Oh dear, another bright spark - please don't come to my fires, its hard enough controlling the people we have let alone some rougue getting around with lights and sirens.
The only thing I would want you for is water.
Also, Woomera is a Commonwealth town, MFS couldn't put a station there even if they wanted to, its not how it works. CFS are invited to have a station in the town but have no role in the town, in fact they aren't on the initial response for anything in the township of Woomera.
I wait all day for people like you to post on the forum, makes this dull winter so much better ! :-D
REMOVED 18-07-08
SA-Private Contractor.
I am a Firefighter / Ambulance Officer from Woomera Emergency Services.
Unless you are apart of SAAS, or Fire and Rescue Australia - (who supply training in some of our technical course requirements), then I am very interested to know who you are, and what you have apparently 'trained people in' up here before.
1. - Woomera Emergency Services (Or as it was known in the early days, the Woomera Fire Brigade) have been around since the 50's when Woomera and the WPA started operations. - Currently, we come under operation through BAE-Systems Australia. (They have had the WCSC since 2001, - previously it was Australian Defence Industries). BAE Systems have the contract from Dept. of Defence (DOD) to supply Estate services support, Operations-which the Emerg. Serv. come under - and a whole lot of other things...
Part of the Defence contract relating to emergency services, states there must be a full emergency service present to support and cover the Woomera township (commonwealth land, and the WPA). - Hence why we are here. - We have MOU's in place to assist the state (local areas/towns/highway on state land) in times of need.. However operations / duty and coverage in the town, must come first.
There are seperate MOU's and Protocol inplace for the work we do on the Highway in a medical sense (Have travelled hundreds of K's for jobs before). - But that has little to do with this thread.
So in summary..
Your comment: The Woomera contract only exists cause the CFS don't have MFS backup. - Is Wrong!
Your comment: Anyway i guess if the cfs get up filtered creek they always got the mfs. - Is also wrong.
Your comment: Its kinda obvious that there is not a MFS station in the sticks and that it is the CFS area of responsibility. - In regards to Woomera, is totally incorrect. We are a fulltime service, in the "sticks", here to support and serve the DOD. The CFS' responsiblilty out here is the Highway (state land), and all other state land just like any other brigade. - Which does not include the Woomera Township, WPA or commonwealth infrastructure. . .
REMOVED 18-07-08
oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need), Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.
REMOVED 18-07-08
Mate you need to be very careful what you say on here, lots of stuff is taken out of context all of the time! And if you choose the wrong word or phrase, people have been known to get a bit testy (including me :wink: ).
Anyway I knew what you meant so no real harm done, I still think what you are offering is great, (FESA Markings & all).
Just a query why you are able to have red and blue lights when you are not a registered emergency service and are not under then act in any shape or form. I am to believe if you are not this it is purely red lights or amber as safirey pointed out. Would not be a wise move for you business to attend any jobs as the volunteers may think your shiny scania is nice but the paid members will not shine too much to this and could have bad implications for your business.
If the state has a need for more fire resources be paid or volunteer then that needs to happen and not have the gaps filled by private contractors.
Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need), Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.
What more work can Kadina take on, the CFS already do the RCR and anything outside the town, not sure what else they can do ?
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 14, 2008, 12:56:25 PM
Hi 49194,
The training director informed me that we had actually done training for another site... not at the Woomera site.
Sorry for the F up.
And from the contingency plans i have seen on numerous occasions in areas of overlapping responsibility the MFS and CFS coodinate and work as one unit. (correct if i am wrong)
The Woomera contract comment was in regards to there being no MFS station at Woomera, and that there is MOU between CFS and Woomera EFS.
Once again the third comment is out of context, that comment was made in regard to a comment someone made that the MFS is not everywhere and i said of course the MFS is not all the way out in the country... in regards to there not being a MFS station in the country (and i mean hawker, burra, penola, kangaroo island)
read the context of a comment, then make your own comment. thanks :-)
It is difficult to read and understand ones context, with so many contradictions and incorrect statements.
That is all I will have to say on this matter, I just wanted to point out the incorrect information which was said in regards to Woomera Emergency Services.
Quote from: pumprescue on July 14, 2008, 04:07:45 PM
Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:41:19 PM
oh burra do have MFS (only because of history, not need), Kadina CFS is actually starting take on more responsibility over the MFS ive heard.
What more work can Kadina take on, the CFS already do the RCR and anything outside the town, not sure what else they can do ?
They could serve there own town??? :lol:
huh, what the, they do, but CFS technically came in LONG after MFS were extablished, so CFS don't have any say
I sure would like to know how you guys can get away with red and blue's on your pumper when you are not a fire brigade,but a service provider who does nothing more than provide a service for fire protection systems..There is also another fire protection compnay who have a NSW pumper but they had to remove the red and blue's,there is also the guy's that used to do workcover first aid they had car's with red and blue's but had to remove them...The SA transport act only allows falashing lights and siren for emergency service's vehicle's only and not those in the private sector,which you guys would come under...
Just sell your appliances to the mine's,We do and that is the best way to do business.......
REMOVED 18-07-08
Hi there
Been reading & trying to understand what is being said......
I have been working for the Mining Industry for quite a few years - and we would also be classed as a "Private Fire/Rescue/Medical Service".
We run rescue trucks - fire trucks and Ambulances all with the necessary lighting/sirens etc to be identified - no different to Woomera Emergency Services as we comply with the local authorities (SAAS & CFS etc)
QuoteAnd no one in the fire industry will ever sell there equipment to the mines, they rather lease to have the income and the mines rather lease so they can claim on tax.
We have NEVER had emergency vehicles under leasing arrangments - they have always been bought out right.
QuoteIt is difficult to read and understand ones context, with so many contradictions and incorrect statements.
It does scare me with what has been said - reading between the lines your a private organisation working in conjunction with CFS & MFS - my question whom pays for this service as keeping trucks & trained personal is not cheap?
Please dont take it offensively just trying understand what you have stated....
REMOVED 18-07-08
Hi there
Thanks - I will pm you as I have a few additional questions.
Mate sorry for these questions - however.
Am I to understand just because you industry is worth $350m, you are allowed to flout the law & the government lets you get away with it?
And just because your vehicles are registered in a different state, you don't have to follow SA rules? (Only federally registered vehicles can do this as they are down to the lowest common denominator).
Now there are only 3 services mentioned in the Fire & Emergency Services act -SAMFS,CFS & SES, ergo private contractors are not emergency services under the meaning of the act. Now I now that there are some on defence land (federal government land is out side of state legislation -defence act) however without an MOU(or permission from the state at the time) even these resources can't operate outside of their area of responsibility unless there is a direct threat to their area & its under the direction of the government emergency services. I also know that mining & forestry have their own equipment & people - again these resources fall outside the act when they are off their patch.
Now the private sector may have the very best gear & very well trained people, however you are not emergency services! You do not have the powers of an emergency service officer or the protections the act provides. (There is more to being a government emergency service than putting water on fire, or cutting people out of cars) & when the public see Red & Blue emergency trucks they assume - quite rightly that they are government emergency service teams.
Now maybe the legislation should be changed to cover private contractors & their operations, But until that happens you are just another resource we can call on & use in certain circumstances. So get used to it! Defence has had the same problem since 1907! (refer to discussions on defence aid to civil powers & the Newcastle earthquake). Interestingly under the state act if your truck was at a scene & I was the first emergency service officer the job, I can direct your crew to do whatever(as long as its safe) including to standdown!
Finally I still think its great you guys are considering helping out, just remember you are contractors with weird water tankers - not an emergency service :wink:
Private fire brigade's can operate only on that site that they are taking care of,a good example of this is woomera but CFS does have a MOU with some not all private contractors who help protect the area outside of there responce plan and that is why you will see woomera heading up or down the road....The CFA have a great working relationship with its industry brigade's and they all follow the SOP'S and have a MOU in place....Private contractors need to be careful that they don't have tunnel vison and that they take care of what they are getting paid for...Leave the outside stuff to those that have that area be it CFS/SES/MFS.
REMOVED 18-07-08
Slightly incorrect - we don't need you, we are just happy to utilise your equipment & people when required!
Leaving mines & forestry aside, the only reason contractors are on federal land is a short sited cost cutting measure that cost elements of defence dearly in the loss of personnel. Army, Navy & Airforce have/had their own emergency services & it used to be nice to have a break in non field units. Now that opportunity is lost - so people leave!
In fact the US has a "Super size" version of using contractors & they pay well over the odds.
It was a very dark day when it was decided to use contractors for non fighting roles!
So its great that you can offer a few pumpers, tankers, fast attacks, however I don't see any need for the government (CFS is not a stand alone entity), to spend money buying any of the services you offer.
I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm starting to see a different agenda, as I said before contractors have their place (usually providing special equipment that is not generally used by us e.g. mobile cranes).
But you guys are not emergency services & unless the law changes or this government decides to privatise the provision of emergency services in this state - you never will be!
And as far as the private brigades go, we still have a role on their AO (except of course federal land).
Hopefully I have made myself very clear on this subject
REMOVED 18-07-08
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 13, 2008, 03:15:19 PM
I am in the private industry, just wanted to know how the services feel about us (private industry) having fire appliances.
Managing Director ......... Pty Ltd :-)
I heard from a old school friend a few months back, its amazing how the years have flown and just how easy it is to lose touch, he was keen to catch up and have a chat, the date was set, the conversation was fairly easy we just kinda slipped back into our old ways, then his business proposal you guessed it, Amway............ SEEYA! :x
SA Private Contractor ,you wanted us to play nice and I think we are all interested in your posts, but Im starting to think the photo of the truck may have been better represented by a large wooden horse, of the Greek variety.
Perhaps Im just a tad cynical?, hope Im wrong ,wouldnt be the first time and definately wont be the last!
Cheers Jaff
REMOVED 18-07-08
Perhaps there are some wondering if you may be disguising your intent to advertise by generating discussion. If you wish to advertise PM me.
If you wish to discuss interesting topics with excellent people then carry on, just be assured we are watching....
firefrog check PM inbox please
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 19, 2008, 01:11:05 PM
Jaff wanna expand?
you asking me i'm wanting to sell amway? you paying out the trojan horse? pretty much wat the filtered are you on about!?!?
No SAPC, Im not asking you if you want to sell Amway, nor am I enquiring if we went to school together.
No SAPC, Im not paying out the Trojan horse, I think the Greeks did a wonderful job on the horse and if they were still around today, Im sure they would have their own TV series dedicated to all those home handypersons with a hankering for global domination :-D
Previously Ive posted that my limited interaction with society is limited to sarcasm and humour, low and behold Ive also discovered anologies!
SAPC we in the volunteer emergency services are perhaps a little tainted by years of false promises and apathy by an ungrateful government, so dont be suprised if we are a tad wary!
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
I have had a chat and there is no intent to advertise....Carry on with the great discussion!
It raises some interesting thoughts!
Whats the story with the removed posts?
Not sure Cam - its a pity because it was different to the PBI thing :wink:
And I've only got three days to go & I still haven't had the chance to commandeer a real expensive"toy" (obviously getting the state to pay the mega buck price tag of course!). I was curious how much it would cost to "borrow", some of his gear?
It was a great discussion though - maybe we were being a bit paranoid? Mind you I agree the "tad wary" comment.
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
People are allowed to share what they do and where they do it. The only stipulation is that people are not here for the purpose of soliciting for business purposes.
So you can talk about the stuff you do SAPC. It's so fine!!!!! 8-)
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
Yep fair point (asking how much)
Anyway mate nothing was meant to be personal, I think your original offer was great!
So private contractor are you a member of the cfs/mfs?? what is your fire service background if any??? I hate it when people start saying th America they do this and they do that...THIS is OZ.......
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
Brushtruck? I take it you've spent a good deal of time in the US too?
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
SAPC - SA disaster rescue techniques are the same as the rest of SES in Australia & come from England not the US. RCR techniques are from Europe mainly Germany, because thats who makes our gear! The US is not the be all end all of emergency services, same as the Fire services are not the only emergency service in this country! In fact the US thinks they invented USAR however the Brits were doing it in 1940, it was only the US who stuff it all up & wouldn't adapt to the rest of the world so we had to change to suit them!
If you are interested check out any of the SES rescue training in the country or the NZ civil defence.
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
Thats ok mate you are not the only one who has a narrow view on what rescue actually is!
Confine space is a no brainer if you are trained & have the correct equipment
Industrial rescue from heights normally involves proprietry equipment which from personal experience is sold by the training provider or an associated company.
In our service we have the gear that can tackle most heights rescue requirements & have people who are passionate about it & practice it regularly. Nothing the Americans do is a surprise to us - we have people who study different techniques from all over the world, in different areas of expertise & from that distile out the crap, use whats good for us & teach our people.
And for a service that provide all forms of rescue across the state 24 hours a day 7 days a week & only cost $12 milion a year thats not to bad a deal at all! I'm sure you couldn't provide the same level of expertise & coverage across the state for less.
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 20, 2008, 03:13:25 PM
Bill... you need to realise we use most practise the US does... all the fire servicing and maintenance and install is copied off US. All fire truck Pumps are copies of US systems... all rescue strategy are copied off US
With the name private contractor and saying im not in service 6 times you might get the idea im not... funny about that ey.
I don't have BFF or MFS or Service training cause for the majoirty of the stuff i do and the company i work for does... those same practises will leave someone dead...
I have conducted rescues above 100m... pratice and for real. Am BA qualified instructor, hazmat qualified, confined space qualified, EMS vehicle qualified through transport sa, transport NSW, transport QLD.
I have done a cadetship in training... cert 4. Work for RTO. I have been doing this stuff since i was in my late teens.
I have been taught by ex sas, ex star, and ex MFS training officers. I am fully trained in the use of pumper, tanker, brushtruck and arials.
I will aknowledge i don't know filtered all about wildifre, CRC, chainsaw use but i have been working with fire engineers for 15years and they have taught me structural fire fighting to same if not above MFS...
Hope that enough for you mate.
Not knowing much of your background :-) it is clear you are not familiar with Aus fire services. Most of our strategies and tactics have nothing in common with the US way of doing things at all, not even close. If I am forced to make a comparison we are much more like European fire services.
It is interesting to me that you are claiming vast experience and ability to train people better than fire services, but if you have not worked in fire services how would you know? Not an attack a genuine question.
No mate 12 million & thats it! we are the cheapest provider of emergency services in the state & if it wasn't for stupid government requirements we could get rid of all paid staff (sorry paid staff)& cost even less (just like VRA in NSW).
So while you are tucked up in your nice warm houses there are crews out working now for nothing other than the satisfaction of serving their community.
It might surprise you but even the mighty America has volunteer emergency first reponders - infact one of the top RCR squads is a volunteer team from Charlettsville :-D
What you are hinting in your posts is an insult to all of the volunteer & retained professionals across the country!
It might surprise you that a survey a few years ago showed that over half the volunteers were out of pocket because of their service.
And so are their employer's, and yet if we were to use your equipment your company would make a tidy profit!
So pls accept that in this great country the provision of emergency services will be mostly done by professional volunteers, abley assisted by paid professional government employee's proudly serving their respective communities.
As some one said "this is Australia not America".
Unlike god bless filtered America we dont kill our firefighter's in the way they do and I agree 100% with what ken is saying ....
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
I wounder how your boss in QLD would feel if he was to know how you are attacking the SA EMERGENCY SERVICES??? I bet someone higher up the chain of command may have already called or emailed them....
eh? firefrog...can we lock a couple of threads before they turn into filtered fights.
I with Bill on this one, Fighting fires like americans while it can often be more effective....is only gonna lead to firefighter deaths.....ONE is too many.
Quote from: Zippy on July 20, 2008, 07:18:37 PM
eh? firefrog...can we lock a couple of threads before they turn into filtered fights.
I with Bill on this one, Fighting fires like americans while it can often be more effective....is only gonna lead to firefighter deaths.....ONE is too many.
Ridiculous comment Zippy.
You can't make comparisons, its that simple. We have been down this track before. LODD stats and call stats have been produced and it is not statistically viable to say one has more deaths because of "Reason A" over "Reason B".
I have ridden in America with Fire Departments, and tactics, training, the types of fires and number of calls are totally different to ours.
The only thing I agree with, is one death in ANY matter, is too many.
QuoteRidiculous comment Zippy.
You can't make comparisons, its that simple. We have been down this track before. LODD stats and call stats have been produced and it is not statistically viable to say one has more deaths because of "Reason A" over "Reason B".
I have ridden in America with Fire Departments, and tactics, training, the types of fires and number of calls are totally different to ours.
yeh true...ill take your word on that.
Sorry, didn't want to offend at all so don't take it that way.. But everyone is quick to bash the Yanks for the higher LODD rate.. But at the end of the day, its a dangerous job. Take the huge increase in population, with the staggering amount of calls they go to every year, and the huge number of both Career and Vol fire departments around the place, and unfortunately the LODD's are going to be more than we have in AUS.
all good :)....yeh...there population is 200mil+? so thats right what you say about higher risk, higher danger, etc
Isn't the usal answer to that to look at all London fire brigade?
I must admit it is really different how the Yanks always say who many firefighters were injured when you read their news reports. Where as here we only hear about them if someone was injured.
I guess the comparison Bittenyakka is saying is the London Fire Brigade is just as busy yet they hardly lose anyone. But the construction and building types in America are different to, also most of the LODD is America are heart attacks, not actually fires, a small percentage actually die in fires.
SA Private Contractor, you are a clown :roll:
Quote from: SA- Private- Contractor on July 19, 2008, 01:47:41 PM
Withdrawn due to circumstances 190708
Best place for Private fire appliances in the metro and country areas " Withdrawn due to circumstances " :evil:
SAPC you obviously don't have a clue. If you think the guys on hear are just some hacks hanging about on the net you are very mistaken my friend. Id suggest you start getting your facts straight instead of dribbling the fecal diarrhea you have been dishing up. Sorry had to be said.
Quote from: Firefrog on July 20, 2008, 07:00:41 PM
Great thread! Just remember to play the ball not the person. In other words debate the issue, do not attack people...Thanks
Not the first time i have been done for a late tackle....
Quotealso most of the LODD is America are heart attacks
Is this regular occurance being addressed by FD's in America? Obiovusly over-exhertion/heating would be the major contributor to the heart attacks?
It is partly to do with the new gear, and also the lack of fitness and poor eating habits.
Sounds just like CFS!
Quoteand also the lack of fitness and poor eating habits.
Yep that definately sounds like america :( and ....Australia too.....
Well Australia is now the fattest country in the world
Quote from: pumprescue on July 21, 2008, 10:23:34 AM
Well Australia is now the fattest country in the world
thats a very unfortunate fact :(
Getting back on topic....hang on...what were we talking about in regards to fire trucks and appliances?!?!?!
I think the bloke who started it is not playing anymore :wink:
Pity it turned the way it did.
still bumping around... just not replyin
My comment still stands in regards to your display picture (avatar)...
Ref: http://www.safirefighter.com/boards/index.php/topic,1826.50.html
I would have thought a Managing Director of a company would be well advised on various Copyright laws and using images without expressed permission.
He may have permission.....But in any case no need for us to question those things. Images are direct linked all over the net.
Let's not get into that topic :-P :-P :-P