Does anyone know of what role these people play in the CFS? Or what "MART" stands for? Saw a test page go out to about 10 people asking to confirm receipt of page. I assume it is some type of hazmat role.
Mobile Anti Radiation Team ??????
Total guess out of left field... :D
multi agency response team (is what ive been told)
Alex is right MART, Multi Agency Response Team I beleive is an EMA concept for USAR. With Equipment and Training being spread across different services to enable better response to a large incident. Also avoids a single emergency service becoming target for terror activities.
MART in SA I believe will be between SAMFS, SAAS and SASES only and CFS will remain out of any USAR type role. Don't understand why, but I believe again that it was signed off operationally last month.
If anyone's heard anything different would love to hear about it!
Quote from: JamesGar on July 09, 2005, 03:06:38 PM
MART in SA I believe will be between SAMFS, SAAS and SASES only and CFS will remain out of any USAR type role. Don't understand why, but I believe again that it was signed off operationally last month.
If anyone's heard anything different would love to hear about it!
Because it's not a Bushfire, you should know by now thats all we do...........................
The pages i saw went out to CFS people, mainly staff and possibly a few volunteers.
To my knowlede MART and USAR are separate. MART is specialist HAZMAT-CBR and does absolutely involve CFS.
As for who is in the USAR group I'm not sure.
i belive all USAR roles are keptwithin SASES, SAMFS, SAPOL and SAAS. SACFS has no training or equipment to cope with USAR, besides it is an SES role.
I believe MART encorperates SACFS, SAAS, SAPOL, & SAMFS, and not SASES, how ever, USAR, does not encorperate SACFS, and does eoncoperate SASES, SAAS, SAMFS, and SAPOL.
So much easier if the above sentenced could have said, SAFECOM, with the help of SAPOL does it all!
Might be heading back to previous discussions about number of service providers for similar roles under SAFECOMM currently! One service could surely cover SASES, SACFS and SAMFS. Cut out a lot of the reciprocated management and operation staff (ie HR and Call receipt and dispatch!) save some money for better equipment on the road!
As for my example above MART's have been organised for both USAR and HAZMAT/CBR, i believe!
James is right MARTS or similar do exist for both CBR/Hazmat and also USAR!
CFS/SAAS/MFS have had a number of people who have received additional training in Hazmat/CBR incident management etc, who are rostered to form a MART. Likewise SES/MFS/SAAS have a number of people who have received additional training in USAR who are rostered to perform the role of MARTS in that field.
Then there are people from all services in both areas who also form MARTS as support services to assist SAPol as the combatant in some of their roles.
This is a HUGE leap forward and a combined effort of all services maximizing their areas of expertise to provide a first rate service to the community of SA (similar to what we have seen overseas in the last few years).
As for SAFECOM reducing duplication - mmmmmm that will be the day, unfortunately that is tooooo political (unions, staff, volunteers, associations, opinions, beliefs, perceptions,B/S ) however all said and done if a government was serious about reducing tax payer expenditure and ensuring better provision at the sharp end, then service duplication across the entire emergency service sector would be addressed!!!!!