Hi everyone,as I read members posts it would be great to have an indication as to their service affiliation eg Jaff CFS or Chook SES, whether that is achieveable or maybe just a letter after the name C for CFS ,M for Mets and so on this might help get a quicker understanding of where their views are coming from or possibly coloured.
Cheers Jaff (if this has already been discussed and discounted forgive me)
The only issue with that is with the amount of service and pay rate bashing on these boards, it will soon turn into a "Yeah well you only think that because you're from XYZ service"
Now, if we made everyone use real names, their respective service, rank within that service, total time in emergency services....
Would also be good to see in what capacity the person is undertaking in the affiliated service, eg. paid/volunteer etc.
Yes we all know that there are paid staff of some services on here, and that their views are very welcome! :wink:
Well do you mean as part of the nick name? Need to edit then.
Heres mine Chook SESSA V UM 8 years (prior military service working with various emergency service in time of need, floods, wild fire etc)- hope this helps.
Not sure of real names but, could cause also sorts of internal problems :wink:
okay Davi cfs volunteer had been in previous life SAAS volunteer also
There are many reason people may wish to stay annonymous. Its up to the individual, and perfectly acceptable to remain that way.
Heres a thread dragged from the past... A few people have already started.
agree with all thats been posted ,just thought that even perhaps service affiliation on the member profile might have been usefull, and might I say that I'am SHOCKED that aparantley Chooks name isn't Chook and that 6739264 parents might not have had a thing for numbers when naming him! :-D
Cheers Jaff CFS vol 25yrs
God, it sounds like a volunteering self help group now.
"Hi, I'm numbers, I've been on CFS now for 8 years, a product of the sticks, namely Wakefield Plains Group. When not fighting fires I am a self assured idiot. I'm trying to quit."
Jeez don't be a self help group I might start to confessing to stuff that shouldn't really get out :wink:
"Numbers" you and I are a lot closer in ideas than you think for example - e.g Communism, God, etc! Filtered it started already :-D
Yep good idea Jaff will add to the profile thing.
Hang on I will see if the SPAM team is free to help.........
Quote from: rescue5271 on February 05, 2008, 03:10:18 PM
Hang on I will see if the SPAM team is free to help.........
Nah...you actually want SPAM to assist in stress situations, not something that is incurable. I have been trained by Chook in a Navigation course, somethings will not change (only joking) :lol:
Now Andrew thats not fair :wink:
You know I topped the idiots course years ago :-D & was taught by experts!
Sad part is someone actually gave me a tick & said I was sane :?
Anyway old habits are hard to break. Still don't know how you got through that course mate! :wink: Take it easy we will have to catch up oneday