SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SAMFS => Topic started by: CFS_Firey on June 20, 2005, 01:59:43 PM

Title: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CFS_Firey on June 20, 2005, 01:59:43 PM
Hey! We currently have a replacement Mets truck while our pumper is being fixed... Its an old International Acco, and has the callsign "133". I can't find any reference to a Mets station number "13"...
Does anyone know where this truck may have originally come from?
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: Good times on June 20, 2005, 04:34:33 PM
That is the Fleet number, SAMFS swap appliances all the time, they enter the fleet number into the computer and allocate the callsign to it and when you use the MDT it shows up with your appliance number, on the side of the cab should be a card holder, this is where the call sign card goes.

133 is 26 years old this year, spends its life at the SAMFS training centre at Angle Park.
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 20, 2005, 05:24:59 PM
26 years old, and probably still better than a 2 year old Izuzu... :P

Love the old Rigs :D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CFS_Firey on June 22, 2005, 02:02:07 PM
Quote from: Good times on June 20, 2005, 04:34:33 PM
on the side of the cab should be a card holder, this is where the call sign card goes.
Yeah, Sorry, thats what I was talking about... It has 133 in the cardholders and on the roof...

It goes very nicely for a 26yo truck... and what a pump! :-o
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 22, 2005, 02:11:52 PM
Its a real pump :D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: Good times on June 22, 2005, 06:39:15 PM
Yeah a 3 stage , 750 GPM Darley pump, some of those have had the third stage disabled but don't know which one's. That pump is how your pumper should be, but isn't for reason's I am sure you are well aware of!!
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CFS_Firey on June 23, 2005, 05:28:18 PM
Quote from: Good times on June 22, 2005, 06:39:15 PM
Yeah a 3 stage , 750 GPM Darley pump, some of those have had the third stage disabled but don't know which one's. That pump is how your pumper should be, but isn't for reason's I am sure you are well aware of!!
Its a 2 stage pump [Sorry, got it wrong before]....
I *believe* that Stg pumper will be either having a second stage installed, or a new pump fitted while its offline this time... just to get it closer the the original specs... :|
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 24, 2005, 01:31:47 AM
Even more $$$$

Im sure u could have had a brand new Scania for the amount of $$$ spent on that rig ??
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: Good times on June 24, 2005, 11:39:35 AM
Yeah for the money wasted on that Stirling pumper you could have had one onf those rigs on your picture Strikeathird, ahhh Seagrave, now thats a firetruck! :-D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 24, 2005, 11:47:21 PM
Nothing beats a Seagrave!    :-D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CyberCitizen on June 27, 2005, 11:12:34 AM
Quote from: strikeathird on June 24, 2005, 11:47:21 PM
Nothing beats a Seagrave!    :-D

Yes I Can See Our Crew's Rolling To A Job In One of These Seagrave's.

This One Looks Nice.

Another Volunteer Fire Brigade With A Nice Seagrave
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 27, 2005, 12:35:53 PM
My avatar picture is Laurel VFD's Seagrave.  Same as your last link.  Beutiful looking rig!
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CyberCitizen on June 27, 2005, 03:42:26 PM
Quote from: strikeathird on June 27, 2005, 12:35:53 PM
My avatar picture is Laurel VFD's Seagrave.  Same as your last link.  Beutiful looking rig!

I Would Love One Of Those At Our Station.  Its A Nice Looking Beast.
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 27, 2005, 04:28:55 PM
I dont think it would fit in our stations...  hehehehe...

Could you imagine the look on the MFS Station officers face, as we roll up to the job in a Seagrave!   I rekon he would be beside himself!      :-D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CyberCitizen on June 28, 2005, 09:13:18 AM
That Look On His Face Would Be Priceless :-o
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: JamesGar on June 29, 2005, 08:13:15 PM
Seagraves... Too big, to square and slow take off! I think a new Dennis Sabre would out perform, out pump and out manevour it any day! I've heard that when the Dennis come of the production line you can leave rubber on the road with all it's torque! I'm sure some will find all the firgures and stats between them, I just want to antagonise a little! :-D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: Good times on June 29, 2005, 08:42:14 PM
Good one James!!

I don't know if you noticed, but the Dennis looks like a shoebox, even the new one is not much different.

Also, 250 horses vs up to 500 horses in the Seagrave

The only thing about the Seagrave is that its very basic inside, but after all, what is a firetruck, something to pump and carry gear!!]

I would rather a Dennis just to wade into the arguement.... :lol:
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on June 29, 2005, 09:00:19 PM

Give me one of those "square" seagraves anyday   :-D

Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: CFS_Firey on August 02, 2005, 02:33:17 PM
By the way, the MFS truck has now gone back to MFS. We don't have our white Pumper back yet, but will be expecting it next week with working valves (But not much else will have changed)
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: FF_Rayner on August 04, 2005, 09:20:25 AM
Quote from: CyberCitizen on June 28, 2005, 09:13:18 AM
That Look On His Face Would Be Priceless :-o

It would be a Kodak moment  :-D
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: TillerMan on August 04, 2005, 09:42:05 AM
One day when i win the lottery i will buy our brigade a Tiller as in my picture, that will turn a few heads when we rock up with M.F.S.
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: strikeathird on August 04, 2005, 02:24:37 PM
" Adelaide Fire, from Station officer Joe Bloggs,  you can put a stop on all oncoming appliances,  CFS have arrived with there Tiller...over"

Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: pete on February 14, 2006, 08:42:50 PM
Bring on more Dennis trucks :-)
Title: Re: 133 - Where is it from?
Post by: Alan (Big Al) on February 15, 2006, 09:17:16 AM
Bugger that i'm getting a Trident airport tender you won't even have to get out of the truck for a house fire just point and shoot. :-P :lol: