Just curious on what equipment is carried on a SAMFS rescue pumper?
I know they carry Holmatro Combi tools, but what else?
A rescue pump will have a full compliment of Holmatro Rescue equipment. Not just the Omni Tool.
Ok thanks, one of the local SAMFS (retained) trucks has a number that ends in 9 so my question is What sought of rescue is it? The reason I ask is that it is my back up in the RCR directory & according to that directory it must carry a full hydraulics kit - this one doesn't. Would it carry rope rescue gear? Quick cut saw, acrow props, Stabilisation gear etc.
If they are a local resource, why not organise a show and tell night where you can both look at each others equipment and see where your combined deficiencies and strengths are?
It depends what you mean by "Full Rescue Kit". The minimum of equipment to be carried is:
-hydraulic power unit
-heavy cutters
-heavy spreaders (double acting)
-300mm ram
-600mm ram
-2x10m hydraulic hoses minimum
-pulling chains or belts for spreaders
-auxiliary pump
-generator, lighting
-general hand tools
-hazard cones and lights
-cribbing blocks and wedges (stabilisation gear)
It doesn't specify what needs to be carried for other forms of rescue but, and most of the time you should find your Quickcuts on pumps for initial forced entry. Acro props/Airshore Rams and more advanced stabilization gear would usually be found on your Salvage/Rescue motors.
Then you have things like 'stabilization' what exactly counts as stabilization gear, and how much? You can stabilize a car no worries using only rolled hose...
Best thing to do would be to check exactly what they carry on their specific pump.
Thanks mate, sounds like the gear on our truck (except we run 20 metre hoses on fixed reels + portable hoses), protection equipment, vertical access gear, hand hydraulics, stabfast, fara stabilisers, acrow props + general rescue gear. I know they don't have the hydraulics (they told me this).
I'm trying to organise a show and tell, some of the guys are all for it however a couple of the guys can't see the point. What I plan to do is dump our rescue truck at their station with a driver so they can have a "play" without feeling over crowded by us, then they might pay us a visit. Again thanks mate cheers
Quote from: chook on October 24, 2007, 08:18:19 PM
I know they don't have the hydraulics (they told me this).
Dare I suggest that if they don't have any piece of equipment as specified by the RCR resource directory, *especially* the hydraulic tools, then they cannot be a rescue resource listed in the book?
It seems very odd...
Yep, apparently it was removed/ not supplied - thats why some are not happy. They were told they didn't need it as it wasn't their role (duplication of resources?).
Thats why I asked the question what defines rescue in SAMFS, I have worked with these guys for many years (good bunch of guys) & believe that if they are our back up then they should have the equivalent gear. If not then they shouldn't be listed in the directory as 2nd rescue (as we have adequate coverage from near by SES units). But as I said I'm going to take our gear down to the station one night so they can have a "play", because sometimes all you need is one or two extra hands. Thanks for the info, we will see how it goes. cheers
There are many regional (country) MFS appliances that are designated as secondary rescue for particular areas throughout the state. Some of these appliances do not have the minimum gear that is stated in the rescue resource directory. They all have some of the equipment but not many have all. This issue has been raised by some stations with the heirachy and is still being addressed.
Pulling chains are not used very much nowadays anyway as the ram serves as a better tool for dash rolls and the like. They are safer and much easier and quicker to get set up.
Yep thats fine, what about proper hydraulics, stabfast, Fara stabilisers etc? The 2nd rescue may be required for equipment not people e.g. tool failure, multiple extractions etc.
I also know that they have tried to fix the issue - but it is seen as being duplication of resources. And if they are going to get heavy rescue equipment shouldn't it match the primary rescue teams equipment? My understanding is that this equipment(Cutters, Spreaders, Rams etc) will not be placed in those stations that currently only have combitools.
As I said at the start What are the minimum standards for SAMFS Rescue & further if these units don't meet the standard why are they still listed in the directory? Fortunately I have plenty of backup from other SESSA units, but it concerns me that every time I call them in it goes against the directory & potentially can cause problems in the future. cheers
Quote from: uniden on October 25, 2007, 05:49:13 PM
Pulling chains are not used very much nowadays anyway as the ram serves as a better tool for dash rolls and the like. They are safer and much easier and quicker to get set up.
The only problem is there are sometimes when you need to use pulling chains and rams and the like are unsuitable.
Quote from: chook on October 25, 2007, 07:27:24 PM
Yep thats fine, what about proper hydraulics, stabfast, Fara stabilisers etc?
I'd be more worried about their lack of hydraulic tools than than any specific stabilisation methods. You don't need either Stabfast or the FARA Side stabilisation tool to stabilise a vehicle on its side.
True - we practice other techniques to stabilise vehicles & other things as well - teaches people to think out side of the square, but when you have the gear you may as well use it. And I agree with you about pulling chains, you never know when you might need them. Its the same reason we carry HOH & Tirfor winches etc. The crux of the matter is What is the standard? Is the standard the same across all three services? and finally When an organisation knows the unit/ brigade/ station does not meet the standard & there are no plans or it can't be fixed what do they do about it.
I know when SESSA did an audit of RCR units our region that if they found equipment deficiencies those shortages were fixed. If the problem was people units were given time to fix the issue (e.g. train more people, recruit more, develop alternative plans - dual response etc) or the responsibility was handed over to another service.
I guess I all I want to know is do we all sing from the same hymn book? & does it really matter if we don't? cheers
There is a standard given to be placed in the Rescue Resource Directory, but within an organisation, eg: SAMFS there would be definitions between a xx9 and xx4 vehicle. But for either of these vehicles to be classed as a rescue resource, they must meet the standard given in the resource directory.
You have CFS stations with RIK's and the like but as they do not meet the standard, they are not 'Rescue Resources'.
Thanks mate, I think you just gave me the answer that deep down I already knew. Just thought they might have a different standard for their **9 vehicles compared to our 9* vehicles. Cheers
Yeah, its ok within one service, but when you've got multiple services covering each others behinds its goes to the dogs. There should be clear definitions, state wide regardless of service.
Yep totally agree cheers