Recently I have heard (1) appliance at an incident called xxxx24 then later xxx24p then later xxx24pumper at the same incident, I was confussed an I know that only one appliance had arrived on scene, maybe operaters should look at the side of their appliance and see what they are in???? the markings on the side of the unit is the call sign????
I await your wrath with open mind!!!
Also has a lot to do with the radio operators Ive lost count of how many times ive reiterated the correct callsign for my appliance only to have them come back a couple of minutes later with the wrong callsign again :evil:
In future I just wont answer them,and the bigger the incident the worse it gets :-o
I have also done the same and have had the wrath of the incident controller for not responding. I have made comment I will discuss with them on return to station, to no avail they still use their own terminology of the appliance ;} :evil: :?
Have to admit, had my first experience as Sector Commander not to long ago..... and i was guilty of this! Mind you i was kicking myself everytime - just after i said it!
Was well worth the experience, and have picked up lots of stuff for next time.
In the end, we can only continue trying to educate people, as annoying as it may be. There will always be those few that will continue to frustrate us (dare i say 6%'ers).
No names but at a recent incident I went to it was near impossible to figure out call signs for sectors, as they called each other by pet or first names over the radio - like 'mum', which doesn't help the rest of us. Maybe I should have followed suit and called that command car 'mum' as well.... :lol:
i hate it when people say xyz pump,wish they would say the whole lot xyz pumper.... its a pimper not not a pump .....
Im sometimes call "compton pumper" responding......then i wake up in bed! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
is that thelovely wife saying come here you big Compton Pumper you??
Quote from: davidinvicta on May 03, 2007, 10:34:31 PM
Recently I have heard (1) appliance at an incident called xxxx24 then later xxx24p then later xxx24pumper at the same incident
well 24p and 24pumper are exactly the same thing.....
but i understand the rest of the issue, i get fed up with comms calling us 24 when we call as 24p...
Agree's with you mack 24P or 24Pumper it really doesn't matter because the P stands for pumper, theres more to life than being fickle about something as silly as that
well said mund!
yeah we face a similar problem sometimes where we call our own 12 a 14. i know that when/if we get one one it'll be called 12 by mistake for a good year afterwards