Its coming to that time of year, where all the associated crap with elections gets on the roll.
One thing that has always interested me is when you hear comments like "if x gets in as captain, im handing in my resignation"
Remarks like this have always intrigued me. I find it hard to understand the reasons behind them as it doesn't do moral or progress any good.
If people were truly dedicated to the community, why would 1 person keep them from their duties? Is it to try and scare the person into not nominating / convince others not to vote? and the aftermath, the fact that they dont leave, to make life difficult? or just common sense prevailing?
In the end it annoys me that people would make these comments for malicious reasons, although i guess that is human nature....
What do others think about election 'ploys' for want of a better description?
edit - spell check is a beautiful thing ;)
Unfortunately, in any collective there will be people who don't get along, there will be cliques and there will be a degree of immaturity.
As far as saying "if X gets in, I will hand in my resignation" , it does go to show that the people in question have very little dedication if they are unable to work around someone they don't get along with. Yes, there are people i would LOATHE to work under who will run for our elections, but I will vote according to who is best for the positions, not necessarily those I like the most, and if it ends up otherwise, then it will be dealt with as it comes. The community comes first, and I'd like to think that most people feel that way.
It will remain, unfortunately, as long as the voting system for officers remains constitutional. The fact of the matter is that bias based upon popularity will always be a factor in these elections, as while there is a minimum term of service before one can run for said position, there is no minimum qualification level. Yes, leadership courses are on offer, but no one is forced to take the things.
Malicious comments always happen, whether you hear them or not. Sadly, there are plenty of people who are so insecure about their own place in the brigade, and degree of competance that they find it necessary to have at least one scapegoat. Those happen whether its election time or nowhere NEAR the next one.
This being said, good luck all, and hope that everyone's end in the best possible outcome.
:cry: :cry:
I can understand people saying that they won't stay around if X gets voted in etc.
Sometimes it is malicious, or just dummy spits, but other times it is a genuine problem - personality clashes, or people that are making life very difficult for an individual (or a group of people).
I am facing that problem in another organisation (not CFS, and not an Emergency Service).
Some other people on a committee I am part of, I am finding increasingly negative, and extremely difficult to work the point where I figure I do not have to put up with them anymore - so I will just leave, if they remain on that committee. ( I won't go into details in a public forum)
I don't really want to leave - I love the work that I am involved with, but how long do you bang your head against a brick wall, working with people who seem to have a different agenda?
But back to CFS,.....I think it is unfair to question people's dedication to CFS, if they make genuine comments about wanting to leave if particular people gain particular positions.
I have always said as a volunteer, your "payment" is in the satisfaction and enjoyment you get out of being a volunteer in that organisation.
When you stop having fun, it is time to leave.......
The CFS system of elections may not be perfect, but I think it is preferable to having positions appointed by a heirachy above.....
but what do you do if that person is the only person that has the experiance to be captain?
Do you elect a new captain who doesnt have the years of experiance but has as much training as possible
or do you stay with the current captain and put up with the BS?
I always enjoyed the election lead-up cos it meant that the usually slack firefighters actually started rocking up to calls to demonstrate their suitability as seniors and the usually bitchy ones started being really nice :lol:
I got hold of a few job descriptions for the various roles (available from Volly Support Officers) and this was helpful in sorting out who had the appropriate skills, but Camo is right - if you only have a few options, sometimes it's better the devil you know :evil:
But all good members of the heirarchy will be thinking about succession and should be endeavouring to train up others and impart knowledge and build leadership skills at every opportunity.
I don't think you'd ever be in a brigade (or any collection of humans for that matter!) where every member got along like....well, like a house on fire, but there's no point voting for someone just cos you get along with them. At one time or other we've all had to work with a SFF/Lt/Captain that we found utterly frustrating/condescending/rude on the fireground, but if they get the job done then they get my vote. If they can also deal sensitively with difficult members and mediate the inevitable personality clash or two then I wish I could vote for them twice.
Maybe that's it, we could have a list of skills and you give each candidate a score for each skill. Then who ever has the highest score gets the job. Then people also know what area they have to work on to get a position in the brigade.
What annoys me is pettiness and backstabbing off the fire ground that squashes team spirit, and that loses my vote quick smart.
What you do cam,is vote in a new captain and get the old captain to stay on as an officer and help the new captain...we all should be able to stand for any position we want to have a go at..If you think you can do the job well go for it time people put aside there differants and gave people ago and see what happens life is ment to change now and then....So VOTE ONE CAM FOR CAPTAIN(lololololol)
Quote from: 5271rescue on March 27, 2007, 08:50:03 PM
The world is doomed! :-D
Quote from: Camo on March 27, 2007, 04:44:12 PM
but what do you do if that person is the only person that has the experiance to be captain?
Do you elect a new captain who doesnt have the years of experiance but has as much training as possible
or do you stay with the current captain and put up with the BS?
Vote for one that has the brigades interests at heart and does his reports :wink:
Elections have alway been a hot topic! I believe that all emergency services should adopt a more military approach to how promotion is gained (being ex military) a popularity vote does no always work. I think that we should nominate a persons at our level and the next step in the chain of command should interview and select the best qualified for the position. I have been in this situation and lost marginally as I went by the book (save a life, door knocks ruins life)
My opinion only