This may be fixed in Version 2, but just to let you know, I have a lot of problems logging in... I have no worries if I choose to stay logged in permanently, but if I'm on a public computer, I have to re-login every time I want to do anything that requires a registered user... Sometimes I'll even have to log in twice, once to get the reply form, and then again to post the reply... Meaning I have to copy and paste my reply into the new form, once I have logged in again...)
Does anyone else have this problem?
Could be the public computers security and cookie settings. The forum relies on a cookie to maintain your session. This could be the issue. If you think this is not likely please let me know.
As you suggest version 2 will bring a whole swag of changes. Murphy has raised his head a few times, but we aren't far off now.
Thanks for letting us know.
It would definately the cookie settings... The computer you are using would be set at a 60 second (possibly less) refresh/ cookie clearing rate.
This means the computer doesnt remember that you have already put in your password, so it logs you out, and asks for it again...
That'd be right... the public computer I'm using is locked down behind belief...
However, I will try it on my home computer, just to make sure :)