Would a chat room be used by members of SAFF
Option 1: Yes
votes: 24
Option 2: No
votes: 2
I have been thinking, would it be possible for a chat room to be set up for the site, so those that want to discuss stuff in real time can do so. How would this be done and what type of restrictions would be needed in regards to content, access.
What do others think?
sounds like a good idea for discution
i love a good discution
I have been thinking, would it be possible for a chat room to be set up for the site, so those that want to discuss stuff in real time can do so. How would this be done and what type of restrictions would be needed in regards to content, access.
What do others think? Thought there should be a poll on this topic.
Could a moderator merge the one with out the poll with this one???
dito.. coz i luv talking (or chatting)!! :-P :-P
wot is rong with his spellin?
u tryin 2 make a point?
How about #SA-Firefighter on freenode?
By the looks of the resukts on the poll and the comments, I have thought of something that could be looked at.
I am no computer nerd and so do not know how one would go about adding a chatroom to the site, any suggestions.
What type of restrictions do people think there should be on using a chat room on SAFF, ie. members only?
Ha ha, its those annoying acronyms again - I just thought to myself "what has the South Australian Farmers Federation have to do with this??"
We could start a Yahoo/ICQ/MSN Messenger chat, on a certain night or time? That's the simplest way I guess. Some of us already have a chat link on our profiles. I've found with other chats for groups that I'm part of that Yahoo is a bit temperamental, but MSN has not had the same problems.
If it's needed here we will do it! If enough people support the idea then we will implement some type of chat system.......Won't be for a few weeks though. Current work load a bit high. Shall see how the poll ends up in a week or two and then we'll decide.
Quote from: Blue on March 04, 2007, 11:46:34 AM
Ha ha, its those annoying acronyms again - I just thought to myself "what has the South Australian Farmers Federation have to do with this??"
We could start a Yahoo/ICQ/MSN Messenger chat, on a certain night or time? That's the simplest way I guess. Some of us already have a chat link on our profiles. I've found with other chats for groups that I'm part of that Yahoo is a bit temperamental, but MSN has not had the same problems.
Nothing wrong with acronyms... When used correctly they can be a very effective method of simplifying communication..
Quote from: RescueHazmat on March 04, 2007, 01:03:51 PM
Nothing wrong with acronyms... When used correctly they can be a very effective method of simplifying communication.. :-)
I'll hop up to my lecturn on that one cos your'e standing up for my pet hate... :wink:
They can be I suppose (especially for lazy typists and text messagers LOL) but examples of effective simplified communication would be few and far between for several reasons -They aren't unique (for example SAFF) and so there is confusion about their true meaning, they are not self-explanatory so more often than not they cause unnecessary confusion (which is undoubtedly dangerous in an emergency situation) and are too often used to reinforce an exclusive click or put the communicator in a position of 'power' where noone else understands what they are saying.
I wonder how many CFS people did not understand or had never heard of at least one of the acronyms in the paragraph I wrote under the "Language used in Emergency Services" topic :?
*hops down from behind lecturn* :-D
Was the "LOL" a pun? Or did you just use an acronym ??
I can't speak for others, but I for one find the use of an acronym here and there very useful... In the case of texting.. I think its time some conform with an ever changing society.. Or be one of the few who stands up against it and acheives very little..
(But throwing numbers into words to shorten them is an entirely different story.. I'm with you on that one ! :P )
LOL pun was indeed intended :wink:
I mourn the erosion of the English language. My bill is stupidly huge from the amount of texting I do but every text I send has correct English and is still within the chracter limit :-P
Gr8 2 c u r anti numerals in words :-D
Blue, the last two you used escaped me. Though my brain is in neutral today.
I too am not fond of text language. Type the whole damn word, and try to get the spelling correct. That seems to be increasingly rare these days though, even in non-text message communications.
Quote from: Blue on March 04, 2007, 03:11:20 PM
LOL pun was indeed intended :wink:
I mourn the erosion of the English language. My bill is stupidly huge from the amount of texting I do but every text I send has correct English and is still within the chracter limit :-P
Gr8 2 c u r anti numerals in words :-D
Amen to that Bluey :-D i learnt a valuable lesson when my first optus mobile bill came never sms every 5 mintues cause it can come back and bite you on the backside :oops:
Quote from: Blue on March 04, 2007, 03:11:20 PM
LOL pun was indeed intended :wink:
I mourn the erosion of the English language. My bill is stupidly huge from the amount of texting I do but every text I send has correct English and is still within the chracter limit :-P
Gr8 2 c u r anti numerals in words :-D
Valid argument..
Still stand by my comment that on some occasions acronyms can be very helpful..
Keyword I guess is some..
acronyms are great unless you dont know what they mean and then they are pain in the bum
Imagine the ancient romans trying to send a text message, "that sounds grVIII" or see you at the skVIII park" maybe thats why they didnt text back then!!
Ha ha ha I like YABA :-D
sounds like a good idea am sick of yahoo chat rooms..... :roll:
LOL.....Blue you found that one....hehehe!!!
This is going to raise a dead thread but hey, its valid.
There is a small program, quite popular amongst a lot of internet savvy people. Its bassicaly called IRC. Internet Relay Client. Quite handy for hosting chats, can set permissions (admin, mods) etc and it uses bugger all system resources. You can get free hosted channels, with no advertising.
Might be an idea for people to look into? Id be more than glad to set you lads up with something if you deem it worthy.
Quote from: Kenny on May 30, 2007, 09:40:03 PM
This is going to raise a dead thread but hey, its valid.
There is a small program, quite popular amongst a lot of internet savvy people. Its bassicaly called IRC. Internet Relay Client. Quite handy for hosting chats, can set permissions (admin, mods) etc and it uses bugger all system resources. You can get free hosted channels, with no advertising.
Might be an idea for people to look into? Id be more than glad to set you lads up with something if you deem it worthy.
I did suggest that...
Quote from: CFS_Firey on March 03, 2007, 02:52:53 PM
How about #SA-Firefighter on freenode?
If you're willing to set it up, I say go for it! :)
We do want to do something here, we have had a very busy time lately. Soon as time permits we will investigate more fully our options for a live chat.
if you want someone to take charge, i can set one up. IRC takes about 30seconds to register a channel. Its more stable and popular than msn, and is also easier and well, more sensible to have a central chat room than a msn convo with a few here and there:)
Cheers for the firefrog.
love the idea, and would use it, but alas the IT department in not that friendly.