Hi there
First time on the site - what a great site - exellent idea.
I would like to see a section on vintage Fire Engines/Trucks - there is alot around in the back of shed/stations . It would be good if we could have an area set asside to display these great old vintage machines (pictures eg a gallery)
I would like to start the section with three vintage fire vehicles.
many thanks
Great Idea! You will be happy to know version 2 of the site is approaching completion. Some great new features!
Might even be able to have a vintage section!! :D
I have created a forum for this a while ago.......... Its called SAFER (SA Fire Equipment Restorers)
I have no problems if members from this forum who are interested in Fire vehicles / equipment restoration wish to use it.....
I created it a while ago, waiting for the right opportunity to launch it....Well, here it is :wink:
Thanks for the response - when you get the phase 2 up and running let me know as I have three vintage appliance to add.
1955 Land Rover S I (fire engine - small rural)
1958 Land Rover S I (Ex Woomera (WES)
1964 Land Rover S IIa (Ex army Fire Tender)
I May need some help with posting pictures (still a learner)
Can we also add an additional section - fire engine parts for sale - there is alot of restorations going on and it would be good to have a section where you can either sell or post wanted adverts.
Sorry to pile all this work/surgestions on to you but if you dont ask you will never know - feel free to contact me via PM or e-mail.
I have been currently using a site in QLD - not a bad site for tracking down that missing part/parts.
I will also have a look at the other web site.
Many thanks
The SAFER forum (SA Fire Equipment Restorers) , went down on wednesday night, and subsequently was not recoverable.
I have been franticly trying to get a new one up, and here it is..
This board will be more user friendly, unfortunately everything that was posted will need to be put back on, but if you dont feel up to it, send me the content and I will do it for you.
Thanks for the patience.
Just a reminder guys, the new site is back up and running!!