I understand Dalkeith now have a dedicated Hazmat vehicle, does anyone have any pictures ??
Matt B :D
Give me a week or so, & I will be providing some photos, I will not provide any of the Equip as yet until we have done a bit of fine tuning to the placement of it. The vehicle itself is the EX Meadows Rescue Mazda.
Regards, Dave. (Dalkeith)
If you would like send us a pic or two and we can put it up on the main site for awhile.
Dalkeith have provided a couple of snaps of their new HAZMAT vehicle check out the pics.
Sorry....But Yuk!
Why not a Canter or something of the sort... LIke Barker Rescue ?
Because it was a surplus vehicle and they had nothing better to use it for, it was replaced by a 24P at Meadows, somehow Dalkieth ended up with it, to bad the rest of us have to squeeze our RCR and Hazmat gear on 24P's!!
Pity there aren't more specialist appliances around the place..