Hi everyone,
There are several threads with individual mentions of old appliances sitting around rusting away in the open.
This thread is to locate SA's Fire Service History by SA Firefighter members who have knowledge of the locations of vintage fire appliances that have not been stored in a museum,fire station,historical society etc.
If you know of one sitting in a paddock,shed,garage,backyard,auction yard, post the details of the appliance here,or you can email me,ie brigade name,callsign,location,and a pic if you can get one.
Let the search begin.....
Where are all our appliance restorers :?
Well there is a large shed in Naracoorte that is filled with old appliances that are part of the heritage group and we are always looking for appliances/uniforms anything that can be saved to preserve the history of EFS/CFS.
Correct there are 12 appliances housed at Naracoorte, and another one will be joining them soon :wink:
Which ones are at Naracoorte apart from Stirling Pumper (ACCO)??
I shall take some photos and post as next week we will be taking them for a drive so as to keep them running.(summertown 34/lameroo24/gum14/arno bay 34/) just to name a few....
there is a shed at peterborough thats got 4 in it plus back end of 2 units from the west cost and word is the Eudunda's EFS truck once it is restored it will be going there too
Would be nice to see Eden and/or Belair Pumper maintained/restored.
dont think that will happen athol,last time I looked at eden pumper it was sitting in the yard with its locker doors open and getting wet as for the old belair pumper not sure where that is....I would say that burnside pumper or clare pumper would be the next best ones to get hold of. I would also like to see us try and keep one or two of the old 12 units......
I think you mean Cleve.
yes it would be nice to see last 12's and the last 32's left in the state put in a museum
Someone wanted to know what was at the National Motor Museum
Appliances are as follows
1909 Merryweather SA's first motor fire engine Ex SAFB
1936 Leyland Ladder Ex SAFB
La France Ladder (Ex SAFB)
LandRover Ex Gumaracha Car 1.....one for you Wayne needs a lot of work
few photos of what we have here in the naracoorte showgrounds shed...any information would be great...
nice unit to drive
now this is my kind of appliances and very nice to drive,goes well.
arno bay 24 we are waiting for the sign to go back up on the side with the brigade name ...
well what can one say these where great units fast and did the job well. Am looking for any part from this appliances that I think someone may have in there backyard or in the station,,,
nice unit goes well and the pump still works....
its only done 29,000kms
Now I am sure people can tell a few good and bad storys about this pumper,we are also looking for any parts that people may have that where removed from the appliances. Still drives well and in very good condition.
This appliances will still in service till a few weeks ago ...
This is our pride and joy the old binnum 37 blitz and yes she still goes at the moment we are working on getting the pump to work and two members are working on the brakes that where in need of some TLC...
That's gorgeous, I wish the photo had sound - would love to hear it 'purrrr' :-D
Quote from: 5271rescue on March 18, 2007, 06:57:40 PM
Now I am sure people can tell a few good and bad storys about this pumper,we are also looking for any parts that people may have that where removed from the appliances. Still drives well and in very good condition.
As a former driver of that appliance(Stirling Pumper)I can tell you whats missing :wink:
well get it out of your shed.... :roll: and lets put it all back on the pumper
Quote from: 5271rescue on March 20, 2007, 07:15:38 PM
well get it out of your shed.... :roll: and lets put it all back on the pumper
If it was in my shed I would have the whole truck,but im sure the fellas at Stirling would be only too happy to oblige in its restoration.Contact Joe Sffara(Capt)
Update on the graveyard Belair Pumper, Greenhill 32,Hahndorf Pumper have now had the backs taken off the appliances in readiness for their new life as tankers.
Happy Valley Pumper is nowhere to be seen but believed to be getting the same treatment. :-(
so what is going on with the old eden hills pumper????
Quote from: 5271rescue on April 08, 2007, 02:15:16 PM
so what is going on with the old eden hills pumper????
Still sitting there with the bonnet up
Spotted another ex CFS appliance up for sale which was Kapunda 22's old International at NE Isuzu $11,900(but it has been stripped) :-o
I think I saw Willunga old Inter mid mounted pumper..with a plumbers business name on its sides....down Edwardstown way.few weeks back
Blinky sent me a pic of the old Kalangadoo 34 appliance being used as a water tanker by a construction team in Adelaide
A plumber bought the old Bridgewater 22, (International) with the intention of using for his plumbing business, but was never able to get the pump going..... SG Halloran Plumbing, from Crafers area or thereabouts.....
Happy Valley Pumper has now joined the ranks of decommissioned appliances,as the back has now been removed,ready for a new life as a BWC somewhere :-(
Now that I have posted the Official Media Release for the 2008 National Fire Engine Run I might get some info on old appliances hiding out there :-D
May have to see if I can bring down one of the appliances from the big shed,but then again CFS would not allow me to have my family on the appliance..So I guess ther work pumper is looking good......Sounds good we will be there.....
Quote from: rescue5271 on September 12, 2007, 07:33:56 PM
but then again CFS would not allow me to have my family on the appliance..
you do know you just have to get approval from the regional commander to be able to carry non-CFS people in a CFS vehicle?
Quote from: rescue5271 on September 12, 2007, 07:33:56 PM
May have to see if I can bring down one of the appliances from the big shed.....
Maybe a kind truck driver with a flat bed truck can carry one of the applicances for you. The it is not at risk of breakdown or accident, the longer journey the historic vehicle can be protected by tarps, people still see it at Birdwood and the family is in the cab of the haulage truck.
I have spoken to the powers to be and am waiting word back to see if we can bring down the old TTG RFW,we have a brigade officer who has a low loader and will bring to Adelaide and then we have a crew that would love to run it around the hills....I am also taking the work pumper out on that day for a run so it should be a great day to take photos and see what people have...Sorry the blitz would not make iy,well it would but would have to leave a week before hand to get there.
Hi there all
Blinky I am sure some thing can be arrange regarding releasing appliances for the fire engine run - will bring it up at the next meeting on the 11th November.
Quotethere is a shed at peterborough thats got 4 in it plus back end of 2 units from the west cost and word is the Eudunda's EFS truck once it is restored it will be going there too
Unless something has happened in the last week while I have been on nightshifts - this is un-true. The shed at Peterbrough we have ear marked as storage facility for the Heritage group still has not been approved for use.........
SA Firey
QuoteLandRover Ex Gumaracha Car 1.....one for you Wayne needs a lot of work
I have heard they wanted to give this vehicle to some one whom was going to restore it - do you have any contacts at Birdwood we could spreak to?. Also within your collection do you have any pictures of "Ex Gumaracha Car 1"
Many thanks
I have a pic of Gumeracha Car 1
Well another piece of history has been acquired and on its way to restoration heaven.Fleet 35 SAMFS :-D
Nice looking appliance there Jeff,your shed must be getting full???
has anyone herd wat's happing to riverton 32 after ttg has finished useing it while there 34p is a away
Quote from: firefighter_sa on October 02, 2007, 03:22:55 AM
QuoteLandRover Ex Gumaracha Car 1.....one for you Wayne needs a lot of work
I have heard they wanted to give this vehicle to some one whom was going to restore it - do you have any contacts at Birdwood we could spreak to?. Also within your collection do you have any pictures of "Ex Gumaracha Car 1"
Many thanks
I can get in touch with someone at the museum if you'd like. Im with Birdwood Brigade...
Quote from: boss on May 03, 2008, 06:51:13 PM
Has anyone heard what's happening to Riverton 32 after ttg has finished using it while there 34p is a away
Sitting at Angle Park
LandRover Ex Gumaracha Car 1.....one for you Wayne needs a lot of work
I have heard they wanted to give this vehicle to some one whom was going to restore it - do you have any contacts at Birdwood we could spreak to?. Also within your collection do you have any pictures of "Ex Gumaracha Car 1"
Many thanks
I can get in touch with someone at the museum if you'd like. Im with Birdwood Brigade...
Could you please ask - it would look good restored.....
I have advised Wayne of who to call.
Found hiding in Strathalbyn today was their old Blitz and an old Land Rover at the National Trust Museum
QuoteFound hiding in Strathalbyn today was their old Blitz and an old Land Rover at the National Trust Museum
Do we have pictures - thanks
Well the street Parade went off very well today in Naracoorte and it was great to see so many people come out on a warm sunny day and support Volunteers who give up so much time to protect their community....I would like to thank REX HALL who over the past few years has been a big player in the history of CFS appliances but above all a great man who will always stand up for the rights of the Volunteer's.If it was not for REX,then today would not have gone ahead....
There was one big hitch in the day and I just want to say to those up the chain,time you came to terms that CFS is not only about the members who answer the call but our family's who stand by and support us.... If members wish to take their children on a fire appliance's in a parade and they are being looked after by a adult then it should be allowed... I could go on about this but i wont as I know the matter is going to go all the way to the top.....
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on October 26, 2008, 07:42:19 PM
If members wish to take their children on a fire appliance's in a parade and they are being looked after by a adult then it should be allowed... I could go on about this but i wont as I know the matter is going to go all the way to the top.....
Local staff ? Doesn't seem to be an issue in other parts of the state...
Second the motion Bill, I had 5 people from Novita in my appliance at Convoy for Kids,their memories of it....priceless 8-)
got photo's of appliances at old tailem town but cant seem to make them small enough to post on here. :-(
Already have all those wicky, and the poor condition they are in is enough to make you cry :-o
Quote from: SA Firey on December 30, 2008, 09:14:16 AM
Already have all those wicky, and the poor condition they are in is enough to make you cry :-o
thought you might. :-D
Quote from: Scania_1 on February 16, 2007, 01:51:30 PM
Which ones are at Naracoorte apart from Stirling Pumper (ACCO)??
Sorry but it will always be knowen as STIRLING pumper has that is where it spent most of its working life just because your brigade had if for a year or so does not maen it will remain with teh name ROSEWORTHY PUMPER......
Quote from: Bill Corcoran on June 11, 2009, 04:36:43 PM
Sorry but it will always be knowen as STIRLING pumper has that is where it spent most of its working life just because your brigade had if for a year or so does not maen it will remain with teh name ROSEWORTHY PUMPER......
Mabe it should have roseworthy on 1 side and stirling on the other
Quote from: 5271rescue on March 18, 2007, 07:00:30 PM
This is our pride and joy the old binnum 37 blitz and yes she still goes at the moment we are working on getting the pump to work and two members are working on the brakes that where in need of some TLC...
Oh you chitty chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang we love you :-P