SA Firefighter

General Discussion => SAMFS => Topic started by: bajdas on January 17, 2007, 05:03:50 PM

Title: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: bajdas on January 17, 2007, 05:03:50 PM
Not sure if this is true. I can verify when I see Thursday's Advertiser (18/01/2007) newspaper.


How many applications would they expect ?
How many places available on an intake ?
I read somewhere, that some people are already in pre-training for MFS recruitment. Is this true ? If so, why advertise for more potential recruits when you already have a squad in training ?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Pipster on January 17, 2007, 05:17:14 PM
You advertise for more, because you need more....if recent news articles are anything to go by, MFS will be facing a major shortage of fire fighters, as a high proportion of the work force are rapidly reaching retirement age, and likely to retire in the forseeable future.....

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: RescueHazmat on January 17, 2007, 05:38:18 PM
I 'believe' it is correct..  Still, anything can happen.. Keep your eyes on the paper..
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: K99 on January 18, 2007, 02:20:37 PM
Go to the SAMFS website. Everything you need to know about the online application is there.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on January 18, 2007, 05:21:37 PM
The pre-training you are talking about was made available to some minority groups to assist their preparation for the intake requirements.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: medevac on January 19, 2007, 11:40:49 AM
believe SAMFS are going to be taking quite a few recruits on.... as in shitloads.

if you fit the prerequisites then i would recommend giving it a crack. even if you dont think your ready
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Ryan on January 19, 2007, 01:07:07 PM
Apparently It will not be one recruit taking in shitloads but they will recruit every 12 months or so for about 5 years.  That is what I heard, unconfirmed.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Firefrog on January 19, 2007, 01:47:07 PM
As far as I can recall there has been some form of intake every year for as long as I can remember. May have skipped a year or two but it's been pretty consistent atleast in my recollection.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Ryan on January 19, 2007, 03:09:27 PM
Aaah okay, maybe they'll be taking more every recruitment, thought they only recruited every 2 or 3 years.  Those that have been around for years (take it how you like :lol: ) will know more.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Timbo on January 20, 2007, 08:47:08 AM
Quote from: bajdas on January 17, 2007, 05:03:50 PM

How many places available on an intake ?

Normally 18 recruits accepted per round
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: lilmiss_firey on January 20, 2007, 09:16:32 AM
why is it such a little amount??
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Timbo on January 20, 2007, 09:20:41 AM
Quote from: lilmiss_firey on January 20, 2007, 09:16:32 AM
why is it such a little amount??

I reckon it would be pretty hard to put any more than that through 14 weeks of full time training with the TA's that SAMFS Has available.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on January 25, 2007, 11:25:34 AM
my sources tell me that they want to put through the first recruits asap. and pos put through more than 1 course. start of the new financial year also seems to be an important date.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: lilmiss_firey on January 25, 2007, 12:21:22 PM
Quote from: MrT on January 20, 2007, 09:20:41 AM
Quote from: lilmiss_firey on January 20, 2007, 09:16:32 AM
why is it such a little amount??

I reckon it would be pretty hard to put any more than that through 14 weeks of full time training with the TA's that SAMFS Has available.

Of course, didn't think of that!!!! 
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Timbo on January 28, 2007, 07:26:53 PM
Quote from: MrT on January 20, 2007, 08:47:08 AM
Quote from: bajdas on January 17, 2007, 05:03:50 PM

How many places available on an intake ?

Normally 18 recruits accepted per round

And this round will be 14
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on January 29, 2007, 08:30:52 PM
Congrats to all those who have passed PAT1
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on January 31, 2007, 10:30:15 AM
For all those interested in, or have applied for the MFS this year, some food for thought for you. apparently most of the places are already unofficially filled!!!! - that's right. all the applicants that they want to pass have been given inside info on what's needed to pass the interview, roleplaying and exam stages, so that they will pass! THAT SUX. so much for equal opportunity. How unprofessional.
Of course this info MAY be untrue, but it has come from a VERY reliable source who knows the system really well. Not impressed after spending hundreds of dollars in order to satisfy their pre-reqs.
Wot do you lot think?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: medevac on January 31, 2007, 11:09:59 AM
Well if it is true then it is illegal
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Firefrog on January 31, 2007, 11:34:31 AM
Don't listen to every rumour you hear. :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: RescueHazmat on January 31, 2007, 04:39:21 PM
Quote from: loopylou on January 31, 2007, 10:30:15 AM
For all those interested in, or have applied for the MFS this year, some food for thought for you. apparently most of the places are already unofficially filled!!!! - that's right. all the applicants that they want to pass have been given inside info on what's needed to pass the interview, roleplaying and exam stages, so that they will pass! THAT SUX. so much for equal opportunity. How unprofessional.
Of course this info MAY be untrue, but it has come from a VERY reliable source who knows the system really well. Not impressed after spending hundreds of dollars in order to satisfy their pre-reqs.
Wot do you lot think?

Reliable source hey?  I think their reliability may have dropped a couple of pegs..  That's a very strong accusation..
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: probie_boy on February 02, 2007, 07:28:30 PM
we have a met in our brigade. he told me he heard 6000 applications for 14 jobs.
i think if i join MFS, it won't be in this state.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: JC on February 03, 2007, 07:24:07 PM
Quote from: loopylou on January 31, 2007, 10:30:15 AM
For all those interested in, or have applied for the MFS this year, some food for thought for you. apparently most of the places are already unofficially filled!!!! - that's right. all the applicants that they want to pass have been given inside info on what's needed to pass the interview, roleplaying and exam stages, so that they will pass! THAT SUX. so much for equal opportunity. How unprofessional.
Of course this info MAY be untrue, but it has come from a VERY reliable source who knows the system really well. Not impressed after spending hundreds of dollars in order to satisfy their pre-reqs.
Wot do you lot think?

It has always been a job for the boys/sons/brothers/daughters set up. Its disgraceful, the amount of money MFS could save in training by taking on more CFS f/fighters who are fully trained and highly skilled is ridiculous. :x
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on February 03, 2007, 09:27:23 PM
You sure you are talking about the MFS?look at some other fire services. At least the MFS give applicants an oppurtunity to participate in the testing. A lot of the sons of firies cant get in.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on February 06, 2007, 12:51:08 PM
I agree with Jasec, while not all CFS personel would be prime candidates for MFS, there are a lot of well trained and capable people who should get more of a look at than the way it is now.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Firefrog on February 06, 2007, 04:43:08 PM
What about fully qualified nationally accredited fire fighters? They can't even get a look in...
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on February 07, 2007, 09:27:10 AM
Yes, they should get a look at too.

In regards to 6000 applicants, I applied and was told by someone from the training department on my testing day that the PAT 1 went for 4 days with about 120 doing the test each day. That would make about 480 candidates, and from what i saw about 2 in 7 failed the beep test (didn't make the 9.6)  :-o
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Ryan on February 07, 2007, 03:40:48 PM
maybe 5520 applicants didnt have the required forms and certificates etc or their resume's/ cover letters made it appear they were not cut out for firefighting.

How'd you go loopy?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Fire_Rescue96 on February 11, 2007, 05:19:09 PM
i sent in an online application a week after I heard that they were accepting applications, I got an email back a few days later saying that, they have already got enough people for the intake but I will be contacted by the end of March.
So no idea what the go is with that, anyone have any info that can help me with that.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on February 19, 2007, 08:46:57 AM
The first intake has already happened, and a current batch of recruits are now training. The new recruits passed Pat1, Pat2, psych, numeracy + literacy etc.
The next lot of testing will begin end of March? early April for the second batch of recruits to start in order to be employable around the start of the new financial year. If you didn't pass certain parts of the above testing on the first intake, then you will have to wait till next year as there is a 12 month wait between some tests. There are some exceptions, you do get a couple of goes at Pat1 - the beep test.  :-)
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on February 19, 2007, 05:13:28 PM
I wouldnt think they would have started yet. What about the medical,interviews etc. You dont usually start straight away anyway they give you a months notice so you can give notice to your employer(s).
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: JC on February 19, 2007, 05:45:07 PM
From what i have heard MFS have totally changed the way they are going to recruit, they are going to do rolling intakes every 3-4 months, its now PAT1, interview/rollplay/teamwork, PAT 2, exam, medical. They are going to try and do 100 people at a time. This is roughly the way they will do it, if anyone can expand on this please do. Im not sure if they have started training but the first drill squad is picked.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Ryan on February 19, 2007, 07:49:34 PM
How long will they do this for?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: JC on February 19, 2007, 07:54:40 PM
I believe they will do it this way  for all recruitment's needed to replace the guys retiring
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on February 20, 2007, 09:54:05 AM
The Mets are expecting a lot of the older guys to leave when the super changes come into effect. If they stay in then they end up losing money on their super, so the word is that there are going to be a few retirements in July, added to this the new stations and your usual leavers..... = quite a few empty places?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on February 25, 2007, 07:09:22 PM
They certainly arent wasting anytime this year. The next drill squad starts on the 26th of March.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: bittenyakka on February 25, 2007, 07:49:35 PM
Why do MFS need or have different super rules to everyone else and hat are they?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on February 26, 2007, 07:57:03 PM
I don't think it's just an MFS thing? I think it's to do with all super and certain ages but i'm not sure. A couple of Mets guys i know mentioned that when the super changes take effect that a lot of old guys are gonna leave or retire, rather than stay and cop the super penalty.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Pipster on February 27, 2007, 05:15:52 PM
Some Government organisations have different super schemes to the rest of the Government workforce.   Some of the Police, and the MFS have more generous super scheme than the rest of the Government employees (excluding the Politicians themselves) - which came out of some very hard work by their respective unions.

While I don't know the specifics of the MFS Scheme, it may be that there have been some changes, which allows members to access their super earlier than previously allowed (and perhaps earlier than other Government sectors), and hence making it more attractive to take a super package sooner rather than later...

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: davo on March 08, 2007, 10:47:16 AM
Quote from: loopylou on January 31, 2007, 10:30:15 AM
For all those interested in, or have applied for the MFS this year, some food for thought for you. apparently most of the places are already unofficially filled!!!! - that's right. all the applicants that they want to pass have been given inside info on what's needed to pass the interview, roleplaying and exam stages, so that they will pass! THAT SUX. so much for equal opportunity. How unprofessional.
Of course this info MAY be untrue, but it has come from a VERY reliable source who knows the system really well. Not impressed after spending hundreds of dollars in order to satisfy their pre-reqs.
Wot do you lot think?
How did you come across this info?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: josh on March 11, 2007, 10:52:18 AM
Hi Guys,

I have just been through the application and testing process and didn't get in. I have done a fair bit of research on the process and would like to make a few comments on posts in this thread. I have found that there is always PLENTY of stories getting around about what happens and most of them are untrue or have been spun around.

First comment is about the "already unofficially filled" comment. That is probably the biggest load of "jibber jabber" I have heard to date! The main part of the testing that people usually don't get through is the "Personality Profiling". That is due to the fact that you can't prepare for it. It takes ages and is around 700 questions. The point of the test is to determine if your personality traits match that of a successful fire fighter. Trust me, you simply can not prepare for this test. To get more info on what the Personality Profiling test is about, check out the website

Secondly, the people who achieved successful results in the personality profiling test would have been notified on either 7-3-07 or 8-3-07, same with those who were not successful.

The order of the process was

Application, Shuttle Run (PAT1), Interview & assessment (role plays), Critical Tasks (PAT2), Numeracy & Literacy test & Personality Profiling. Then it's on to police check, medical & work reference if you were successful.

This was a really fast process. Apparently much faster than previous years. Due to the fact they need to have the squad operational on or before 1st July for budgeting reasons.

Also, they have moved the goal post a bit further again. You have to have a HR licence if you are applying after 1 July 2007. Great, another $1300!

Anyway, sorry for the marathon post & good luck to any one that is trying to get in!
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Mel on March 11, 2007, 04:28:03 PM
this might interest a few of you, i found it last week and is about tthe huge amount of failures in the personality test they brought in last year,22606,20974342-2682,00.html

hope that comes out if not google mfs personality testing. its a news paper article.

also heard from a cfs captain that this last intak out of 14 12 were rellies of mfs firies with the other two just being not, i supose. is this the norm, like the father son rule in afl. silly question but its got me wondering. could any one enlighten me please?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on March 11, 2007, 05:45:56 PM
So you believe everything a CFS captain says do you? Does he/she personally know those 12 people do they?
Another stupid comment on this silly thread.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: RescueHazmat on March 11, 2007, 07:31:11 PM
Yeah, im also kind of tired of reading all the B/S ...
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Pipster on March 11, 2007, 08:41:45 PM
Many people who are successful in joining the police have parent(s) who are in the police.

Many of those who get into Medicine at Uni have a parent(s) and / or siblings who are Doctors, and those getting into Law have parent(s) who are Lawyers.

Is it shonky that these people are successful in what they want to do too?

Too many people seem too willing to listen to silly rumours which cast aspersions onto the MFS and their recruiting policies.


Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Blue on March 12, 2007, 09:20:49 AM
I guess it's a way to make yourself feel better when you just missed out (along with the other hundreds of applicants) to create intrigue, scandal and conspiracy surrounding the reasons as to why these few select superhumans got through.

Couldn't possibly be based simply on their aptitude, fitness and abilities --- could it?!?  :?  :-o   :roll:  :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: davo on March 12, 2007, 11:35:19 AM
On a positive note thanks to the guys at Wakefield Station who were extremely encouraging during my recent Pat 2 test. Coming across top people like that is half the attraction to joining the MFS.
Thanks :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on March 12, 2007, 07:24:23 PM
Yeah, well i know what i know, and i've spoken to a LOT of MFS firies, some of them in high places and believe me it's who you know....
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: F.B.R.T on March 12, 2007, 07:32:50 PM
I love listening to B.S when I know the facts!! :-)
The last intake of 14 recruits did not have 12 of whom had relatives in the service!
* Five were ex Retained Firefighters from Mount Gambier. (me being one)
* One resigned during course.
* Two had fathers in the job, but both would of had three or four attempts to get in, so I don't see favouritism there!
* Six others were mixture of all sorts of occupations.
The testing is hard and if you miss out have another go!
Not many applicants make it the first time, so keep trying!

Regards, Mat
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: josh on March 12, 2007, 10:38:40 PM
Hi Mat,

There was a guy who went throught the testing on the same days that i did. I cant remember his name, but he is a tall bloke with short hair and he was a deisel mechanic. Did he get through? He was a good guy, i hope he got in!

When you say one resigned, what do you mean?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: F.B.R.T on March 13, 2007, 10:40:04 AM
I don't recall any mechanics on my course and the one that resigned decided that the job wasn't for them during the recruit course.

Cheers, Mat
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: loopylou on March 13, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
Congratulations Senior Firie you just confirmed that 50% of the last intake was in some way connected to the MFS. 5 ex-retained and 2 who had fathers in the service. Out of the hundreds of applicants that applied do you think this represents a fair percentage of the cross section of the community that applied? Of course not. Nice try at pleading the MFS's case though.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Scania_1 on March 13, 2007, 03:18:22 PM
Well the retained from Mt Gambier were the only ones who could apply for the full time positions in MT Gambier so you cant use that as a typical format for a drill squad. Good jobs are hard to get, get over yourselves.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Mel on March 14, 2007, 11:08:24 AM
I wasnt actually beings narky, or malice, havnt applied for mfs so im not vengent, it was just an hounest question. stop being so quick to believe things are an attack. its what i heard from one source, and i thought id try and get more info on the subject to decide my veiw, so thanks for the info, but yeah get off your box
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: josh on March 14, 2007, 11:58:14 AM
Quote from: Senior Firery70 on March 13, 2007, 10:40:04 AM
I don't recall any mechanics on my course and the one that resigned decided that the job wasn't for them during the recruit course.

Cheers, Mat

sorry was confused. I was refering to the january intake and recruit process that has just completed. you must be talking about one that happenend in 2006.

is there anyone from the MFS that knows how many squads they are putting on this year?

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: davo on March 23, 2007, 07:43:20 PM
Quote from: loopylou on February 07, 2007, 09:27:10 AM
Yes, they should get a look at too.

In regards to 6000 applicants, I applied and was told by someone from the training department on my testing day that the PAT 1 went for 4 days with about 120 doing the test each day. That would make about 480 candidates, and from what i saw about 2 in 7 failed the beep test (didn't make the 9.6)  :-o

Hey Loopylou how did you end up going in the process?  :roll:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: RescueHazmat on April 02, 2007, 08:26:06 AM
Quote from: loopylou on March 13, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
Congratulations Senior Firie you just confirmed that 50% of the last intake was in some way connected to the MFS. 5 ex-retained and 2 who had fathers in the service. Out of the hundreds of applicants that applied do you think this represents a fair percentage of the cross section of the community that applied? Of course not. Nice try at pleading the MFS's case though.

You have NO idea..
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: pumprescue on April 07, 2007, 01:52:19 PM
Why dont some of you apply interstate if your serious about the job
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: topjake on April 16, 2007, 11:12:31 PM
Hi Guys

Can anyone confirm that females who had failed their first attempted at the PAT 2 have been invited to retest it.

Don't get me wrong!!! I have nothing against females in the service I just thought that all applicants that failed their first attempt would be invited to retest the PAT 2 for the next intake.

stay safe brothers and sister
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: red on April 24, 2007, 10:39:17 AM
Yeah mate, I heard that a few weeks ago. But It's not just females, its fellas too. I know a few ex-police officers who have their pat 2 coming up I think this week. It sounds as though topjake that you are waiting on an email.... Have you heard anything yet??
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: topjake on April 24, 2007, 11:36:07 AM
Thank for info Red.

Yes I am waiting for an email :-) but I have completed all my stages in March. So good luck to those that are doing their PAT 2.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: red on April 24, 2007, 12:10:52 PM
Goodluck mate. Keep us posted. I'm sure there are a few people out there who would be interested in finding out what stage the recruit process is at. :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Fire_Rescue96 on April 24, 2007, 05:45:08 PM
Yeah Im awaiting a confirmation email for dates for my PAT 1 (shuttle run test) which they said will be around early July.

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: red on May 25, 2007, 11:40:49 AM
For those who may be interested, the MFS have started informing applicants that were successful in moving onto the final stages of the recruit process for the second intake this year (ie. Medical Exam and Police Check).
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: fireblade on May 26, 2007, 07:21:51 AM
MFS i think is one of the last services that does not recognise RPL straight off the bat you have to be in the service for a while before they look at your previously gained skills.

I spoke to a girl in CFA's H.R. department a while ago about a CFA fulltime job and she said that they would recognise all my national competencies i.e. B.A., R.C.R., HAZMAT and Rope Rescue.

Don't know how true it was, as i found a better paying job in the industry.

I agree fully with other statements if you have C.F.S. fire fighters that go above the rest in their training and gain as many skills as possible and meet the fitness standards wouldn't they be a good option for a career fire fighter.

The statement MFS is a service for the boys ie recruiting sons and daughters is not true as i know a guy that had to apply 5 times to follow in his fathers foot steps.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Blue on May 28, 2007, 01:42:12 PM
Quote from: fireblade on May 26, 2007, 07:21:51 AM
MFS i think is one of the last services that does not recognise RPL straight off the bat you have to be in the service for a while before they look at your previously gained skills.

I'm not sure how long ago you heard of that happening but as of 2000 MFS is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and as such can accept recognition of prior learning if it is something that fits as evidence under the training packages that MFS require recruits to complete. These include the Public Safety stream (Firefighting and Emergency Operations, Firefighting Supervision, and Firefighting Management) and the AIIMS course.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: fireblade on May 28, 2007, 04:15:57 PM
Cheers Blue I've been told porky pies by someone.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Footy on May 28, 2007, 04:40:21 PM
Does anyone know about medical requirements of joining mets?
I have recently had knee surgery and had a large chunk of my ACL taken out, and the surgeon said that without a reconstruction MFS would not accept me.
Not that this is an issue because i'm not lookin at joining, but was interesting when i heard this.

Can anyone update any info on this??
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Blue on May 28, 2007, 06:26:38 PM
Its all on their website (
As for the knee issue, it would depend on a) you passing the physical aptitude testing which may be pretty taxing on your knee and b) a doctor clearing you in the medical for things like sufficient movement of the joint and joint stability.

but I think the severe alcohol and drug abuse would preclude you before then Footy  :-D (just kidding)
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: topjake on June 14, 2007, 09:32:23 PM
I see that the July and September intakes have been selected. Well done to the guys that have made it. :)
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: red on June 19, 2007, 09:50:52 AM
Did you get the email you were looking forward to topjake  :?
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: topjake on June 19, 2007, 08:20:12 PM
@ RED Not this time mate.

I have been on the waiting list from March this year and passed all the testing first time around. I do not understand that if you meet the requirements you are not placed on a course even if its the following year and maybe just do the PAT 1 again to ensure fitness is maintained. What more can be said but next time !!!

I think maybe the point system is slightly flawed as applicants that pass at the beginning of this year should be filling the first courses and the next selection should make up the short fall and fill the following courses as to keep the process flowing.  My reason for this is our standings are valid for 12 months only and then we need to apply again, even if you are on the waiting list. What major things are going to change?. I am sure this would help SAMFS in their employment as there will be resources available, and also applicants will know their position as the majority are currently employed and would like to work on a time line for their ultimate job.

Sorry if I seem negative I am trying not to (more confused) but being so close in the past 2 intakes I cant understand what it takes besides luck :)

appreciate thoughts from others good or bad   
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: red on June 20, 2007, 12:08:11 PM
I completely understand mate as I am in exactly the same boat. I was in that very first group of 17 to get through everything including the psych test, but unfortunately for some unknown reason to me I too missed out this year. I know of three female applicants who all failed the pat2 test first time round. They then got a second opportunity to complete the test (as everyone does), they passed and they have all been accepted into recruit courses this year. Luck.... I don't know. To bust your balls and come so close is tough. But you need to have faith in the system as it's the system that will get us in. I guess the thing I'd really like to know is where I am on the list? How far down  :?

I'll be looking to next year and if need be the year after that and so on. I heard that they are going to take on 100+ recruits over the next few years so hopefully the opportunity will come up  :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: wicky on June 20, 2007, 02:23:05 PM
Full-Time Firefighters
The South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) will temporarily close applications for positions of full-time firefighter from 1700 hours on 30 June 2007, until further notice.

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: gasman on June 25, 2007, 11:03:34 PM
Hey guys, just thought i would let you know that you are not alone in wondering "WHAT NEXT"
I am also in the Talent pool left over from the original intake earlier this year.
I was in the first days pat1 group, passed everything, even ran next to Josh Francou,( i believe he is still in the pool with us!).
Sent email to MFS's hr dept, got the reply cannot confirm or deny the possibility of another drill squad before our twelve months runs out.
I can say that the recruitment system is open to review and as we all know only too well, Nothing is as it seems in the FMs recruiting system.
With regards to the question way back at the start of this thread, the tall mechanic i believe has just passed his medical and still does not know which squad, jury or september, he will be in.
Just a quick update for you all...
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: pumprescue on June 26, 2007, 02:42:41 PM
Quote from: fireblade on May 26, 2007, 07:21:51 AM
MFS i think is one of the last services that does not recognise RPL straight off the bat you have to be in the service for a while before they look at your previously gained skills.

I spoke to a girl in CFA's H.R. department a while ago about a CFA fulltime job and she said that they would recognise all my national competencies i.e. B.A., R.C.R., HAZMAT and Rope Rescue.

Yes they will recognise these qualification but you still have to get through the process and complete the recruit course before this is recognised. So saying you have all these courses is fantastic but you may ot be the person they are looking for at all, it is a lot easier to get on a volunteer course with CFS and then say well i have this ticket let me in.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: josh on June 27, 2007, 05:05:53 PM
Quote from: red on June 20, 2007, 12:08:11 PM
I completely understand mate as I am in exactly the same boat. I was in that very first group of 17 to get through everything including the psych test,

there are heaps of people who completed all stages.

you dont pass or fail the psyc test, they take the most suitable people who fit the personality profile of successful firefighter. if 500 do the test and they need 18 people, the 18 at the top that most closely fit the profile get called up.

i was told the number of people who get through after completing the psyc test is in the 8 to 10% area.

wicky- i think the reason they are temporarily closing applications at june 30 is due to changing the pre-requisites eg HR licence instead of MR from 1st july.

gasman yep ive had an email from him. its davo on this forum. WELL DONE DAVO, congratulations!

Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: wicky on July 02, 2007, 04:52:15 PM

wicky- i think the reason they are temporarily closing applications at june 30 is due to changing the pre-requisites eg HR licence instead of MR from 1st july.

ok thanks.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: wicky on August 24, 2007, 03:07:17 PM
Does anybody have any news on the recruitment of full time firies.?????
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: gasman on August 24, 2007, 05:20:59 PM
nothing has changed for a while, no more applications seem to be getting processed, the web site has suspended applications indefinitely. Still a reasonable number of hopefulls like myself in the holding pool at this stage. Hope they work it out sooner rather than later
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: wicky on September 03, 2007, 07:49:59 PM
Quote from: gasman on August 24, 2007, 05:20:59 PM
nothing has changed for a while, no more applications seem to be getting processed, the web site has suspended applications indefinitely. Still a reasonable number of hopefulls like myself in the holding pool at this stage. Hope they work it out sooner rather than later

at what stage are you at with the process eg. pat1,pat2??????
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: gasman on September 03, 2007, 07:54:40 PM
finished pat 1,interview and assessment centre, pat2 and aptitude test, am on waitng list for next drill squad hopefully
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: jt1717 on September 03, 2007, 09:22:57 PM
Quote from: gasman on September 03, 2007, 07:54:40 PM
finished pat 1,interview and assessment centre, pat2 and aptitude test, am on waiting list for next drill squad hopefully

hi there gasman, I am in the same position, very frustrating with a lack of information and not knowing what might happen.
Good Luck.
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: topjake on September 05, 2007, 08:05:44 PM
Gasman and jt1717 I am in the same position so fingers crossed to all :)
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: wicky on September 06, 2007, 09:16:16 PM
that makes 3 of you how many do you think are in the same boat as you guys
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: Zippy on September 06, 2007, 09:22:46 PM
wouldnt it be nice to think that everyone thought "oh im sure 1000 other people would apply...too hard"....and just a select few applied   :-D

that'd be the day id apply  :-)
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: SA Firey on September 06, 2007, 09:31:09 PM
The MFB are on a rigourous recruiting drive to replace all the 50 somethings due for retirement :wink:
Title: Re: January 2007 MFS intake
Post by: 6739264 on September 07, 2007, 04:12:57 AM
The MFB should be on a rigorous drive to update their prehistoric PPE as well...