New Burnside Pumper

Started by bittenyakka, December 15, 2006, 11:32:50 AM

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Burnisde pumper just keeps getting better and better by the day!


Rainer have Burnside had an undertaking from HQ, that the new unit being built will spend its entire service life at Burnside or in Lofty Group?
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Yeah, you would hate to build a truck that you don't really need and then lose it, wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts...


I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....


Quote from: pumprescue on August 08, 2008, 04:36:29 PM
Yeah, you would hate to build a truck that you don't really need and then lose it, wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts...

Woah! Someones a bit bitter! :o


Not bitter, just realistic


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on August 08, 2008, 06:08:32 PM
I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....

Not necessarilly Bill, all money is "CFS money" these days...


All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...

Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles  etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.

If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....

So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...


Quote from: Zippy on August 08, 2008, 12:14:51 PM
Burnisde pumper just keeps getting better and better by the day!

Hah, still a little behind the 8 ball compared to what some people where saying. Far from the 'Heavy Pumper' that was touted by some around here! Although it's certainly a move in the right direction for CFS and their UI capabilities, having a truck that is more urban than rural but can tackle both.

Still can't quite supply a bronto ;)

Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on August 08, 2008, 06:08:32 PM
I would say it wouldstay at burnside all its life as they are the one's who have put money into....

And what happens when places like Burnside get amalgamated into SAMFS? Or the whole shebang turns into a single service? As much as it might annoy the Burnside lads, at the end of the day, I'm sure the appliance will go where the power that be see fit. Once it has reached the end of its usefulness with Burnside, of course.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 08, 2008, 08:57:59 PM
All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...

Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles  etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.

If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....

So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...

EEERR check your facts on that one tiger! :wink:
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Well that is not TRUE....All money is not CFS money as if it was CFS would get of there bum and help raise that money...From what I know and lost of people know this the burnside brigade put in a large amount of THEIR OWN money into the pumper.So why should it not spend all its life with them?? hee volvo pumper has and that was bought by CFS..How about we just wait and see when they get it first before moving onto to the next issue of how long it will be there..

By The way if it is CFS money then why dont CFS replace gear that brigade's and groups have bought over teh years so as we can do our job????


It is CFS money, but imagine the political uproar, especially in a high profile area like Burnside, if they took it off them. Look what happened back in the mid 90's when the Burnside council tried to close the Burnside CFS as they thought they were no longer relevent, I don't think the council will go there again (not that they have to)


I think if the CFS deiced to come and take money from brigades they would quickly find it given straight back to those who donated it to the brigades. 

On the other hand if all the money was pooled mabey it coul buy something quite useful...


But what if the brigade only survives another 5 years? What then? Do they sell it and give the money back? You can't honestly say that Burnside will be around in their current capacity for the next 20 years.(Like a lot of othe r urban fringe brigades)
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.

Cameron Yelland

I guess the money Burnside put in could of come from an account outside of the CFS, which therefore doesnt make it CFS money, but in the age of no trucks are owned by the brigades i guess the CFS can step in and take what they want?

But i agree if the CFS decide to move the truck the Burnside brigade should be reimbursed for the money they put in.  Its only fair.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


I would hope that the brigade has something in writting from those at the top should the brigade close or down size in the years ahead,But then again MFS still need CFS for COQ....


QuoteMFS still need CFS for COQ....
Pretty much.  But it seems to happen less and less each year.

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: Zippy on August 09, 2008, 11:05:57 AM
QuoteMFS still need CFS for COQ....
Pretty much.  But it seems to happen less and less each year.

Nah probaly more along the lines there hasnt been any big jobs to warrant it?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


No i am saying, If Joe public donates to Burnside CFS and and CFS/SAFECOM comes and says to burnside that they are taking their fund raised funds. I wouldn't be surprised if Burnside gave the money back to joe Public.

(the name Burnside is just being used in general terms but could represent any brigade)


I think it would be more likely that CFS would tell you to use brigade money to fund normal budget items rather than taking it away. So in a way you are using your own money to fund a CFS shortfall.


Quote from: Stefan KIRKMOE on August 08, 2008, 08:57:59 PM
All money is "CFS money".... or maybe not...

Just because I work for the government, does that mean the money in my bank account is the governments or mine? Is a brigade is funded money out of the CFS pot of money, ie we need new jackets lets go out and get them, then yes that's CFS money... But if a rigade goes out and raises it's own funds, such as charges for bunoffs, election collection, sausage sizzles  etc. Then that money raised by the BRIGADE VOLUNTEERS should be the money of that bridage, if they wish to purchase good for the benefit of the brigade then there's no problem with that.

If however the money is raised under the banner of "Supporting the CFS" or something similar and then the money gets used for a Hawaii Holiday fund or something then that's a totally different kettle of fish....

So when I go out and spend my time raising funds for my brigade then i expect that money will go to them.... There are plenty of brigades out there who do and would expect to do the same with their fundraising money...

Stefan, ideally that would be nice, however its not how it works these days.... I shouldnt imagine there will be problems with Burnside Pumper going elsewhere. My point is though that it is the property of the CFS, not the property of the "burnside fire service" and therefore it is there resource to do with as they see fit.

But, unless brigades are hiding funds somehow, i think youll find all money is now the CFS as a wholes... Not long ago all brigades were advised of this by region/state, and the money was supposedly going to be rolled into the brigades budgets from state.... Not very nice, but what they decided to do apparently.

SA Firey

I asked the question not long ago and can confirm that all CFS brigade money is in fact able to be taken off you if they wanted too.

However having said that the government use us enough, without taking away our hard earned fundraising money as well, which would definitely create an uproar :mrgreen:
Images are copyright


Burnside's area has remained reletively unchanged for years. All that can be developed, has been developed. There still exists a large (protected by national park status) rural risk in our area, and i think there will always be a need for CFS presence in the area.


the houses do seem to be getting somewhat bigger in that area tho.


Also don't forget that with dwindling volunteer numbers in the country, we may start depending on the brigades in urban areas to provide us resources when we need them...