New Burnside Pumper

Started by bittenyakka, December 15, 2006, 11:32:50 AM

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As I said we aren't allowed (Barmera & Bordertowns walkins were the last) however we can "option" them up with compressors/ bigger generators etc for trucks, canopies, different light bars, tool draws etc for utes @ unit cost of course!
maybe thats the way to go - just a thought
just another retard!


Oh yeah, its all good fun till someone gets their eye taken out!.....So you all pimp up your appliances, Burnsides includes, but is it YOUR appliance? NO that appliance is owned by the state government, will be an interesting discussion if they decide to apply the 7,7 & 6 scenario.
Have Burnside a written undertaking from the government?
What happens if in 5 years they decide to close Burnside brigade citing lack of response area and Beulah Park MFS as giving adequate coverage?

Question only with no malice or agenda intended! :mrgreen:
Just Another Filtered Fireman

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: jaff on July 12, 2008, 08:14:52 PM
Oh yeah, its all good fun till someone gets their eye taken out!.....So you all pimp up your appliances, Burnsides includes, but is it YOUR appliance? NO that appliance is owned by the state government, will be an interesting discussion if they decide to apply the 7,7 & 6 scenario.
Have Burnside a written undertaking from the government?
What happens if in 5 years they decide to close Burnside brigade citing lack of response area and Beulah Park MFS as giving adequate coverage?

Question only with no malice or agenda intended! :mrgreen:

Interesting thought.  I guess another brigade could be inline for a new pumper soon?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Brigade could pull their 100 odd grand worth of gear out, and turn it back into a Volvo Chassis..


CFS HQ did advise that all moneys held by brigades belongs to the CFS, not that they would take it away, but the veiled threat was and is there.

It does smack in the face of everything CFS has ever said to those busy brigades with numerous A and B class risks and multi million dollar business complexes. Imagine if the large companies moving into say Mt Barker actually knew what fire firefighting capabilities they actually have there.
Thats just one of many examples, this is just a clear cut example of cash will get you everything, albeit with a 7 year fight.

Also Zippy, as much us those of us who have done SFEC upgrades over the last few years have tried, you can't use the MFS example at all, we tried that with all of our upgrade proposals and were told "MFS get what they get".

Ah well, we will still keep putting the fires out, fancy truck or not it just grinds my gears that those of us that have Type 2's have them for a reason, and we aren't ever going to be able to acheive the next level of appliance simply because we don't have the money  :-(


Quote from: pumprescue on July 13, 2008, 07:55:35 AM

Also Zippy, as much us those of us who have done SFEC upgrades over the last few years have tried, you can't use the MFS example at all, we tried that with all of our upgrade proposals and were told "MFS get what they get".

Ah well, we will still keep putting the fires out, fancy truck or not it just grinds my gears that those of us that have Type 2's have them for a reason, and we aren't ever going to be able to acheive the next level of appliance simply because we don't have the money  :-(
Have also been down that road, being told you cant use backing up MFS as reason for a pump, but also you cant have one cause the MFS are there? Anyway, as previously stated they have probably done another brigade a favour cause i cant see Burnside being around (in the capacity they are now) for another 20 years to enjoy the truck anyway. They'll probably just paint it red and give it to the MFS anyway.  :wink:
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


good point pumprescue, just pointing out that burnside pumper will definitely fulfill its COQ requirements to station 20, which has significant high rise prefer a decent pumper over a 34P for that ;)


Quote from: Zippy on July 13, 2008, 09:26:57 AM
good point pumprescue, just pointing out that burnside pumper will definitely fulfill its COQ requirements to station 20, which has significant high rise prefer a decent pumper over a 34P for that ;)

There is no requirement for Burnside to for fill. That risk is MFS's problem and they are resourced accordingly. MFS will rarely leave station 20's area without an MFS pump or two. If there is a large enough incident that Burnside are COQ and there is a second incident involving a "high rise" fire then Burnside is not going to be the only CFS brigade involved.

As I said, Burnside pumper has nothing to do with need and everything to do with cash and power. All the best to them for using both to the benefit of their brigade, community and displaying the CFS now has a policy where a brigade can top up on the what state is offering for no other reason than the brigade has some cash. Many, and probably the majority of brigades, will just accept the base CFS design, but those brigades that believe they have a need and the motivation to fundraise and top up now have a clear path to follow for their new appliance.

The precedent to get a non-standard vehicle to test new ideas or
meet local needs is already well established.  Region 7 have been
doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)
Going even further back I'm sure there are other examples all
around the state - rescue appliances, & special gear to meet local

Not so AJ. The significance is in the detail. The precedence here is that the cost was shared between the brigade and state. The state paid for a type two and Burnside super sized it by chipping in the rest. The appliances you name above were paid for entirely by either the state OR Region 7. No super sizing involved. Cherry 34 and Cherry/Belair 14 were both purchased entirely by Region 7 and Cherry brigade funds. Blackwood CAFS was paid for entirely by state. There will be an example of State and Region 7 combining funds for an appliance to be delivered later this year although under a different arrangement and circumstances to Burnside Pumper.


so whose in charge of region 7 these days ?  :evil:

Alan J

Quote from: Zippy on July 13, 2008, 12:32:29 PM
so whose in charge of region 7 these days ?  :evil:

  ARTHUR:  How do you do, good lady.  I am Arthur, King of the Britons.
      Who's castle is that?
  WOMAN:  King of the who?
  ARTHUR:  The Britons.
  WOMAN:  Who are the Britons?
  ARTHUR:  Well, we all are. we're all Britons and I am your king.
  WOMAN:  I didn't know we had a king.  I thought we were an autonomous
  DENNIS:  You're fooling yourself.  We're living in a dictatorship.
      A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
  WOMAN:  Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.
  DENNIS:  That's what it's all about if only people would--
  ARTHUR:  Please, please good people.  I am in haste.  Who lives
      in that castle?
  WOMAN:  No one live there.
  ARTHUR:  Then who is your lord?
  WOMAN:  We don't have a lord.
  ARTHUR:  What?
  DENNIS:  I told you.  We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune.  We take
      it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
  ARTHUR:  Yes.
  DENNIS:  But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified
      at a special biweekly meeting.
  ARTHUR:  Yes, I see.
  DENNIS:  By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,--
  ARTHUR:  Be quiet!
  DENNIS:  --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--
  ARTHUR:  Be quiet!  I order you to be quiet!
  WOMAN:  Order, eh -- who does he think he is?
  ARTHUR:  I am your king!
  WOMAN:  Well, I didn't vote for you.
  ARTHUR:  You don't vote for kings.
  WOMAN:  Well, 'ow did you become king then?
  ARTHUR:  The Lady of the Lake,
      [angels sing]
      her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur
      from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I,
      Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.
      [singing stops]
      That is why I am your king!

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

Alan J

Quote from: Hicksflat14 on July 13, 2008, 12:19:09 PM
As I said, Burnside pumper has nothing to do with need and everything to do with cash and power. All the best to them for using both to the benefit of their brigade, community and displaying the CFS now has a policy where a brigade can top up on the what state is offering for no other reason than the brigade has some cash. Many, and probably the majority of brigades, will just accept the base CFS design, but those brigades that believe they have a need and the motivation to fundraise and top up now have a clear path to follow for their new appliance.

I am trying very hard to see this as a Bad Thing, but cannot.
It's all very well for the 'have nots' to complain, but really, how does dragging
everyone else down to that level benefit anyone ?  Like it or no, state will never
have the cash to equip us all the way we feel we should be.

I feel that if a brigade/group by luck of location, or more likely by dint of blimmin
hard work over many years, can rake together the local community's shekels to top-up
the guvvermints contribution to something they really want/need/can get... GO FOR IT !!

(But understand that upon purchase it is the property of SAFECOM & can be reallocated
elsewhere without notice or recourse... eg. it may be re-badged "Mt Barker Pumper" in
just a few years.  :evil: )

There will be an example of State and Region 7 combining funds for an appliance to be
delivered later this year although under a different arrangement and circumstances to
Burnside Pumper.

you seem to be well informed... not so Hick I suspect.  :wink:

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

SA Firey

Quote from: Zippy on July 12, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
QuoteRegion 7 have been doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)

Hahaha,  that cracked me up!
REGION 7 eh :lol:

CFS Locations
CFS has a State Headquarters and 6 Regional Headquarters across South Australia.

All Emergency Responses - In an emergency, please call 000.

CFS Headquarters

Region 1 - Mount Lofty Ranges

Region 2 - Mount Lofty Ranges and Yorke Peninsula

Region 3 - Murraylands and Riverland

Region 4 - Flinders, Mid North and Pastoral Areas

Region 5 - South East

Region 6 - Eyre Peninsula and West Coast

State Training Centre - Brukunga

Images are copyright


Quote from: SA Firey on July 13, 2008, 06:50:31 PM
Quote from: Zippy on July 12, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
QuoteRegion 7 have been doing it for years (Blackwood CAFS, Cherry Gdns 34, Belair 14, etc)

Hahaha,  that cracked me up!
REGION 7 eh :lol:

CFS Locations
CFS has a State Headquarters and 6 Regional Headquarters across South Australia.

All Emergency Responses - In an emergency, please call 000.

CFS Headquarters

Region 1 - Mount Lofty Ranges

Region 2 - Mount Lofty Ranges and Yorke Peninsula

Region 3 - Murraylands and Riverland

Region 4 - Flinders, Mid North and Pastoral Areas

Region 5 - South East

Region 6 - Eyre Peninsula and West Coast

State Training Centre - Brukunga

Thanks for that Jeff.   :roll:


Holy Crap.....   :-o

Are you trying to tell me region 7 doesnt exist??? its just some made up sarcasm... not a true CFS region??

Man.... what a let down.

AJ - i dont think the new appliance is any real secret.



Its just another deal between Fire and Rescue Australia and CFS, another CAFS that doesn't work.


Pumprescue agree with your earlier comments about busy stations being under resourced such as Mt Barker and M/vale etc. Barker is a classic they have large risk (rural, urban & large RCR coverage area) and yet have one pump that also is there rescue and this leaves the township often, leaving only an old 24P and 24, hardly adequate coverage, if this was a "country township" with retained MFS you can only imagine the equip it would have. They are also dual response to most calls into Hahndorf, L/hampton etc As an example Friday night there was a car fire in Hahndorf, barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!

Heavy Rescue

Barker are getting a new 34P this year to replace their 24P, not sure if that is really an improvement to the situation for them though.


Quotesend two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!

Bit a waste of a Type 2 pumper in there station ey then... lol

But i dont think it must always be up to Mt Barker to be the ones supplying the defaulting appliances....

Appliances from Balhannah, Bridgewater, Littlehampton can pretty much do equally the same.

Alan J

Quote from: Zippy on July 14, 2008, 01:38:56 PM
Quotesend two appliances as hahndorf could not crew, only had one person at there station!!!!!!!!!!

But i dont think it must always be up to Mt Barker to be the ones supplying the defaulting appliances....

Appliances from Balhannah, Bridgewater, Littlehampton can pretty much do equally the same.

"Supplying" the defaults ???
"Covering" surely !!

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


lol yeh....2pm on a monday at work, my bad.... :wink:   i meant supplying the appliances to cover the response that was defaulted,  but u know what i meant anyway  :wink:


Quote from: scotty on July 14, 2008, 12:12:12 PM
barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew

Must have been a big car!

SA Firey

Quote from: CFS_Firey on July 16, 2008, 01:10:43 PM
Quote from: scotty on July 14, 2008, 12:12:12 PM
barker had to send two appliances as hahndorf could not crew

Must have been a big car!

How much water does it take  :lol:
Images are copyright

big bronto

It is not about how much water was used at the car fire, standard response for the crews at mt barker, 2 trucks on all calls in their primary area, since the primary pumper failed on this job they sent back up from their station since they had crew, going out of their area for a "report" of car fire could end up in being anything so back up was coming since the primary brigade failed, i don't see the problem with this, if anything it shows a quality of service being provided and maybe highlighting to some people in higher places that a 2nd pumper should return to mt barker and is not required in some other place just down the street. It is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.


QuoteIt is not about how much water was used at the car fire, standard response for the crews at mt barker, 2 trucks on all calls in their primary area, since the primary pumper failed on this job they sent back up from their station since they had crew, going out of their area for a "report" of car fire could end up in being anything so back up was coming since the primary brigade failed, i don't see the problem with this, if anything it shows a quality of service being provided and maybe highlighting to some people in higher places that a 2nd pumper should return to mt barker and is not required in some other place just down the street. It is going to make things hard when barker rescue is committed to an mva the other side of meadows supporting fellow group brigades and something happens in mt barker township and the mt barker brigade cannot get the support back from the next pumper in the group.

Every other brigade has the same issue mate, if ya primary pumper is out at a RCR or Hazmat....Simple solution...Call another brigade....the closest and most appropriate.