
Started by corocfs, July 15, 2005, 08:50:53 AM

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i was under the impression that Coro 24P was a one off appliance, but it seems to be quite similar to Nuriootpa URP. (looking at lockers, pump panel positions, ladder set-up, etc)




Alex I think you'll find a roll off from Mills Tui in QLD of 3 URP appliances. They are now at
Bridgewater (Pumper), Waikerie (Pumper), and Nuri (24P). There's pictures also on the Mills Tui Oz web site!

The Coro appliance was a proto and the other came after testing, and probably should have been continued as a standard appliance. I would say in a couple of years you'll see appliances of a similar build up, but maybe without the crew deck area being produed again.
James Gardiner
Belair CFS


aaah that clears that up for me. yeh, the crew deck seems to be a bit of a waste of space most of the time, as obviously we cant have people there whilst traveling, and we dont stay on the truck whilst fighting grass fires, so the hose lines there dont see a lot of action.

however... it has become a great little spot for the fridge to live.


i reckon your right James.

Bridgewater Pumper

Stirling Pumper (similar but differant)


Stirling Pumper is a 'little' different! I'm sure lots of others will give more information but it's more an urban appliance with 2WD and meant to have a bigger pump (which it may have now, not sure though). The Isuzu 950 Cab was designed for firefighting application in mind with a raised roof and larger cab for BA seat (which the stirling appliance doesn't have) and a 270hp engine.

I believe the spec that the Stirling appliance was made to was completely different to that requested by the brigade, and probably in the tender papers as well. The pump was very different to what was needed. As I said I'm sure others will let us know the shortfalls of this truck.
James Gardiner
Belair CFS


Yes, from what i hear the shortfalls start at the headlights and finish at the rear flashers. :-P

But i think it is slowly getting there


Does anyone know if the CFS is looking into getting more of these URP's built and soon?  It is definitely one area of appliance type that is poorly represented throughout the CFS, a shortfall covered by RUP's ie. the 24P.  I don't know about the pumping capabilities of these trucks, but surely  they would have to be far greater than that of a 24P, consequently making them a key appliance in the CFS's structure.
Also, they seem to have good locker space for CABA, HAZMAT and RCR gear, a feature which the older 24P's seem to lack.

Haven't seen one in action, but certainly would love one of these to replace our 24P.

I don't know what you think, but if you ask me, the CFS is phasing out too many pumpers.  Sure, maybe they are more expensive to build and maintain as well as having a limited roll, but it seems to me that as the urban risk factors confronted by many brigades - and not just suburban fringe brigades - around the state is increasing, the number of pumpers is on a rapid decline???


Quote from: TillerMan on August 25, 2005, 12:10:22 AM
Yes, from what i hear the shortfalls start at the headlights and finish at the rear flashers. :-P

But i think it is slowly getting there

To be fair to Stirling Pumper, its an excellent truck. The main shortfalls come where corners were cut in the building of it...

*The pump is a single stage pump, so its best for volume pumping and boosting (Still the same pump James)...
*The hose reals are < 25mm which is fine for rubbish fires and MVA fire cover, but not really safe for anything else...
*The Foam system (AFFF) doesn't work (The best we can get is a whitish froth in the water).
*Problems we were having with the air valves *should* have been fixed by the installation of a manual Tank to Pump valve. (There is also no re-circ valve which while not important is really annoying...)
*The bar lights were running on 12 volts, (from the old pumper), and the transformer burned out a couple of times, hence the light bar being replaced with a 24 volt one (You can see in the photo ^ that the lights aren't working).

Mechanically, the only thing to go wrong the the Isuzu chassis is that the Exhaust and Retarder brakes broke (twice).

HOWEVER, as James said, its got a nice big engine in it – has no trouble pulling up the hills in the Stirling district (We can now pass the cyclists on Summit road heading up to mount lofty, rather than being passed by them). It has plenty of locker room for BA, Hazmat, Omni tool, etc... Great heating... It also has no worries driving down rough driveways and dirt tracks...

So even with its (many) short comings, it's still the pride of Stirlings fleet....


Hi there

For interest sakes there there is also a URP in Roxby Downs.

Wayne Ellard


Re Quote from: TillerMan on August 25, 2005, 01:10:22 AM

*The hose reals are < 25mm which is fine for rubbish fires and MVA fire cover, but not really safe for anything else...

What do you mean not safe ??
I have used 25mm at car fires, grass fires& house fires. No problems quick and safe
Yes you would use 64mm at a going job, but the 25mm is fine.

oz fire

Quote from: fire03rescue on August 31, 2005, 08:18:18 AM
Re Quote from: TillerMan on August 25, 2005, 01:10:22 AM

Yes you would use 64mm at a going job, but the 25mm is fine.

Hopefully you would rarely use a 64mm rather the all rounder a 38mm - better still have a nice pump and 90 mtr hp lines :evil:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


*The hose reals are < 25mm (Less than 25mm)
25mm is fine, very easy to use and move around, especially with a good pump behind them. But these are smaller hoses and... well I don't trust them... Good point though, I'll remove it to avoid arguments..


Use of 64mm
Yes on the carpark jobs ( the palce is going well and will be a carpark)


we might be getting a new 34 sometime this year. Have not seen much about them. Does someone now what they look like and whats in side the cab, how is it set up, anything about them at all, any pics. :? :?


there is currently a thread on the new 34's somewhere.. in equipment section.