ESL good or bad?

Started by Scania_1, November 17, 2006, 06:49:00 PM

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Wondering whether most brigades/SES out there are better or worse off since the ESL? I have noticed a lot of new SES vehicles coming online in the last few years replacing some of the sh** boxes they had. While some CFS brigades like Salisbury received 2 brand new appliances within 5 years which would have been unheard of for them during the old council funding days ( lack of funding in many cases). Any thoughts?


Seems to have evened up the playing field.

Places like the Sturt Group may not like it as they probaly took a cut but alot of other groups have had a big boost.
Compton CFS Website


Look it works in some areas and sure the brigades are better off but we still have not fixed it there are still stations with no power or toilets we still have brigade's in small cramp stations but above all there are still some old appliances that should have been replaced by now..... I have a issue with CFS spending large amounts of money on appliances that should have been removed from service rather than patch them up and keep them on the road for 2 or 5 more years..... so yes in some ways we are better off but in others work still needs to be done....will get of my soap box now....
blinky bill
my view only

SA Firey

Ill bet the engineering companies rub their hands everytime too :evil:

What ever happened to building a real firetruck :roll:
Images are copyright


Its a pity the ESL was cut back.  If it were the same as the start we would probaly have some decent trucks and stations by now.

Well they are a darn sight better then they used to be but could be better with better funding.
Compton CFS Website


It hasn't really helped in my area as there is still intresting powerplays and gridges from the old days. of course i don't think it has had much affect on the fire fighters and the job we do.