Third Watch Theme

Started by SA Firey, November 15, 2006, 06:19:42 AM

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SA Firey

Third watch has stopped being produced but for all the fans out there here is the theme :-D
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ah damn it, I love that show.  Surely they'll finish off the season in AUS as were always behind the US.

SA Firey

Season 1 DVD Box Set is available at Big W I just got mine :wink:
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SA Firey

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Alan (Big Al)

Season 2 of rescue me was good, looking forward to season 3. Very funny show though.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Quote from: SA Firey on November 15, 2006, 07:33:02 AM
Season 1 DVD Box Set is available at Big W I just got mine :wink:

Ive seen em all up to the current one so wana finish it off for the season they havent shown in AUS  :-P


I found rescue me quite disturbing actually. Obvuiously the yanks have a warped sense of homour. lol


Didnt Third Watch turn into just another Cop Show with not much firies involvement?
Compton CFS Website


i got fed up with third watch cos it turned into mroe of a soapie  than anything...  :-P

rescue me on the other hand i quite like, it still has that soapie aspect but involves a lot about the rigs, crew, jobs, etc.... more action. also has a more humorous side to it.


Just like the show "Fireflies"

If the whole season had been like the first episode im sure it would of lasted a lot longer on TV.
Compton CFS Website


both very good shows,how about one weekend we have a VIDEO/DVD weekend at STC and show all those good shows and also EMERGENCY I also used to like on UK TV LONDONS BURNING now that was a great show...
blinky bill
my view only


I used to watch a show called Heart Beat on the Disney Channel and that was pretty good cause it was about EMT's in the USA and how their job revolved around their daily lives  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Robert heart beat was a love show about pomy cops in a small country town.......
blinky bill
my view only


heart beat was a show about 60's england with the country copper always trying to score with the nurse. 


This was a completely different show but with the same title and it was an american show like Third Watch  :wink:
Kalangadoo Brigade

SA Firey

Quote from: Robert34 on November 17, 2006, 07:52:06 PM
I used to watch a show called Heart Beat on the Disney Channel and that was pretty good cause it was about EMT's in the USA and how their job revolved around their daily lives  :-)

Hmmmm....sounds like another CASUALTY Robert :-D
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