I would suggest:
* A brief explanation of fire behavior, so they can have more of an understanding of where the fire will go, and where they don't want to be. (Even as simple as fire burns uphill, with the wind, and gets worse in hot windy weather)...
* An explanation (and some practical) in what to do if you are caught in the path of a fire. (Stay in the car/truck, close all windows, cover up, don't try to run etc)...
* In a "supporting agency" role, it could be usefull to explain how the CFS works at a fire (That our objectives are to Protect life (rescue), contain the fire, control the fire, extinguish and 'black out' the fire)
* And of course explain how people die in a bushfire, and how to protect yourself (personal protective clothing).
I don't know where you can get help to deliver it though.... Maybe ask your local CFS brigade if they can send someone in?