Hi All,
CFS Public Affairs has been working on a new website with a different look and enhanced capabilities for the last few months.
A design was circulated earlier in the year to various stakeholders including government agencies, volunteers and the community for consultation.
Using the feedback received through that process and based on research from our existing site, the following design has been developed.
The website will require a minimal number of clicks to obtain information and will provide information from CRIIMSON as part of a 'current incident table'.
The banner (which currently says join today) will be used to support different campaigns/messages to the community whether they be promotional (i.e. during the fire danger season or national volunteer week etc) or more general messages such as the recruiting banner currently in place.
The primary focus is on the provision of public information. However one stage of the website's development involves the creation of a sealed area for volunteers to access information.
The website has been developed in accordance with guidelines set down by the SA Government and will be launched at the beginning of December.
In the live website, the large image of the volunteer will rotate through a selection of CFS images, and the smaller images under fire prevention and current incidents are only there as examples at this stage, and will be adjusted. We have been conscious to ensure that the website will be quick to load allowing for those users on dial up.
Please take this opportunity to provide comment on this new design, particularly if you believe there are significant deficiencies.
Feel free to email me directly at stjohn.krista@cfs.org.au
Comments are required by Friday 10 November.
Warm regards
Krista St John
A/Manager Public Affairs
SA Country Fire Service