Technical Discussion > Hypotheticals
Responding Appliances
We did a combined MFS/CFS training with Victor MFS. Yes, we asked the question and they said then that their responce area had been extended up to 40 km's
Is that thre primary response zone is 40kms? or thats how far they go to assist CFS without permission from upstairs?
Cos if its there primary response zone then why is there a cfs?
Alan (Big Al):
That would be to back up their fellow FF without going to the big guns up in the sky :-D
Can respond 30-40km around that mark beyond the boundary. Discretion is used though. For example if that MFS station is going to then have trouble covering their own area by doing that it may not happen. For example it would be silly to send Mt Gambier to a grass fire near Millicent and then respond a CFS appliance for COQ.
Not to mention at least 5 more appropriate appliances closer to that area.
So does that mean a CFS brigade can respond into an MFS brigades area and extinguish a fire without telling them?
Seems like an odd policy to have.
Just to point out i have nothing against the MFS just trying to make sense of what seems to be a very odd policy!
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