
Started by RescueHazmat, October 23, 2006, 11:17:35 PM

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Now lets translate that to alarm levels...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


i think


should cover it!!
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)


Blue, In regards to your post earlier about what speed can emergency services vehicles travel through roadworks (even though we have discussed this personally thought i would post here for others!!. I will use school crossings as an example because they are are similar to roadworks. i was informed recently by a policeman who came to school for road traffic training for my students that emergency service vehicles travelling P1 (lights and sirens) are exempt from all standard road laws except driving with undue care. so watch out because the little kiddies with the lollipops are trained (and do) write down number plates and all other relevant details of people not driving properly through crossings and forward onto police.

This is really a catch 22 situation as speeding through a school crossing is generally driving with undue care.

And also someone may be able to correct me, but i believe that standard SOP's instruct MFS/CFS drivers to adhere where possible to speed limiting??

So let me know if any of these details are wrong anyone, but thats what ive been told by police.

SA Firey

CFS COSO 8 states clearly 25 k/mh through school crossings and exceptions :wink:
Images are copyright


wow, quick reply, thanks for that.
Was pretty much what i was thinking


So footy,slow down on those road works at compton.....

SA Firey

Quote from: rescue5271 on January 23, 2008, 04:14:47 AM
So footy,slow down on those road works at Compton.....

Images are copyright


Lots of camera's out there at the road works and the un marked cop car....


nope, no speeding fines on my books...
and road works at compton? yeah right. I didn't think anything got built at Compton, ive heard about a certain shed that should have been completed for over a year now.

Anyway, won't catch me around compton for a while... i'm now hassling those in blue in the land of the river!!


How long ya up there for????


Won a permanent job teaching up here which is very exciting. Not sure how long I will be up here, i think i have to be here at least 3 years.

On another note, is it only region 5 who sends out weather messages during fire danger season?


Sure looks like it.......


So Footy when are you going to change your display picture to a red


hmm red truck, that would imply that i'll be joining the mets up here??
maybe my new truck will be a hybrid like blue's truck. Half white Half Red??


Anyone know the current count of active fire fighters in the CFS?


To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


what about Active & Regular well trained Fireground Firefighter's?


Both very helpful and insightful contributions. Thank you gentlemen.  (Assuming of course, that numbers is male....)



From the 2007-2008 CFS Annual Report

Firefighters 11 026
Operational support members 3 677
Cadet members 1 008
Staff (full-time equivalents) 102
Brigades 422
HAZMAT brigades 33
Road crash rescue brigades 68
Regions 6
Groups 52


Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me....  Would be nice if it was right though!


Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 12, 2009, 03:18:16 PM
Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me....  Would be nice if it was right though!

Half plus 7 ;)


Quote from: Zippy on January 12, 2009, 03:33:25 PM
Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 12, 2009, 03:18:16 PM
Hmmm, that number looks a little optimistic to me....  Would be nice if it was right though!

Half plus 7 ;)

Unless you're 13 or younger.  ;)


I'd say you could slash the 11000 by about half, to give you a rough number.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I'm sure someone out there can answer this for me!
What does "SARC CANT" stand for in relation to pager messages sent out
eg    CFS: *CFSRES: RESCUE 54 RELOCATE TO WOODSIDE AB - SARC CANT. > 27/01/2009 10:51:12 AM

Thankyou and stay cool

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State Air Resource Co-ordinator "Mr. Cant"