Last year, one of the members of my brigade had to undertake BA Reaccred...problem was he had an injury, and was cleared by his doctor around 6 weeks before his 5 years was up....BUT there were no BA reacred run during the subsequent 6 weeks. The next one that was run was the day after his 5 years was up.
Initially he was told he could not go on the reaccred, and would have to do a full course
After much to-ing & fro-ing, he was allowed to go onto the course...only to find another participant who was several months past reaccred date, apparently rang up a few days before the course, and was told "no problems, just come along" and did.
If you are going to set a standard, then set one..if you are going to allow some exceptions (eg such as the one outlined) then state what those exceptions are going to be....and then stick to the standard!!!
Nothing worse than having the goal posts moved....