
Started by Mike, October 05, 2006, 11:49:22 AM

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So, what brigades are sending cadets to the competitions this year??

(Trying to suss out the competition ;) )


Naracoorte and I did hear may be kingston from region 5


Hmmm... :) should be good fun then.

I dont think im interpreting the drill sheets properly though, not quite sure how we can get the pump drill down to that time.....


so what your best time???


1:10 for the pump drill
0:46 for the hose reel drill

They're working hard though... expect to see a bit of improvement yet. After all they only decided to enter last week! (it doesnt help that ive never been to see what the go is!)


pump drill being run a length hit a target, add a length hit another target???

we used to do that in less than a minute i thought.........


like I said... they're working on it ;)


mmm i may be delusional... but i recall having a time of 0:52  :wink:

bitta hard work and it all comes together nicely


Thought there was an SOP saying no running on the fireground?? oh well it is comps.... lol.

showoff ;)


Quote from: Mike on October 06, 2006, 09:46:26 AM
like I said... they're working on it ;)

I've been giving Mike a hand with this, and just let me say that these kids have done an outstanding job and have come along way in a very short time span. Most impressed!!

Well done kids!!!!  :-D



Saw this on the pager website. Understandable if true, but it must be disappointing for Cadets & others who have been working hard to compete/organise.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Yes it has been confirmed and is true, the competitions for 2006 have been cancelled.


Big call by someone this close to the day.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Yes - Big call but I guess in tune with the best outcome for the community if the volume of significant incidents continues.


Quote from: RescueHazmat on October 12, 2006, 01:26:50 PM
Yes it has been confirmed and is true, the competitions for 2006 have been cancelled.

That's unfortunate!  :-(

I know alot of the kids were really looking foward to it too.


Sure there may be a fire that is on a ISLAND that is the concern,but was it really necessary to Can the whole comps??? I can tell you that all the cadets who have trained hard will be disappointed. Would loved to know why it was canned at such a short time on what grounds and with what consultation with VOLUNTEERS.....What about the area that was booked with members for a whole weekend and a township that was geared up for the influx of members and their family's... sad to say that the comps will have to be more spectacular next year if you want people to travel....MY VIEW ONLY NOT MY BRIGADE"S.....
blinky bill
my view only


I wonder who is going to pay for booked accommodation that will not be used ??


Sure it might be an inconvenience, but who ever has made the decision would have done so with consultation, it is their right and their responsibility to make the call. I understand some noses may have been put out of place (so to speak), sure, some people may be disappointed but it was obviously decided it was in the communities and states best interest, that Volunteers protect, to cancel the competitions.

Think about all the crews fighting fires currently that can't attend anyway as they will still be on strike team deployment. Think about what we have seen over the last few days, which if occurred again would have occurred in areas which were under-crewed due to people being at the competitions.

Unfortunately, sometimes "IT" happens... Just look forward to next year and hope the fire season won't shape up to what it has displayed in the last few days.


Quote from: fire03rescue on October 13, 2006, 07:26:03 AM
I wonder who is going to pay for booked accommodation that will not be used ??

I booked accomodation on the saturday night, am still going to use it as there is plenty of other stuff to do down there  :-)
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


CFS beach bbq party at 24P's!!!!!!


from what i have read it sounds like people think the only reason it was cancelled was due to predicted fire weather over the weekend?

personally i would expect that it is something more along the lines of staff availability. a lot of the judges and behind the scenes people are staff (vollunteers also perform some roles obviously) and a lot of these people are being used in IMT roles for the KI fire, and on top of that, others need to be available to work in regional and state coordination centres should the brown stuff hit the spinny thing.

also, obviously there are a number of people already out of area, due to commitments at other fires (deployments to KI until sunday arvo, etc) for example, i hear they struggled for crews to the fires at currency creek yesterday due to the KI deployment...

just some food for though guys


Even if everyone got back from KI in time, they would all be pretty stuffed, I'd say. Sure, it is disappointing, but it certainly isn't the end of the world. Besides, from the rumblings in the wind, there are a few lighter-happy buggers out there at the moment who would gladly take an opportunity to watch the trucks roll out of their area and then light up... it wouldn't matter if it was cadets or others, it is still a resource out of the area is it not?


dont forget the competitions arent just for cadets - it also takes teams of FFs out of area as well... also, its quite common for an appliance to be used as the form of travel, so definitely a resource out of area  :wink:

Alan (Big Al)

Well just got back from KI and had 3hrs sleep in 3 days (nothing unusual there) personally i'm glad they canned the comps our group has been flat out with deliberate fires this last week and are running on complete empty. Just too many people out of area's and i think a smart move, however pity for those who missed out!!!
Lt. Goolwa CFS


3 hour sleep in 3 days... - Good to hear they are looking after their crews.. :roll: