General Discussion > Women of the Fire Industry

Women in Combat

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Interesting stat - during the Gulf war, many many more male soldiers were sent back home due to injuries sustained while horsing around / playing sport during down time, than there were women sent home because of pregnancy......



--- Quote from: pipster on November 03, 2006, 02:06:10 PM ---Interesting stat - during the Gulf war, many many more male soldiers were sent back home due to injuries sustained while horsing around / playing sport during down time, than there were women sent home because of pregnancy......


--- End quote ---

Those stats wouldnt be far from wrong considering the male / female ratio's.

What happens if a girl got pregnant out in combat or something

So you are saying she had unprotected sex out in combat. I thought she would have had the implant put in to stop her getting pregnant?

what does that have to do with this topic backburn? so what id she becomes prego that is between her and the person that got her that way.

Hay 5271rescue I know it has nuthing to do with me. I was just asking a question to Laska about there comment. We have a member from my brigade going on pregnancy leave this week.


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