Started by rusty, September 29, 2006, 10:44:14 AM

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I can't understand why Brigades will page for more crew... either they're coming or they're not... I believe that if you have to page for more crew (or a driver etc) then you should default instead.


It depends, sometimes you have a truck out the door and need a second crew. This page can hurry up the people who are getting the shopping out of the car or washing the shampoo from their hair. :-D

If it's been a awhile and the first truck has not responded then the it should be a default no question.


sometimes i haven't heard the first page, but the second gets me going, it also tells those who are considering if they should come or not, to come.


I know of some brigades which used their "More crew required" button as an indication that someone is a the station (perhaps they need to get their decoder buttons reprogrammed!)

I am also aware of a number of people, in different brigades, who often don't get the initial message, but for some reason get the next one (which is often the "more crew required button" )

So, for some brigades, that message is not necessarily an indication of lack of crew.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Yeah, we just default if we can't get crew. Although it might be an idea to get one of the buttons re programmed for summer, along the lines of "More crew required for tanker" hmmm....


Quote from: rusty on September 29, 2006, 10:44:14 AM
I can't understand why Brigades will page for more crew... either they're coming or they're not... I believe that if you have to page for more crew (or a driver etc) then you should default instead.

disagree. we have a problem with getting drivers at the moment, so its often the case that a driver is around, but just decides not to respond. As manny said its also gd to get the ones that are around but not responding to respond if you need 1 or 2 crew.


Rusty is spot on. If people choose not to respond on the first message why are they there at all? Slack, no-interest, good-for-nothing, waste of SFEC spacers. Public would love to know that Bill didn't feel like driving today, so his family died in a house fire. That's OK though, Bill. No worries.. We'll page for someone else to come. Maybe after 15 mins we'll ask for another brigade, then wait while they page for more crew.
If members don't get the first page then FIX THE PAGING SYSTEM.


We send out the messages so as the siren goes off as well for the blockies on the tractors.  :-D


Fix the paging system?

Unfortunately you are dealing with a medium which will never be perfect. There are many things which will alter/block/distort radio communications.

We have many people in our are that have negatiated with their employers that they can go only if short of crew (better than nothing), so the second page is a good way of communicating that is the case. We know they are there, they just have other obligations with their employers.

Besides we know in 3 minutes of arriving if there will be an issue with numbers. this doesnt force our response times out to 15 minutes. it would take quite a bit longer for the neighbouring brigades to get a crew and roll than it takes the pager message and extra crew to respond.


All fair enough. Especially see the point with employer negotiations.


I'm with Mike,
A lot of our members have also negotiated with employers to go on second siren or page. We also have members that work 20 minutes from town on farms. Usually they don't respond on first page as they will never make the truck but on second page at least they can get moving for second crew, or meet second appliance on scene.


Quote from: Roger on September 29, 2006, 12:13:30 PM
Rusty is spot on. If people choose not to respond on the first message why are they there at all? Slack, no-interest, good-for-nothing, waste of SFEC spacers. Public would love to know that Bill didn't feel like driving today, so his family died in a house fire. That's OK though, Bill. No worries.. We'll page for someone else to come. Maybe after 15 mins we'll ask for another brigade, then wait while they page for more crew.
If members don't get the first page then FIX THE PAGING SYSTEM.

HEY, I thought we were all volunteers that actually have a life outside of emergency services.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: Roger on September 29, 2006, 12:13:30 PM

If members don't get the first page then FIX THE PAGING SYSTEM.

How do  * we * as CFS fix the paging system?

I have one road in the district, which has eight members living on it.   On any given call, less than half will get the first pager message.    (Hence, we use our siren regularly. )

We have submitted the relevant phone calls / reports etc via the GRN helpdesk, but the eventual answer is "The provider is meeting the contractual obligations"

So, we just end up wearing the problem.  Other brigades in my area are worse of then my brigade, in terms of GRN pager coverage.

Long live the siren!!!

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


indeed and then there's Mylor who are still on Orange/3 paging and have been told the GRN pager coverage will not be fixed/improved in their area so stop reporting it.


Responding more crew is good if you need to get more people. However our station has used it and had to wait 2 minuts for the page to be recieved after pressing the mor crew button. Buy which time there had been a stop call.


We push the 'More Crew Required' button four minutes after the initial page if we haven't got a truck going, at the same time we also respond another brigade to the incident. This lets people know that we may be a bit short on crew today so they should turn up for any other incidents, in some cases this may mean leaving work when normally they wouldn't.

We have had a number of times where our members have slept through or not heard the inital page but then heard the second one and responded.

Today's incident wouldn't be a good example as it was only a priority two response, so the four minutes was extended out to seven minutes.


We push the button only if we have not got enough members,but these days we tend to use the siren as that works but also allows other brigade members who are in town from our rural brigades at chance to turn out with us.....


Rusty - i agree with you, personally i dont see the point of sending out a page asking for more crew as rather stupid, because in theory everyone who is available should already be on there way....

on the other hand some brigades use it as a chance to send out the "URGMSG" prefix and activate the siren... perhaps it should all be changed over to the "manual siren activation" message.....



Some people are tired or have other things that need doing so cant respond at the time but they see more crew are required so they decide to go.  I know a few people who do that, decide against it on the first time but are prepared and do go if more crew page comes through. 


I still strongly believe that if you're in the area, and can go, you go.



some pick their calls they want to attend......


and I hate that, but this has been talked about in another thread.


some dont want to be In CFS to be part time professional unpaid firefighter.  They join for the social aspect and for something to do, they are in it for fun which is also good and dont want to go to some call outs. 


as with anything there is pros and cons for every thing....

personelly there is time when all you want to do sit done and relax for 5 mins and that is normally the time the pager goes off.....
i that at time said no im not going tonight cos im too tired on the first page but whin the second page comes across i pull the boots on and find the enagy to respond. does this make me slack NO it is me putting myself before the call out for a change, anyother call that i am avaliable for i respond.

Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)