flash test

Started by Manuel, September 26, 2006, 11:17:49 PM

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just testing if i can get this waterbombing flash game to work on this site


Quote from: Muffins on September 26, 2006, 11:17:49 PM
just testing if i can get this waterbombing flash game to work on this site

Yes, is working for me - any instructions?


Ok there are five buttons you need to use

up arrow-move plane downward
down arrow-move plane upward

right arrow-speed up
left arrow-slow down

space-release water.

ok what you need to do is get your speed in the blue part on the very right gague. once you are going that fast you can pick up water. to pick up water you need to go down on the water, not too fast and skim over the top. if your nose dives under the water you crash. so keep it steady.
you have to avoid the birds, as they will also make your plane crash. using space to drop the water you have picked up, try and get close to the tree tops as it will put out more.

hope that helped. it keeps the bordom away when you are really bored.  :-D



haha, fun game, though its making me feel SO uncoordinated...  :oops:


anyone past level 5, i just cant get past all of those stupid birds


