Summer Crew Jobs

Started by Robert-Robert34, August 26, 2006, 12:11:11 PM

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Hiya everyone i decided to introduce this topic to answer Jono's question in his topic from what i have read in today's Career One section of the Advertiser, Forestry SA Crawford are now seeking people to fill Summer Crew positons for the 06-07 fire season at the following depots Kupito,Brookman Road,Mount Crawford,Warren Road and Williamstown forest depots

Anyone on this site who lives up that way or near it and is interested in doing summer crew work for Forestry SA can call 08 87 24 28 04 to get an application form and information sheet posted out to them but remember to do it this week as the applications close on the 08/09/2006 at 5:00pm

For everyone else who would rather do summer crew work somewhere else such as in Victoria the Department Of Sustainability and Environment are after people to fill summer crew positions for the 06-07 fire season there all you need to do is call DSE Victoria and get an info pack sent out to you  :-D

I have already rung up and expecting an info pack/application form in the mail some time early this week coming... i can tell you this the DSE summer fire crew jobs offers good pay  :wink:

Kalangadoo Brigade


Any idea exactly what the wage is? (Like, good compared with a brain surgeon, or the DOLE?) :P


For the DSE Project Fire Fighter job SA_FIREY the wage is pretty good as if im lucky enough to pass all 3 stages then the training course i'll be earning anywhere between $574-$777 a fortnight and that is fairly good pay  :wink: much better than what im getting on the dole

Just ring this number and ask for a info pack/application form to be sent out to you:136 186
Kalangadoo Brigade


You sure that is a fortnight??? as i get that now weekly


Im not real sure to be honest Blinky it might be a week or fornight but the pay depends on how busy the fire season is and the level of experience a person has in fire supression & prevention
Kalangadoo Brigade


probably per fortnight... i wouldnt expect it to pay too highly.... could be good fun though.


Quote from: medevac on August 27, 2006, 06:24:29 PM
probably per fortnight... i wouldnt expect it to pay too highly.... could be good fun though.
being government probably would be fortnightly, wouldnt want to be too busy on that wage.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


I am gonna have a crack at getting this job as it's a place where i can use all my fire fighting experience as well as learn new skills and make alot of friends as the DSE staff at Dartmoor depot know me really well not only because i have applied for the job 3 times but they knew i was doing Green Corps last year  :-D

Plus the fortnightly pay would be good as it will be more than im getting now from centrelink  :-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


Good luck with your application.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Thanks 24P that means alot :-D maybe you should try for the job as well
Kalangadoo Brigade


SA Firey

Quote from: Robert34 on August 27, 2006, 06:08:48 PM
For the DSE Project Fire Fighter job SA_FIREY the wage is pretty good as if im lucky enough to pass all 3 stages then the training course i'll be earning anywhere between $574-$777 a fortnight and that is fairly good pay  :wink: much better than what im getting on the dole

Just ring this number and ask for a info pack/application form to be sent out to you:136 186
Think that was a question from CFS_Firey Robert not myself :-D
Images are copyright


Quote from: P F on August 27, 2006, 10:47:18 PM
whats green corps

Green Corps is a work based training course for people aged between 16-20 it involves 5 days a week for 6 months working for National Parks & Wildlife SA doing various projects such as weed removal,tree planting,putting up FWD control barriers and so on... it also offers good pay pending on how far you went through school for my situation since i did year 12 my pay was $588.00 a fortnight  :-D

Kalangadoo Brigade


that sounda alright, bit hippyish but good money for getting in the outdoors.  How do you do it with school on as well, cause I fit in that age category but am still a student, and a student who needsa job!


Well PF some of my colleagues who i worked with had to do SACE studies one or twice a week while the rest of us worked out in the field even though it left us 2 or 3 people short we still managed to get work done

What year are you in at the moment PF cause if you are in year 12 you'll earn between $490-$588 a fortnight im note entirely sure though... but at the end of the course you get a cert 1 in Conservation & Land Management

Kalangadoo Brigade


I just applied the other day for a seasonal F/F job with national parks and Wildlife. Hopefully I get it.

Pay there is $668 a week upwards I believe...


good on you! there's a lot of parks around your way that need some burning done in them.


I have applied for 2 season fire fighter jobs one with Forestry SA and the other with Department Of Sustainability And Environment in Victoria

Since the fitness requirements in both states are different i'll most likely get the Forestry SA as the fitness requirement is to carry a 11.3 kgs backpack over 3.22kms in 30 minutes

The applications for summer crew down here close next week on the 29th but i've already gotten my confirmation letter being that i jumped on the postion last Friday & returned the paperwork Monday   
Kalangadoo Brigade


I can carry do that, yo probie has the application date closed?


looks like they closed today

CFS are also advertising for a regional commander for R5, see then select CFS as the Dept/Agency.


Quote from: P F on September 22, 2006, 05:43:45 PM
I can carry do that, yo probie has the application date closed?

yeah mate, 5pm today (22nd). I told u about it anyway!


damn it, still need to find a job.  Anyone got a job for me? :-D

yeah but I forgot.  That reminds me I need to print off some forms for a lynday park job, entries probably closed there too.

Alan (Big Al)

Quote from: Darius on September 22, 2006, 06:05:32 PM

looks like they closed today

CFS are also advertising for a regional commander for R5, see then select CFS as the Dept/Agency.

Don't tell me the lucky buggers got rid of Merritt
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Not region 5 but region 2 is looking for a commander would like to see John get that as he is a good operator but also one that is there for the volunteers.....


yeah sorry my mistake, it says "CFS Level 5 Regional Commander" but it's for R2 not R5.