Continuing Story

Started by Camo, August 02, 2006, 04:52:59 PM

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Quoteat an air show. But this was all a dream and he woke up...

in a strange bed. Cautiously he looked at who was sleeping next to him and

Alan (Big Al)

realised it was his sister which prompted her to scream in terror and then whack him in the groin with a giant.....
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Flower, I like flowers, they make me all



cuddle them in an inappropriate fashion. This is due to


my addiction to the SAFF forums where I


enjoy taking threads way, way off track. Wait, thats not me, thats


no one I know.

One day when I was busy posting on SAFF, my pager went off calling me out to a


-"assist with the police" call...


appalling grammar. Sadly it was fatal, due to


Quote from: Toast on August 05, 2006, 03:28:53 PM
enjoy taking threads way, way off track. Wait, thats not me, thats

(pity this wasnt the last sentence I could have made a cameo appearence, oh well)

"continuing sentence due to..."

..a tree that dropped his branch right on the old mans head as he was on his way to bingo on his gopher cart.  the police were there as someone stole the old mans gopher cart, the thief got away but was recognised as....

edited a few spelling errors, some words got left out.


someone who cannot construct a sentence correctly. For this, he was sentenced to


Clean Public toilets with a toothbrush for 5 years. This upset him very much and he went crying home to...


watch the football and then have a bbq to feel better.  Everything was going perfect until...



Thankfully his neighbour was a firefighter with the local vollie briage, and she was damn hot too he thought.  :wink:  She came around to put out the fire and then they got talking about football, fires and how she absolutely hates it when...


people put mushrooms on her pizza, but this is not important because there was a connection between them both, and the man, thought that it may have been to do with his dream because...


he would dream that his kitchen caught fire and he was alseep and she


would come over put it out then start another "fire" in the bedroom.  He loved it when she would come in after fighting a fire all smokey and black.  It was so good that he jned the local fire briagde himself, the name of the briagde was....


Situated in between two mountains, it was a nice warm homely village.
The towns people were........
The views I express are my own, and not necessarily of the service I represent!


friendly and nice, and always


donated a lot of money to the fire service, who would then spend the money on


ladies of the night, although the clean and respectable kind, not like the ones from


Fugginorrible, they were infected with all kinds of diseases, their main customers were...

Alan (Big Al)

PF and Manuel who had no shame but thats all in the past because now they...
Lt. Goolwa CFS