^^ and Watch the fire flank your rescue crews and take all of them...
Active fire is a little more complex than it may seem PF... If you instantly decide to shut down all interioir operations you leave yourself up a deep creek, without the shortest of paddles...
- Temperature and fire conditions start to re-build, and possibly re-ignite in areas you have previously moved through
- Pyrolosis gasses start to build
- The previously
reduced fire starts to rebuild, moving into areas you believed were safe, the core strength of the structure you were in starts to weaken further.
- Your rescue crews now have no protection from the fire, the heat, the building gasses which could potentially lead to a flash over.
Everything needs to be taken into consideration, and however vitally important it is to get your guys out, don't kill the rest of your team in the process..
Have you done BA or Compartment Fire Behaviour? .. If not, you will learn much of this on those courses...