SES trailer mounted flood pumps

Started by bajdas, July 31, 2006, 01:02:08 PM

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Just for your information, SES metro Units have now received some new trailer carried/mounted flood pumps.

I am advertising this because if we get another major flood event this year, you might come across them in use.

I cannot give you much technical detail. I saw two last weekend though. One on a pallet at SES State Store and one on a canvas covered 6x4 trailer for Prospect SES.

The most details that I have are from which is a special design mount trailer.

At last SES have some decent capacity in flood situations.

Hopefully someone else on this forum might be able to provide technical details if you want them.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


youll be wanting to fight fires next  :wink:


Quote from: medevac on July 31, 2006, 01:14:57 PM
youll be wanting to fight fires next  :wink:

Not on your life....other organisations with far greater expertise can handle that.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


ha this guy knows where his respect should be!

:-D :-D :-D joking mate
"East side love is living on the West end"

proud inventor of the nickname "manny","manny the man whore" and "mandogga"


Thats all well and good but they are pretty useless with those couplings on them, what if water needs to be pumped a few kms like in murrey bridge and you need to use fire service hose and a combined SES and fire service relay.

oz fire

Similar fittings to the bombers that CFS use, so there are already coupling adaptors around!

Maybe SES has supplied those too!

Better SES have a pump trailer on site than having to comit a fire appliance and crew all night!
Could also be useful for CFS to use for larger fires  - set SES up at water courses/dams to relay pump up to CFS - would save reversing down to dams as we have in different fires across the Adelaide Hills and also KI  :-)
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


QuoteThats all well and good but they are pretty useless with those couplings on them, what if water needs to be pumped a few kms like in murrey bridge and you need to use fire service hose and a combined SES and fire service relay.

Sturt's pump trailer has adapters to suit both MFS & CFS attachments..


CFS and MFS sue the same male female couplings


The SAFB couplings that both fire services use ;)


Mmm i would have just thought in this day and age we would consault each other and get everything the same, bit like BA between MFS and CFS, we should be able to use each others gear and not need adaptors.
Although i have heard that SA is looking to go to storz fittings to match AFAC standards and eastern states.


Before I left Moore Engineering I did the design / Spec for the sturt pumping trailer.

From memory:

2000 LPM + pump capacity - it can pump solids - up to ?mm (I think 15odd mm) petrol powered. It was to be mounted in a manner as it could be lifted off the trailer and left on site, whilst the trailer was used for sand bagging.

All threads were to be SAMFB (london round) compliant - fully compatable with MFS and CFS. I have not had any contact since I left (5 months) - so I hope it worked out as originally specked.

- By the way I am loving it in QLD - I am off to AFAC next week, on the Quik Corp stand.

If anybody is in Melb, call by and say hi. We have our range of reels, a slip on unit and a new twin pump system - one high volume pump and a high pressure pump, low volume pump. It can be run both pumps at the same time - or individually.

It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!


Where are you based / working for now Andrew?

Good to hear all is going well !



I am now on the sunshine coast in QLD, I am the manager - engineering and R&D Engineer for Quik Corp (AUST) Pty Ltd.

Basically sold up and moved the wife and two little rug rats up north.

I look after manufacture and assembly at Quik Corp - we make weed spraying equipment and fire fighting equipment (hose reels). - have a look.

I also do R&D work - developing new products - concentrating on fire. I have a new foam injection system - ready to be trialed some time soon. Also looking at CAFS units for slip on units - 300 - 120 litre size. We are also developing a post pump foam injection system.

I am enjoyng the change of pace and also the extra time at home since I have also given up SES (22 years is long enough)

dropm me a line geue@ozemaildotcomdotau  - swap the "dot" for "."
It is not what you did wrong, but who you can blame!