'Type 2' Pumpers

Started by Toast, July 19, 2006, 02:55:32 AM

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I think you will find there is alot of brigades out there that need more then what they have but i guess we can only do with what money we have.

Minister may we have some more?

Compton CFS Website

SA Firey

Yes Minister where is all our ESL going,considering we are paying it as well :evil:
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Quote from: safirey on October 22, 2006, 02:07:26 PM
Yes Minister where is all our ESL going,considering we are paying it as well :evil:

Bit of a strange statement there safirey... would have thought that as a member of the emergency services you would have an inside perspective of the amount of money that goes into appliances, PPE, training, operational services, etc...

SA Firey

Quote from: medevac on October 22, 2006, 02:21:21 PM
Quote from: safirey on October 22, 2006, 02:07:26 PM
Yes Minister where is all our ESL going,considering we are paying it as well :evil:

Bit of a strange statement there safirey... would have thought that as a member of the emergency services you would have an inside perspective of the amount of money that goes into appliances, PPE, training, operational services, etc...

True I do, but some groups dont get as much as they should so why wont the Minister give CFS more funding from all the ESL is the question :wink:
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Yeah most brigades need more than they have.... Doesn't mean that you cant try with what you have got.. We have a winery here that stores millions of litres of spirits at once, we carry over 1,000 litres of foam... It doesn't last long and once that is gone it just becomes a logistical nightmare.

Anything current that has a decent pumping capacity is normally PTO driven, and normally is 2 wheel drive, except for a few 24 URPs out there.

It is an urban truck made for urban jobs..... You replace a rural truck with one you are down a truck for rural jobs?

Fixed alarms and private alarm, well all that i can say is that the "potential" for "real" incidents is their. I don't care that people say they are only alarms and they did no real fires, but it could just happen all at once one day!

It goes the same with MVA's i think in regards to entrapments no entrapments,,, does it mean that you only do 20 extractons a year and 40 non extractions mean that you shouldn't have RCR gear???


There are bulk storage of foam in adelaide and most fire protection companys have foam sitting around just in case.....
blinky bill
my view only

SA Firey

Rumour has it that Mt Barker are getting another one to replace the Dennis :-o
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Why I thought they liked that?

SA Firey

Quote from: bittenyakka on November 15, 2006, 07:07:47 AM
Why I thought they liked that?

Just underwent a $18,000 transmision rebuild so I dont know why :-o
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Where did you hear it cost $18,000 dollars?.........I don't think so.


Rescue 5271 just  wondering where you info is coming from cause i reckon it is way off the mark...goolwa??

PF why would you give Salisbury a Pumper, they don't have an area, they live in MFS area.


All of Burton and Bolivar are in Salisbury CFS response area. The water plant, fibreglass products manufacturers and many other industries. Probably have more urban risk than some brigades that do have urban pumpers.

Alan (Big Al)

Why do barker need 2 pumpers??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Its not about the truck, its about the stowage. One is an urban pumper, with urban pumper stowage, the other is a Rescue truck, with rescue stowage. Not to mention that Mt. Barker has a rather decent residential risk and a very nice amount of industrial risk.

Pumprescue, I think you might be in for a surprise buddy....


Barker is a has huge areas of recent development and needs those pumpers it is probarly one of the few brigades with sufficent trucks for it's risk.


hmmm i would say they still have insufficent appliances to cover there rural risk.... :wink:


your being smart :lol:

any rural risk can pull the surrounding rural stuff littlehampton, Brukunga, Nairn, Medows etc... or mabey we should get them 2 more 24s?

Alan (Big Al)

We currently cover,
6000+ residents in Goolwa and approximatly 1500 on hindmarsh island (Thats full time residents, during holidays that jumps to nearly 13,000)
1 100 bed nursing home and one that has just been completed that covers nearly one hectare in size.
Over 100 two and 3 storey town houses in the marina
2 high density retirement villages with 2 more on the way
An industrial area that in the next 2 years will be the biggest on the flurieu
A shopping complex that has 2 supermarkets and a number of other smaller shops.
2 Schools that have 750+ students each.
An airport that stores up to 20+ light planes at any one time with 2 50,000 litre (approx) above ground AvGas tanks.
And another 1500 houses in the marina and 1200 more in another development down the road which will be built within the next few years.

We will be doing whatever it is you have to do to put in for a pumper, we may not get it but we believe we need it?? who knows we might get lucky and get one but i doubt it. We had to fight really hard just to get our 20 year old 34 changed, but will see???
Lt. Goolwa CFS

Alan (Big Al)

Just out of curiosity what other pumpers out there that would be better for CFS than the type 2's but similar price??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


If the CFS supported its prototype appliances (eg: Stirling Pumper/Blackwood CAFS) then we would have good options available to us. Stirling pumper for example is a great appliance, it just needs a second stage on the pump. The NSWFB Type Two was built for NSW conditions, not SA conditions. Lets get it right, built our own and then make them standard.


dunno bout bwd cafs..... personally i wouldnt of reccomended it as a standard appliance type..... some may argue that.

MundCFS - im pretty sure the CFS might find it hard to ignore a need for a pumper (should it be needed) once the SFEC upgrade is doen... when it will be done? who knows???


I wouldnt rave about Stirling pumper that thing spends more time in the workshops than the friggin station. There is a good reason the CFS only had one of them made.


Its only been in the workshop as a result of the CFS and their attempts to cut costs  :wink:


But it wasn't even built here...not sure the argument of "built for SA conditions" really holds up, considering that Stirling Pumper was built in WA.......  :|

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Who says you have to build a truck in the state its designed for?  Type twos are built in SA but are designed by and for the NSW fire service (hence being called type 2s).
Stirling pumper was designed by the locals for the local area... If it had been built to the plan, there wouldn't have been any problems...

MundCFS, I'm not denying that you need a pumper, but are there any boosters that you can't boost with your current appliances, or high-rise buildings that need a pumper?

Finally, does anyone know the cost of a Type 2?