Brigade Seniors

Started by ttgcapt, July 17, 2006, 10:36:19 AM

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For brigades / members information:-

Previously our brigade has run with 5 senior fire fighters.  The logic of this was pretty simple; a senior fire fighter for each "officer" position within the brigade  i.e.. 1x Capt.  4 x Lieutenants = 5 seniors.  This was in line with the Administration manual of January 2002 Version 2 (Section 2 Page 7 -  2.1.5 - 2nd Para).   This system also catered for a pretty fundamental system of each officer had an assistant senior fire fighter, and for a brigade like TTG where we run with four teams each team had an officer and a senior, plus a senior to assist the Capt but also acted as a relief senior in the absence of another.

With the introduction of the FESA Regs 2005 (page 11 - Section 9(1)(c) top of page), a subtle change in the wording from "officers" to "Lieutenant" whether intentional or not has impacted upon the brigade makeup and I suspect many other brigades across the state.

I am disappointed that a change of this type, whilst subtle, it has an impact on the structure and election processes within many brigades and should have been brought to the attention of brigades well before the election / AGM period of the year.

The TTG brigade will comply with the FESA Regulations during the 2006 AGM, which is an election year for the brigade.

any thoughts from this forum.



my brigade currently runs with a setup of 1 x captain, 3 x lieutenants, 3 x SFF's. That way there is usually always someone to sit up front and offer capt/looeys assistance if needed. It seems to work fine at the moment.
"East side love is living on the West end"

proud inventor of the nickname "manny","manny the man whore" and "mandogga"


yea or brigade is the same 1,3,3, it works really well :wink:


We run with 4x lts and no seniors...I can't remember the last time we didn't have a lt or Capt attend...and we have most members with 15+ yrs experience...

I find have 4x lieus is the best system for me as Capt..


Thats what is good about these forums.

You get to hear other opinions and appreciate other perspectives.

To clarify our brigades position with regard to seniors, we are probably considered pretty busy average of 190 to 200+ jobs a year.

Seniors are in place allow members to consider future officers (succession planning)  it also allows for flexibility when sending crews away as we have three appliances and a command car and get used pretty regularly (which I encourage).

Our Seniors represent another step in the chain. Any problems see your senior, if he cant fix it see your lieuy and if he cant fix its obviously way too big for the Captain come up with a solution before you go to him. ??

Our members enjoy the fact there is a structured chain of command and the fact they are able to develop skills and become a part of the structure in place relatively quickly.   responsibility and all that jargen..



My brigade runs with 1x capt/4xlts and 2 x snr firefighters works well for us..Mind you I wanted our group to go to 4 DGO'S so that DGO would be someone who was willing to take on the role learn from the snr DGOS and do all the courses that are required to hold a DGOS position.. But the act says only 3 DGO'S per group......


hmmm only 3 DGOs per group... probly still too many i reckon, heard Tatiara DGO5 on the scanner the other day, now thats ridicoulous, having at least 6 group officers, not sure if there were more lol...

anyway, we run with 1, 4, 4 and suringthe day we are lucky to get  one of them, fortunately for us though we have a couple of FFs that actually have there stuff together and know what the go is, these guys are regular responders and are often in charge of the appliance...

the 1, 4, 4 system works well and really i see no need for any more officers or SFFs, although your system at TTG does sound like it had its advantages...

I see the position of SFF as the learning grounds for the up and coming looies, people that are likely to be wearing a yellow helmet in the next 5-8 years....

Big Yellow Gongbeater

TTGCAPT, I am sure you will find that only Officer positions are prescribed in the FESA Act 2005 and Regs.  Seniors are not a prescribed position therefore, the number of Senior Fire Fighters in your brigade are only limited by your Brigade Constituion.  Hence why some brigades close to yours have 6 Senior Fire Fighters and others only have 4. You need to check your brigade constituion, and if need be, put forward an amendment (following the correct process)to assist with a sensible functional flow that suits your brigade's current operational requirements.
"Madness and chaos reign supreme. My work here is done"


We have 3 DGO's and need all of them as we have 15 brigades in our Group..

I'd agree it would be overkill for 3x DGO's for 5 or 6 brigades..  :-)


I think that 3 dgo would work well, remember most people work. It would cover the down times, as would hope they don't all respond to the same call and user a roster