Tanker vs BWC

Started by CFS_Firey, July 11, 2006, 05:39:14 PM

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What's the deal with the call signs of tankers?   A  couple of years back it was decided to rename all tankers to BWC(capacity)...  Then followed a bit of confusion, and it was my understanding that the name had been changed back...
However it seems different groups are doing things differently - Heysen call their tanker 'Heysen BWC 12' but Mount lofty call their tanker 'Mount Lofty Tanker'.

Is there a directive somewhere that states what is correct?


Its a goddamn tanker. None of this bullshit Victorian/NSW "Bulk Water Carrier" crap.


theyll always be tankers to me


BWC was created because when we go interstate or people come from interstate there was some uniformity.
Compton CFS Website


The eastern states call anything with water a "tanker'. Hence confusing when we bring one tanker per strike team....


So... are they Tankers or BWC's?   State headquarters call them tankers... and they are always correct.. right?


I understand that AFAC want all 24/14/34 to be called tanker and all tankers to be called BWC,Now I can't remember where i heard that but it was not long ago....

Alan (Big Al)

Honestly the amount our appliances go to the eastern states is it really worth changing tankers to BWC's. It wouldn't be that hard to retain the way we work now and then if and when we cross the border we can then adopt the "Tanker", "BWC" callsigns???
Lt. Goolwa CFS


How about call use "Tanker 12" rather than "BWC12"?
And as spoilt brat as it sounds, why do we have to change our naming system to adopt theirs? Why don't they start using the Capacity / Wheel drive naming system... its great! :lol: :P


I like our system better and was talking to some CFA friends about it and they also agree ours is better and you know hwta you are getting rather than a tanker 1 or tanker 2...


Quote from: CFS_firey on July 11, 2006, 05:39:14 PM
However it seems different groups are doing things differently - Heysen call their tanker 'Heysen BWC 12' but Mount lofty call their tanker 'Mount Lofty Tanker'.

not officially they don't, it's just the writing on the side of it hasn't been changed yet.
It makes me laugh though when you say on the radio to SHQ: "Mt Lofty BWC responding ...." and they reply: "...Mt Lofty tanker..."

Quote from: CFS_firey on July 11, 2006, 05:39:14 PM
Is there a directive somewhere that states what is correct?

BWC apparently.


Stirling Tanker 1 is still Stirling Tanker.


mmm strange one there... didnt know we were changing just to keep the east coast happy...

personally ive always thought it was a bit dumb that almost everything over there is just a 'tanker' and then they are categorised further....

our system = better


Get 100 Vollies In A Room & Get Them To Put Their Hand Up If They Know What A BWC Is.  Then Get The Same Group To Put There Hand Up If They Know What A Tanker Is.

From That Result I Think You Will See That The Word Tanker Has Alot More Meaning To The Members.


It has always been tankers and if you go changing the name to BWC then other CFS affiliated services like Forestry SA & NPWSA would start calling their tankers Bulk Water Carriers

Personally i'd laugh my head off if i heard Forestry SA come over my scanner using BWC instead of tanker

Example 1

Mt Burr Forest:"South East Forestry Base Mount Burr BWC is rolling with a crew 2"
SE Forestry Base: Message Recieved Mount Burr BWC is rolling with 2 crew SE Foresty Base out"

That wouldnt sound right on the radio at all where as this does

Example 2

Penola Forest: " South East Forestry Base Penola Tanker is responding with crew of 2 to forest fire at Comaum"
SE Forestry Base: Message recieved Penola Tanker you are rolling with a crew of 2 South East Forestry Base out"

See the differences in my 2 examples 1 sounds better than the other
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on July 14, 2006, 10:53:18 AM
It has always been tankers and if you go changing the name to BWC then other CFS affiliated services ...

it's already happened, about a year ago or thereabouts.


Robert are you suggesting that "Bravo Whiskey Charlie One Two (or whatever)" is longer on the radio than "Tanker", it IS laughable.

Crankster 34

Robert - you are priceless  :roll:
Crankster on scene, you can take a stop...