Australasian Road Crash Rescue Challenge

Started by bajdas, July 06, 2006, 01:46:12 PM

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IS anyone going to the 'Australasian Road Crash Rescue Challenge' on the 19th to 23rd July ?

Will be held at Wayville Showgrounds. More details at

I hope to go as a spectator during the weekend. Most probably on the Sunday.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.




Is it just watching people cut up cars all day or will there be displays, cars on show, look through appliances, hands on exhibits etc?


Have a look at the website..

A trade expo is being conducted on 20th July..

A Symposium on "Looking After Ourselves and Each Other" on 20th..

A fee exists for the Symposium, but unsure of the trade expo and competition days.

Augie Gray could be contacted for more information, but it is run by ARRO.

Hopefully one of the PR people who monitor this forum can give more information.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


doesn't this cost a substantial amount of money to get in to? the amount of around $175 was brought up with these comps at a meeting.
"East side love is living on the West end"

proud inventor of the nickname "manny","manny the man whore" and "mandogga"


I would think that is the "full team cost" which includes the Symposium, etc
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: firetruck on July 07, 2006, 11:32:19 AM
doesn't this cost a substantial amount of money to get in to? the amount of around $175 was brought up with these comps at a meeting.

it says $2500 on the website.  So apparently people can't just turn up and watch...


I have sent an email because that seems ridiculous to myself. Will post next week when I get a reply.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,I think its about $15:00 per person to get in the gate????


i should think it is a fairly standard, small fee for observers... however a team fee would mbe mroe obviously...

PF - its the Australasian  ROAD CRASH CHALLENGE - competitions...


EMail received back regards entry costs to the competition

"...Its $5.00 entry for the public, or a gold coin donation entry for emergency service people on production of ID..."
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.



Found some more information in the July 2006 SASESVA Frontline magazine at (page 5 of the PDF).

"...Entry to the Challenge is $5 per adult & $10 per family, children under 16 free. An entry ticket provides access for up to 3 days. Host agency (SES, MFS & CFS) members may attend by way of a gold coin donation, on production of Service ID...."

"...Function ticket costs are:
Opening & Welcome Ceremony = $35 (meal incl)
Swap Meet = $35 (meal incl)
Symposium = $100 (incl lunch, morn & afternoon tea)
Closing Ceremony = $70 (dinner incl)...

Tickets for social functions may be booked on the Challenge website, which provides information on all aspects of the event....

A range of souvenir Challenge also available through the website...."
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


well i would be keen to go, but ill be in tassie.... so there ya are.

somebody take lots  of pics and post em up.


Email received last night from my SES Unit regards the competition. Some of the graphics have been removed when converting the original PDF to text for posting.

So what are your plans for next weekend?

South Australia and your emergency services (SES, CFS and SAMFS) are hosting the 2006 Australasian Rescue Challenge from Friday 21 July through to Sunday 23 July at the Adelaide Showground at Wayville.

The event will see 23 fire and rescue teams from across Australia and New Zealand come together to showcase their skills and to compete in a range of road accident scenarios.

The really good news is that the entire event will be conducted in the warm and dry environment of the Wayville Pavilion. No more rain, no more sunstroke (not that
sunstroke is a risk right now).

The event is very strongly supported by Holden Ltd, with more than 70 almost new Commodores, Monaros (yes new Monaros) and other Holden vehicles being 'massaged' into shape for the scenarios so that the teams can force entry and extricate the casualties.

So if your weekend ahead isn't already booked up with visits to relatives, shopping forays into the crowds or dodging the rain in the garden, why not come and join us?

Where else can you stay warm and dry, support your emergency services, and watch brand new Holdens being turned into second hand cars very rapidly? And all this for a gold coin donation and a $5.00 car park fee. Best times 9am to 4pm each day. We also have souvenir merchandise (shirts, caps etc) for sale, and a trade display to
browse through in between events.

So bring your identity card, a gold coin or three, and come support the services in this showcase Australasian event.

Stuart Macleod
Road Crash Rescue Organising Committee
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Went today, they need more for the public to do and be more interactive as it was not very interesting for the public.  Maybe the announcer should be telling the public what and why the crews are doing this.  Also they had some trucks sitting on the side, maybe alowing the public to look inside or sit in would ahve been good, great for the kids.

Maybe Im being to critical. but just thought it could have been a bit more public friendly...  :|

my thoughts.


yea i would have to agree with you there PF, i went on Friday and it was not at all public friendly.

also what do people think about the 20min time for all the comps, I did not see one full job before it was cut off by the buzzer, it would be more intresting if they finished it.


What else was there ? Trade displays ? Much else to look at?


yea there were trade displays, and three trucks, a CFS, MFS, and SES. just sitting there. but that was all.


Would have been good if they opened up the trucks, the Merc MFS truck (woodville skyjet) looks pretty good. 

Burwood FB (NSW) got the person out and secured before the whistle went. 

I left after only an hour and a half or so, only so much car cutting up to watch.


The comps arent about finishing the job though. Just seeing how people undertake the rescue is educational enough. Once youve got the opening done, the whole spine board + person is all a bit same old, same old. Are the comps really for the public? I personally don't think so. Imagine how annoying the commentary for *EVERY* cut would get.

Had a good look over a very dirty Dalkieth 34P. I assume that the 'P' stands for 'Penis' as thats what the 38mm Monitor looks like on the font... Very... dodgy.


yea i agree, it did not look like the "new" "hi tec" for the CFS, cords hanging out and all, pfff, give me a hose any day.  :roll:


No, I'll take our mid mounted 64mm monitor anyday. But its a REAL monitor, none of this crazy penis looking stuff.