Volunteer Mag

Started by Firefrog, September 28, 2005, 11:40:48 AM

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QuoteWould Be Good But I Didn't Receive This Issue Of The Vol???

Make sure you contact the MLO's to ensure you are on the mailing list.


Do you have something to contribute to the next edition of Volunteer magazine?

Work is well underway on the next edition, with distribution planned for September.

If you have any stories for the magazine or photos to submit for the photo competition send them to CFS Public Affairs by no later than Monday 10th July.

Submissions can be made via
Email - to publicaffairs@cfs.org.au.
Mail - to Volunteer Editor, CFS Public Affairs. GPO Box 2468, Adelaide SA 5001.

Photographs help 'make' stories so ensure you include them, (digital photos must be a minimum 600X600dpi)

If you would like your photos returned, please advise us and ensure you include your full name, address, phone number and brigade to assist us.

Thank you to those of you who have already put your hand up or have submitted articles. For anyone else who is interested here is your chance!

Any queries give me a buzz on 08 8463 4289 or at the above email.

Have a great long weekend
Cheers and smiles


Cybercitizen give me a call or email me with your details and I'll put one in the post to you and ensure you are on the distribution list for future.

If other CFS volunteers are not receiving a copy, please feel free to do the same.



If you are not getting the Volunteer when your brigade does its yearly return to the region make sure they place a "V" next to your name so as you get a copy... I unders stand that if all members get a copy a VFBA member is going to do some running????


Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting articles for the September Volunteer magazine is fast approaching.

If you are looking to submit an article, we need it ASAP!  :-D

Email it to publicaffairs@cfs.org.au or post to Volunteer Magazine, GPO Box 2468 Adelaide SA 5001.

Also, if you have any photos to submit for the photo competition they are most welcome.

Thank you to those who have already submitted articles!

Cheers and smiles