Fire Reports email

Started by fire03rescue, June 10, 2006, 09:13:22 AM

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Does anyone email fire reports to CFS HQ :?

is the email :?


Quote from: fire03rescue on June 10, 2006, 09:13:22 AM
Does anyone email fire reports to CFS HQ :?

is the email :?

I can't help you whether the "cfshq" part is correct or not, but "" is missing the domain.  Maybe it's just a typo and you mean "", otherwise that could be the problem...


negative... there is no function in state for this.

however you can easily send them via computer using the fax function in microsoft word...


We where ment to be doing this as part of a test for CFS but nothing has taken place yet?? would make life a little easy and save some trees with all the paperwork....


Do any CFS stations actually have internet set up?



I guess a lot of group bases would have it.


Do you have the forms in electronic format? Have been trying to get a copy but was told it was not available  :?
Do you know where I can get a copy from?



Quote from: backburn on June 13, 2006, 08:12:52 AM
Do you have the forms in electronic format? Have been trying to get a copy but was told it was not available  :?
Do you know where I can get a copy from?

contact region.


We just fax it.  Also provides a hard copy to file also..

The Assistant

Fire reports can be done on the computer and faxed but it is always a good idea to print off a hard copy for you brigade files, the computer based forms have been around for a few years now.
"Don't Double Dip the Spoon"


I believe the online reporting was going to be done via a webpage and HTML forms, not by email. That project has been put on hold while the CFS is being distracted by the coroner's inquest...
State headquarters don't put who attended the fire into their database, so if you want to know who's crewing your trucks, its easiest to keep a copy for your station...