Not sure how much value there is in a TV recruitment campaign.......
Studies done by a researcher from WA looked at why people join volunteer groups. The main reason they joined was because someone asked them to join. A very low number (I think around 2%, but that may not be correct), joined because they saw ads on TV.........
In terms of value for money, some specific leaflets, perhaps hand delivered to potential members, is perhaps a far better use of funding.
A number of years ago, my brigade was struggling with members. With some funding (around $300, and with the assistance of the VSO,) we got some specific leaflets printed up about our brigade, and hand delivered them to everyone in the district (we only have around 100 or so houses in the whole district).
In the following months, we ended up with several new members (which we still retain some 5 or 6 years later)
For us, a small investment by CFS of $300, plus a lot of work by brigade members proved to be excellent value for money.
You certainly have to question the Government's actions (or lack thereof?) in relation to funding for recruitment programs. Although I suspect, if you asked them, the answer would be "we have funded the CFS appropriately, and it is up to them to determine how that money is spent." I don't know enough about how the system works to know if this is the case or not!!