No Recruitment support noThanks Minister Zollo for the Volunteer Page

Started by blackout, October 17, 2006, 01:45:34 PM

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Dear Mr Rann and Minister Zollo, I am writing to you both in relation to the comments in the latest edition on the CFS Volunteer magazine.

Within this magazine you mentioned that following the Volunteer Summit that there was a strong focus on recruitment and retention of future volunteers in the service.You reminded volunteers that the Rann Government had set up the Volunteer Management Branch to provide assistance and support within this area.

May I point out that this is a failure as very recently our brigade approached our local CFS Group and then our Regional HQ seeking financial assistance in this area. Our proposal was  to allow us to pursue a recruitment program governed by postcode in our local response area using a flyer designed and tailored for our brigade.

We were duly informed that neither would fund this proposal. I then contacted  the Regional VSO for further clarity who then directly contacted the VMB . The VSO promptly returned my call, again the message was the same, no budget for recruitment. Their only option was for us to run with a very weak proposal consisting of some generic flyers that we could attach our message. This was not acceptable and was not what we desired.Besides that we would have to photocopy over 1000 times these pamphlets to get the desired number, we declined!

In a year that has been touted as one of the worst seasons(6 weeks early & likely to extend beyond normal closing time) a CFS brigade tries to be proactive and attract new blood and bolster its ranks, receives no help. We have instead paid for this out of brigade raised funds and decided to go ahead without support.I am sure the community would be most interested in your answer.

My question to you is how is this supporting the volunteers?



Interesting letter, although i hope you emailed it to the relevant people as well.....

Will be interested to read any responses also...




I was once told that the ministers mail is forwarded onto a more relevant party.

So more than likely the response will come from either SHQ or Your Regional Commander.

Compton CFS Website


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,so where has the money gone that was put aside for volunteer recruitment???   I know its in all those filtered baseball hats that get printed after every large fire or summit that people go to...
blinky bill
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I spent all day at the show doing PR for the CFS.  Certainly wasnt much to give out in the way of info or promo stuff for the kids.

Wasnt even allowed to let the kids look over the truck because of OHS supposedly.  what a load of ****
Compton CFS Website


Not let kids look over the truck? What OHS directive was this? We still show the kids over the appliances, let them get in and all that.

Have you got your load of Smokey Transfers/Smokey Activity books/rulers etc?


blinky bill
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Quote from: 2090 on October 21, 2006, 06:16:40 PM
Not let kids look over the truck? What OHS directive was this? We still show the kids over the appliances, let them get in and all that.

Have you got your load of Smokey Transfers/Smokey Activity books/rulers etc?

This is what i was told by a paid staffer and a group officer.

yeah got the load but dun know seems like there is better stuff to be giving out
Compton CFS Website


Cam,try doing a school visit and when you ask for hand outs they say sorry we dont have any or the staff member who is in charge of all the hand out stuff is away on for kids going over the trucks what a load of crap if they are being supervised by CFS members what is the problem...OHS has alot to answer for and I can tell you there is one rule for one lot and one rule for others....
blinky bill
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SA Firey

Last PR vist I did handouts at, all we had was the Wildfire brochures and Bushfire Regs and we raided the station to dig up some stickers for the kids :evil:
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Found out today there is a new letter out from H/Q that says only CFS members at allowed on the fire appliances. Now it does not say if its being driven or standing still so what is the harm of the kids looking over the appliances and would this new rule also stop those looking at joining from looking over the whole appliances...
blinky bill
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blinky bill
my view only

SA Firey

The kids are confused enough as it is with us having white appliances when they know that a firetruck is red,and now they cant get on for a look :x

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OHS is killing all the fun with in the CFS,OHS is only used when people feel like using it or when they having nothing else to say... I can understand that we need to get more bums on the appliance seat but really who sits in the white tower and makes these rules needs to get out from behind the desk and see what members really do. What is the harm of taking the public for a look over the whole appliance??? what is the harm of taking part in the local town Xmas parade with brigade members on that appliance?? what is wrong with taking your kids with you when you do a 30km weekly run???? and by the way who is going to tell the paid staff sorry you cant take your kids to and from school in the staff car as your not CFS members..... So why is it that when brigades/groups want to run a recruitment campain there is no money??? to help you out sorry...Well sorry is just not good enough and its time someone put there hand up and said where all the money is........

blinky bill
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Let the kids look over the appliance yes. But dont take them on the 30 km run. What happens if you get a job while you are out? It does happen.


Ath,it does happen but most brigades have a rule if they are paged for a job return to station normal road conditions(no light/siren)unload the kids and yourself...
blinky bill
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Hey to all you people out there who can't read a story wake up!

The piece was about not being able to get support or funding for recruitment not about kids riding on trucks. It was about getting money for a serious recruitment drive to attract members.It was about having a Minister tell everyone in the Volunteer that there was support and when we as a brigade sought that support both financial and physical it was not there.
We were told there was no Budget!!!!



shhh.................................................we're off on a tangent


So where has the money gone for Volunteer recruitment?? We where informed at a group meeting sometime ago that there would be a new recruitment campain on TV but still have not seen it????
blinky bill
my view only


Not sure how much value there is in a TV recruitment campaign.......

Studies done by a researcher from WA looked at why people join volunteer groups.     The main reason they joined was because someone asked them to join.   A very low number (I think around 2%, but that may not be correct), joined because they saw ads on TV.........

In terms of value for money, some specific leaflets, perhaps hand delivered to potential members, is perhaps a far better use of funding.

A number of years ago, my brigade was struggling with members.  With some funding (around $300, and with the assistance of the VSO,) we got some specific leaflets printed up about our brigade, and hand delivered them to everyone in the district (we only have around 100 or so houses in the whole district).

In the following months, we ended up with several new members (which we still retain some 5 or 6 years later)

For us, a small investment by CFS of $300, plus a lot of work by brigade members proved to be  excellent value for money.

You certainly have to question the Government's actions (or lack thereof?) in relation to funding for recruitment programs.  Although I suspect, if you asked them, the answer would be "we have funded the CFS appropriately, and it is up to them to determine how that money is spent."    I don't know enough about how the system works to know if this is the case or not!!

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

SA Firey

Noticed a lot of brigades with the recruitment banners out on the weekend,and the select few of the public that take up the option is low but half a dozen is better than none :-)
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