Kalangadoo CFS

Started by Camo, May 15, 2006, 06:50:49 PM

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Thanks bajads  :-D it was a long climb to the top i can tell you that for a start but it will be sometime before im able to get the right equipment and turnout gear to provide full on fire & rescue cover for SEAC events as the PBI gear costs a fair bit of money along with fire extinguisers and so on :-)

Oh yeah Blinky would it be possible for me to become a freelance CFS volunteer so i can train with different brigades
Kalangadoo Brigade


No sure robert I would contact the VSO at region five H/Q and ask her for advice on that one...

Crankster 34

Ah there we go, thats the sort of stuff we're after Robert, see you put a smile on my face already. Good on ya.

I can't see any problems with you being a freelance firefighter Robert, just keep the paging feed running at home and when you see someone get responded to a cool job head out there in your 14 ute and see if you can help them - sounds ok to me.
Crankster on scene, you can take a stop...


Well Crankster 34 i am gonna be asking my supervisor who is the head official for motor,auto and khanacross events at SEAC park if it would be possible for me to get sponsors who can provide me with a fitted 14 QAV unit that has all the equipment required for fire & rescue cover at SEAC park

Plus due to the fact that SEAC doesnt have a official fire marshall i'll be given that role because at the moment fire cover is done by the head officials and recovery team

P.S. i have purchased a hard hat and some green overalls as my fire marshall unifrom because i dont know what colour is meant to be used  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


So is it going to be a 14 OR a QAV? Two different things buddy...


Actually Toast QAV & 14 Units are the same but there is different classes of 14 units in the CFS

1.RCR 14 Units
2.Rural Fire Fighting 14 Units
3.Urban Fire Fighting 14 units

Were getting slightly off topic now  :-o anyways i am going to see if it would be possible to get sponsors to provide me with a ute,fire equipment and comms equipment.... but i havent though of which companies to approach for all of this yet  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


actually robert 14s and QAVs are differant....

a 14 carries 1000L of water, where as a QAV could carry any amount.... (to a degree :) )


But when you look at it both ways medevac a 14 unit and a QAV unit are classed as a 14 unit full stop.... although you are right in one retrospect with the fact that a 14 unit does carry 1000 litres plus foam
where as a QAV carries 600 litres of water

So the answer to toast's question now that medevac has clarified the differences between a 14 and QAV im gonna try and get a QAV  :-D but like i said its just the matter of finding the right sponsors
Kalangadoo Brigade



and feels dumber from the experience...  :wink:


Quote from: medevac on July 29, 2006, 08:26:28 PM
actually robert 14s and QAVs are differant....
a 14 carries 1000L of water, where as a QAV could carry any amount.... (to a degree :) )

a 14 nominally carries 1000L of water, there is plenty around with only around 600-800L and then there's the national parks ones with as little as 400L, eg.


Good news everybody i finally got my 3rd trainee officials event signed off today after a long and tiring day which involved me being in the firing line of 2 heavy downpours of rain , 1 hail storm and really cold gale force winds

I supposed all of you are wondering why i was out in the the rain so i'll explain it to you..... the first half of the day until after lunch i was under direct supervision by 2 officials

After lunch the head marshall decided to put me where the action was being that i had a radio so she placed me on one of the corners where the witches hats were known be to knocked over by khanacross cars... during my posting that this particular corner it poured down with rain soaking from head to toe

Once the track was reconfigured for the finaltrial my part was no longer being used so i was placed on the safety zone of the track close to the timers box to make sure no cones were knocked down

During that time another downpour of rain happened followed by a hail storm which completely soaked me and my trusty UHF handheld but i was able to some how pack up all the cones where i was and carry them to the timers box despite shivering cold

Now all i have to do is ring CAMS ask about Module 4 and how i go about studying and being accredited as a full fledged grade 4 fire & rescue official

I was told that im able to do Module 4 on the internet but am gonna find this out  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


All hail, Robert, Saviour and Hero of Traffic Cones across the land.

Also, congrats.


Thanks toast and to be honest i didnt expect the head marshall to put me on the race track unsupervised being that i was still a trainee but it was that fact i had a UHF handheld capable on communicating with race control and timers

I wish i could have taken a pic of my jeans,socks and boots after getting home late this arvo so everyone could see how wet and muddy it was at SEAC ParkĀ  :lol:
Kalangadoo Brigade

SA Firey

could also double as an SES member if you like to get wet and muddy :-D
Images are copyright


Quote4-6 callouts a year

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, oh sorry but i just had to :-D :-D, you could do worse you know, there are stations out there that only get one. consider yourself lucky :lol:


How about those brigades that don't get any?


Total Incidents for 2005-06      :lol: 9   :lol:

well done they are up on last year.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:, maybe it is worth staying around Robert34



Do youse fight to get on the appliance Rob, 9 calls sint much to share around...




go get em robert


Yes i did respond Manny but sadly we only had 2 crew myself and the 1st lieutenant :cry:

The best part is that i finally after all these years got to be radio operator & map reader  :wink: which i can say without doubt passed with flying colours despite having the GRN & VHF radios going at the same time  :-D
Kalangadoo Brigade


Good on you mate!  How did the new truck go? a bit faster than your old one?


did you actually do some firefighting??


Well CFS_firey the first lieutenant who was my OIC had a hard time find the gears while responding  :lol: no surprise there but the new truck went where the old truck wouldnt go down a narrow scrub path  :-D of course we had to have SAPOL guide us in

Kalangadoo Brigade