rope rescue equipment

Started by probie_boy, May 10, 2006, 09:34:00 AM

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hey everyone,

what rope rescue gear do you have? Our captain showed us some of his own gear (its part of his business) which is pretty much what we would get. They included sit in harnesses, carabina's, this ribbon tapey type stuff for tying ropes to girders and so on, spine board and another type of stretcher that you clipped the person into. Looked like the same material as the salvage sheets.

So, post away!


the "ribbon tapey type stuff" is called 'rescue tape' .... technical i know ;)


haha...yeah i thought it would have been something like that!


I Think You Are Referring To The Straps Used To Create Ancor Points, Eg So You Can Tie Off To Trees.


We have a full set of rope rescue gear and it gets a good work out in the Naracoorte caves....


the 'rescue tape' would be in large loops? there slings, as other ppl have said, great for use in anchors. not sure what the second kind of stretcher you mean is... is it  a soft stretcher? thats sort of built around the casualty? there are many variations...

Quotewhich is pretty much what we would get
hope this doesnt mean you guys are thinking of busting into the scene??  :-D :-D

ive got craploads of all that stuff.. minus the spinal board/resceu stretcher... good old rockclimbing days...

Alan (Big Al)

We want to get a rescue litter to put on our 24P down at Goolwa, because we do alot of work with SAAS with patient lifts out of old folks units, boats, beach etc..etc.. it would be really handy, but our group won't let us get it because they think that if we get it we might decide to get smart and try and do rope rescue type stuff with it, which is stupid, because they don't trust us  we don't get a handy piece of equippment. :|

But even if our group did approve it, it would be up to region to approve it aswell i suppose???
Lt. Goolwa CFS


the stelth borads are good for short lifts from the floor into the ambos trolley and great to get people out of the car..

Alan (Big Al)

The litter would be better, because quite often we get people out of windows and it would be especially good out of boats because the litter has got sides at least.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


i have a theory that at least all rescue brigades should have a stokes... re; spinal boards, why bother when every ambulance carries a full & a half length?

a stokes wuld be good for all brigades, as any of us can be called to assist saas, but probly not too feasible...


Stokes is good but it is no good at MVA's comes in use when taking people out the window of a house have done this a couple of times.Some ambos dont have the stelth board they have the old hard yello back boards....


what exactly is a stealth board??? i know for a fact that ALL saas ambulances have a full length and a half on board...

Alan (Big Al)

The Vollies at Goolwa or the IC Paramedics at Victor Harbor don't have the half length i've never seen the half length on an ambulance before...

They've got these new spinal boards that are thicker than the old ones and are bright orange, i can tell you thicker doesn't mean stronger, we had a patient lift and the person was around 160kgs and i can say now that i've seen a spinal board bow 6-8inches in the middle.

So for anyone out there looking to get a spinal board for their appliance find an old yellow one they are much stronger (Another piece of useless info for everyone 8-))
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Off topic but medevac, I have been to a few jobs were we have had to remove a deceased patient and the ambos have left the scene and we have needed the extracation board


ahhh that'd suck. thats where improvisation comes inĀ  :wink:

chances are if there dead then there not going to complain... so use the 'little giant ladder' or something liek that if you can get it under them.


I shall take a photo and post,what happened to respect the dead medevac???


by all means respect... im just saying you dont have to worry so much about discomfort/aggravatig injuries through movement as much...

a ladder with a blanket on it is a good alternative to a spinal board.


But is the ladder an approved CFS lifting tool????? or is there a SOP on a ladder being used to lift someone :lol:


phht... i wouldnt know if there an 'approved lifting tool'... but they are rated to take certain hundreds of kilos generally... does the heirachy really need to know anyway? who, at a brigade level, is going to car?


All I can say is big brother is watching..........


Its time to go..............................................................................................DOA

This is big brother, take the ladder to the diary room, err ambulance.

I been eating too many scotch fingers..


Big brother here is a BOMB :evil:(joke)


Quote from: rescue5271 on May 10, 2006, 07:00:47 PM
We have a full set of rope rescue gear and it gets a good work out in the Naracoorte caves....

Blinky. Just for my curiosity. Do you carry a Larkin frame as well as the crabs, whaletails, slings, etc ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


^^i believe they do. full vertical rescue kit, should be same stowage as any SES vertical kit.


Quote from: medevac on May 15, 2006, 08:22:32 AM
^^i believe they do. full vertical rescue kit, should be same stowage as any SES vertical kit.

If so, where do they stow and transport it ?

Have completed some training during the last few montyhs at a Metro SES Unit and they have problems finding the space to store the Larkin Frame, Rescue Litter, vertical backpacks and 50m/100m rope packs in the heavy rescue truck.

I assume they have a small appliance for Rescue with the gear stowed ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.