General Discussion > Fire Fighter Training
sprinkler/hydrant booster systems
really how well are brigades going to be able to boost these system s without a proper pumper anyway?
One of the problems is that when the site does have a bosster installed the local brigade only finds out after it is installed and they have no idea how it works. Mind you someone up the food chain in CFS must know that these are being installed and not passing the information onto the brigade... Parilla brigade have 3 large shed's in their area that is fully sprinklered and I am sure they have had no training on how the system works.
So do people think that CFS should have some sort of training in sprinkler systems?? if so how would this be done and where.
i dont think it requires its own training course.... maybe in the another BFF course when its developed. It wouldnt have to be a big module.
Sprinkler systems are not that complicated. It comes down to familiarity with the risks in your area. If you have fire suppression installations in your area it is up to you to arrange a site training session. In my experience the fire companies engaged to test and maintain the installations are also willing to provide some on site training to the CFS.
This is true firefrog,but people have to be first informed that they have been installed in their area rather than rock up and find there is one on site.. Yes it gets back to preplanning and knowing what is in you area....
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