Started by CFS_Firey, May 04, 2006, 10:26:33 AM

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I've heard the Frequent Responders Action Group mentioned about the place, but I'm not really sure what they did/do.
As far as I'm aware, they were a group of busy brigades that started to make a fuss and demand more recognition in the mid 90's...
Does anyone know anything more about them, what they did, and whether they are still active?

Their website is no help:


They just tried to get thinks done.
Allthough we are one service, we live in different areas and need different equipment, training etc.
I think they were just trying to improve the service


Did they bring about any changes, or did they just try?


What a load of crap,these FRAG members wanted way too much and just because they did xzy number of calls they wanted more but could not mann what they had... In some cases they wanted to be paid for fuel/training/call outs an so .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sounds like the retain MFS to me.....